TALENT in the ATLAS and IBL contexts.
Overview of TALENT, what TALENT wants to achieve (training and technical goals), TALENT in the context of the ATLAS Upgrade Program and Insertable B-Layer project, TALENT WP structure, introduction of each partner.
Heinz Pernegger(CERN)
ITN Management, Recruitment, and experience dealing with the EU20m40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
How the PO will help the partner, definition of responsibilities, schedule of non-technical deliverables (meetings, reviews. etc.)
Use of ITN collaborative tools
There is bus transportation from CERN to Peney (5km from CERN).
Map: http://www.cafedepeney.ch/peney-contact-fr.php
- Marbré de foie gras de canard, compotée de figues aux cinq épices et sa brioche toastée
- Filet d’esturgeon Suisse, vierge aux carciofinis sauvages de Chypre, olives Taggiasca
- Cœur de rumsteak de bœuf Black Angus façon Rossini, sauce périgueux, mousseline de pommes de terre
- Tartelette au chocolat Guanaja et griottines, crème glacée à l’Amarena