Karel Safarik
A baryon anomaly – an increase baryon-to-meson production ratio at intermediate transverse momenta in heavy-ion collisions when compared to proton–proton collisions – is observed at RHIC and the LHC. This effect is usually explained by recombination of constituent quarks during QGP hadronisation, or as a consequence of a strong radial flow developed during the heavy-ion collision. In this contribution, a different mechanism to favour baryon-over-meson production is proposed: when hadrons are formed in the recombination of nearby quarks and antiquarks, only colour-singlet combinations can be chosen. Hadron formation, in particular the probability to create baryons or mesons, depends on the distribution of colour charges among quarks. If the distribution is random – a reasonable assumption for Quark–Gluon Plasma (QGP) – the baryon-to-meson ratio is nearly twice higher than in the situation where quark colours are pre-arranged to obtain a white hadron in the combination of nearest quarks and antiquarks. The correlation of colour charges in the QGP also influences the distance over which recombination occurs. A study of the dependencies of the baryon-to-meson ratio and of the size of the recombination domain on the colour-correlation configuration will be presented.
Eugene Levin
(Tel Aviv University and Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Valparaiso)
Karel Safarik
Mikhail Ryskin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Peer reviewing
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