Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14 March 2012
University of Sussex, Pevensey 1
Europe/London timezone
NExT Meeting at Sussex - Towards the New Standard Model Wednesday, 14th March, University of Sussex This half-day meeting of the NExT theme will gather international research leaders and early career researchers to discuss recent progress and developments towards the new SM with a particular emphasis on Higgs physics, BSM searches, and astro-particles. The NExT Institute is a regional alliance in the South-East of England (SEPnet) to promote Particle Physics at the interface between theory and experiment. Participation is free of charge. Talks will run from 1300 - 1800, and sandwiches are available from 1215 in the foyer of Pevensey 2 (main physics building). The list of speakers includes: Alexander Belyaev (U Southampton & RAL) Frank Deppisch (UCL) John Ellis (KCL & CERN) Pedro Teixeira-Dias (RHUL) Francesca di Lodovico (QMUL) Mitesh Patel (IC)
University of Sussex, Pevensey 1
Pevensey 1 Building, University of Sussex, Falmer Campus, Brighton BN1 9QH