Emmanuele Salvati
(Cornell University (US))
The upgrade of the LHC machine is planned to deliver luminosities 5 to
10 times larger than the design one of 1e34 cm-2s-1. A novel tracking
system for the CMS experiment must be designed and built. One main
aspect of the current activities consists in understanding the
capabilities that different designs such a tracker would have to
provide for the Level 1 hardware trigger to complement the muon and
calorimeter information. Data rate reduction at hardware level
consists in both reducing multiple hits from a single track and
rejection of low Pt tracks. Pattern-based hit correlation of properly
built clusters of hits would provide quality Level 1 primitives to the
hardware trigger. These can be combined together in a projective
geometry to perform a rough tracking to be implemented online,
returning rough Pt, direction and vertex information for a candidate
track. The benchmark results from simulations within the official CMS
framework are presented for one particular layout based on barrel
trigger layers, emphasizing the flexibility of this tool for the
design and test of different tracking strategies at level 1 to be
compared with the developments in trigger architectures
Emmanuele Salvati
(Cornell University (US))