Fabio Maltoni(Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE)), Michelangelo Mangano(CERN), Paolo Nason(Univ. degli Studi Milano-Bicocca (IT)), Stefano Frixione(CERN)
The main goal of the Workshop is to discuss the theoretical issues emerging from the development and study of event generators based on NLO matrix elements and full parton shower evolution. Among the topics to be addressed in the workshop are the following:
1) Accuracy in NLO+PS; nominal accuracy: NLO, (N)LL, leading colour limitations, etc.
2) Differences between different formulations (differences between MC@NLO and POWHEG, etc.)
3) How to estimate uncertainties in NLO+PS:
- what to vary,
- uncertainties in the NLO implementation,
- uncertainties inherent to the shower interface,
- uncertainties inherent to the shower.
4) Validation of NLO+PS: where are we now, and alternative validation procedures.
5) future developments in NLO+PS
The Workshop will be centered on a few focused invited talks, to trigger ample and open discussions. Time permitting, we shall consider having a session with short individual contributions on other recent developments in this area.
EVO connection will be available: the link will appear on the agenda page 30' before the start of the meeting