(The University of Tokyo)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Novel Photon Detection systems
Poster Presentation
Recently, In order to decrease dead space to increase efficiency, several research using monolithic crystal have been conducting in the field of PET scanner[1]. Since pixelation of photo detector is necessary to get exact gamma ray interaction location, read out channel will greatly increase. Signal multiplex plays a important role to decrease read out channels, but almost every pixel emits...
Jon Lapington
(University of Leicester)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Novel Photon Detection systems
Poster Presentation
Microchannel plate based photomultipliers are the major technology for single photon imaging at time resolutions below 200 ps. We describe a technique to improve microchannel plate (MCP) detector dynamic range and lifetime by means of a novel technology, an “active anode” employing atomic layer deposition (ALD) to provide an additional gain stage after the MCP. The technique has direct...
Faith Green
(University of Surrey)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Life Sciences, Biology and Medicine
Poster Presentation
This work aims to investigate an alternative approach to the use of an anti-scatter grid for removing scatter in breast cancer screening. The successful removal of scatter will aid in improving image quality in mammography and therefore improve the detection of features that suggest the presence of cancer. The work uses a novel pixellated spectroscopic detector combined with a broadband...
Jon Lapington
(University of Leicester)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Novel Photon Detection systems
Poster Presentation
The Capacitive Division Image Readout (C-DIR) is a centroiding image readout for single photon counting detectors such as microchannel plate (MCP) photomultipliers and micro pattern gas detectors. Division of the event charge occurs through a capacitively coupled two-dimensional matrix of electrodes to a small number of readout nodes where charge measurement followed by a position decoding...
Steven Leach
(University of Leicester)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Astronomy, Planetary and Space Science
Poster Presentation
The Capacitive Division Image Readout (C-DIR) is a novel image readout offering major performance advantages over traditional techniques. C-DIR’s very low electronic noise facilitates a combination of high spatial resolution and high event count rate capability. Coupling the C-DIR with microchannel plate photon counting and utilising a pulse digitisation approach allows the use of adaptive...
Edgar Allanwood
(Open University)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Astronomy, Planetary and Space Science
Poster Presentation
The performance of two e2v CCDs which are beamline-irradiated to levels representative of a mission end of life are the subject of this study. A spot projection system was constructed in order to project pseudo-galaxies onto areas of the CCDs, each partially irradiated with end of life and half end of life proton fluences. The photon transfer behaviour of a front-illuminated CCD273 and...
Artto Aurola
(Pixpolar Oy / Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology (FI))
11/09/2014, 14:00
Novel Photon Detection systems
Poster Presentation
We have developed a novel photon detector concept based on Modified Internal Gate Field Effect Transistor (MIGFET) wherein a buried Modified Internal Gate (MIG) is implanted underneath the channel of a FET. In between the MIG and the channel of the FET there is depleted semiconductor material forming a potential barrier between charges in the channel and similar type signal charges located in...
Sung-Woo Kwak
(Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging
Poster Presentation
Uranium enrichment is one of the most important factors in nuclear material safeguards. The accuracy of the IAEA's verification methods is dependent upon the type for a radiation detector used during inspections. The IAEA''s COMPUCEA (COMbined Procedure for Uranium Concentration and Enrichment Assay) employs the use of LaBr3 (Ce) to measure uranium enrichment at low-enriched uranium fuel...
Mohammad Nakhostin
(University of Surrey)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Nuclear Physics
Poster Presentation
Fast scintillation detectors such as LaBr3(Ce) and CeBr3 have appeared as a good candidate for timing and energy measurements in nuclear physics experiments and also for use in medical imaging modalities such as positron emission tomography (PET) systems. Since in such applications the number of data channels is generally large, a proper multi-channel data acquisition system is required to...
Kentaro Toh
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Detectors for Neutron facilities
Poster Presentation
A spatial resolution of a wavelength-shifting (WLS) fibre detector coupled with a ZnS/6LiF scintillator screen was evaluated experimentally as a function of a scintillator thickness and a diametre of the WLS fibre. The spatial resolutions were measured separately with respect to the light spreading within the scintillator or within the layre of the WLS fibres. The empirical formula was derived...
Kentaro Toh
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Detectors for Neutron facilities
Poster Presentation
A multiwire-type two-dimensional neutron detector system using individual line readout and optical signal transmission method is developed for use in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J=PARC). The sensitive area was 128 × 128 mm2 with a pitch of 1 mm in both directions (x and y), and the 256 signal lines are...
Nathan Bush
(The e2v Centre for Electronic Imaging)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Novel Photon Detection systems
Poster Presentation
Electron Multiplying CCDs (EMCCDs) are a relatively recent class of devices that have found a variety of applications ranging from astronomy to microbiology. The key distinction from a conventional CCD lies in the addition of a multiplication register, which uses high electric fields to increase signal size through the process of impact ionisation. The result is a highly sensitive device,...
Daniel Weatherill
(The Open University)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Astronomy, Planetary and Space Science
Poster Presentation
Recent observations of significant nonlinearity in the observed noise statistics of Back Illuminated, deep depletion CCD sensors have been attributed to signal dependent charge sharing between pixels, after several more obvious explanatory possibilities have been eliminated. The sub-Poisson noise observed in these cases may be explained by a correlation between the amount of signal present...
Sergi Esteban
(Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM,CSIC)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Detectors for Neutron facilities
Poster Presentation
**Neutron detection and the REWARD Project**
Neutron detection is essential to intercept and find out the location of radiological threats like radioactive sources or special nuclear materials (SNM) that could be used to build improvised nuclear weapons or dirty bombs.
To enhance nuclear security, the FP7 European project Real Time Wide Area Radiation Surveillance System (REWARD) has been...
Nick Calvert
(University College London)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging
Poster Presentation
Time-of-Flight x-ray imaging uses the Time-of-Flight of scattered photons to determine the point of scatter, providing three dimensional information about an object under inspection. The spatial resolution of the method is dependant upon the timing resolution of the detector. When applied to security cargo screening a large array of detectors is required, however large dimension detectors...
Matthew Daykin
(AWE plc)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging
Poster Presentation
Muon Scattering Tomography offers a powerful method to image the contents of cargo containers. Muons are highly penetrating, natural particles originating in Earth’s upper atmosphere. At sea level muons have a flux of about 10 000 per square metre per minute. Most cosmic muons have sufficient energy to penetrate several metres of dense cargo, making them suitable for scanning cargo for...
Dominic Duxbury
(STFC, Rytherford Appleton Laboratory)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Detectors for Neutron facilities
Poster Presentation
The performance of the new position sensitive neutron detector arrays of the Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instrument SANS2d is described. The SANS2d instrument is one of the seven instruments currently available for users on the second target station (TS2) of the ISIS spallation neutron source. Since the instrument became operational in 2008 it has used two one metre square multi-wire...
Tetsuya Mizumoto
(Kyoto University)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging
Poster Presentation
We have developed an Electron-Tracking Compton Camera (ETCC) that can determine the arrival directions of sub-MeV/MeV gamma rays for the use of environmental gamma-ray observations. It is a hybrid detector consisting of a gaseous TPC, which has a 10 cm square two-dimensional position sensitive micropixel gaseous detector for detecting a recoil electron track, and a positionsensitive...
Tamiraa Ganbold
11/09/2014, 14:00
Detectors for FELS and other advanced Light Sources
Poster Presentation
This work deals with investigation of novel position sensitive devices
based on InGaAs/InAlAs Quantum Well (QW) for several applications of either
synchrotron or conventional light sources. Such QW devices may be used as fast and efficient detectors due to the
direct, low-energy band gap and high electron mobility at Room Temperature
Sinem Salva Diblen
(Ghent University (BE))
11/09/2014, 14:00
Gas-based detection methods
Poster Presentation
Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are a proven position sensitive gas detector technology which nowadays is becoming more widely used in High Energy Physics. GEMs offer an excellent spatial resolution and a high particle rate capability, with a close to 100% detection efficiency. In view of the high luminosity phase of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, these aforementioned features make GEMs...
George Randall
11/09/2014, 14:00
Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging
Poster Presentation
A novel method for providing directionality for radiation detection is presented. The concept is based upon the fact that detector response depends upon two properties of the active component in the detector: the radiation pathlength and the area presented to a particle flux. Thus a rotating slab of detector gives a characteristic temporal response that can be used to identify the direction of...
Roberto Guida
11/09/2014, 14:00
Gas-based detection methods
Poster Presentation
The emission of greenhouse gases is becoming an important subject for the design of future particle detectors and the operation of the present experiments. The particle physics detector community has already demonstrated to be sensitive to this topic at the design level: indeed, most of the gas systems recirculate the mixture injected.
Contributions from R134a, CF4 and SF6 dominate the...
Marcello Abbrescia
(Universita e INFN (IT))
11/09/2014, 14:00
Gas-based detection methods
Poster Presentation
The CMS muon system is based on three types of gaseous detectors, RPC, CSC and DT. While operating very well in the present conditions, upgrades are foreseen for each of the subsystems, necessary to cope with the increased pile-up, coming along with higher rates and radiation, during the upcoming periods of data taking.
Moreover, an important issue will be to make the system able to perform...