Morning 1
- Tao Han
Morning 1
- Ambar Jain (Carnegie Mellon University)
Morning 1
- Sally Dawson (BNL)
Joey Huston
(Michigan State University (US))
10/05/2012, 09:30
The Les Houches NLO wishlist is a compilation of NLO calculations that are both needed by the experimental community and practical from the theoretical perspective. The wish list was started in 2005,
and added to in 2007 and 2009. In 2011, given the advances in automatic NLO calculations, we have closed the wish list, and instead have added a similar list for calculations needed at NNLO. I...
Markus Schulze
(Argonne National Laboratory)
11/05/2012, 09:00
Stefan Dittmaier
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
11/05/2012, 09:30
Giuseppe Bevilacqua
(RWTH Aachen)
12/05/2012, 08:30
Giovanni Ossola
(New York City College of Technology (CUNY))
12/05/2012, 09:00
Rikkert Frederix,
Rikkert Frederix
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
12/05/2012, 09:30