Joey Huston
(Michigan State University (US))
The Les Houches NLO wishlist is a compilation of NLO calculations that are both needed by the experimental community and practical from the theoretical perspective. The wish list was started in 2005,
and added to in 2007 and 2009. In 2011, given the advances in automatic NLO calculations, we have closed the wish list, and instead have added a similar list for calculations needed at NNLO. I will discuss this NNLO list and why the calculations are crucial. I will also discuss multi-partonic NLO calculations such as those from Blackhat+Sherpa, show comparisons to data from ATLAS, and indicate kinematic regions/variables where the pure NLO prediction does not agree with the data, but the NLO prediction, augmented by additional NLO information from higher partonic multiplicities, does provide a better agreement. I will discuss the technical problems with such an approach and how they may be overcome.
Primary author
Joey Huston
(Michigan State University (US))