Albert Bursche
(University of Zurich),
Albert Bursche
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
3/28/12, 8:30 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
Hamlet Zohrabian
3/28/12, 8:50 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
The production of photons at very small angles with respect to the proton
beam direction is studied in deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering at
HERA. The data are taken with the H1 detector in the years 2006 and 2007
and correspond to an integrated luminosity of $126 \mathrm{pb}^{-1}$. The
analysis covers the range of negative four momentum transfer squared at the
positron vertex...
Lidia Goerlich
(High Energy Department-Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst. Nucl. Physic)
3/28/12, 9:10 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
Deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering events at low photon virtuality Q^2 with a forward jet, produced at small angles with respect to the proton beam, are measured with the H1 detector at HERA. A subsample of events with an additional jet in the central region is also studied. For both samples differential cross sections and normalised distributions are measured as a function of the...
Francesco Hautmann
(University of Oxford (GB))
3/28/12, 9:30 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
We discuss QCD aspects of forward jet hadroproduction, including issues on factorization at large rapidities; shower Monte Carlo implementations; the role of forward jet and energy flow measurements at the LHC to investigate contributions to parton showers from large-angle gluon radiation and from multiple parton interactions.
Simone Marzani
(IPPP / Durham University)
3/28/12, 9:50 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
I discuss jet vetoes as a means of probing colour flow in hard scattering processes in hadronic collisions. As an example, I describe a calculation of the dijet cross-section with a jet veto which resums the leading logarithms of the veto scale and it is matched to a fixed-order computation.
I compare this prediction to the measurement performed by the ATLAS collaboration as well as to other...
José Daniel Madrigal
(IFT UAM/CSIC, Madrid)
3/28/12, 10:30 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
Perturbative N=4 SYM computations for dijet production within the BFKL regime are shown to approach closely QCD predictions for suitable observables sensitive to the Möbius invariance of Regge limit. This similarity is strengthened by an appropriate choice of renormalization scale.
David Zaslavsky
(Penn State University)
3/28/12, 10:50 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
We investigate the effects of the saturation boundary on small-x evolution at the next-to-leading order accuracy and beyond. We demonstrate that the instabilities of the next-to-leading order BFKL evolution are not cured by the presence of the nonlinear saturation effects, and a resummation of the higher order corrections is therefore needed for the nonlinear evolution. The renormalization...
Martin Hentschinski
3/28/12, 11:10 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
We report on recent progress in the evaluation of next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections to forward-backward jet observables, using Lipatov's QCD high energy effective action. We calculate both real and virtual corrections to the quark induced forward jet vertex at NLO, making use of a new regularization method and a subtraction mechanism. We also present the real NLO corrections to the...
Andreas Vogt
(University of Liverpool)
3/28/12, 11:30 AM
Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons
Recently a method has been developed to extend the resummation of large-x double logarithms in inclusive DIS and semi-inclusive e^+e^- annihilation (SIA) to terms and quantities not addressed by the soft-gluon exponentiation. The N^nLL (leading log, next-to-leading log etc) resummation is based on N^nLO fixed-order results, the large-x structure of DIS and SIA in dimensional regularization and...