Shingo Sakai
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
In heavy-ion collisions, charm and beauty (heavy flavour) quarks are produced primarily in the initial, hard partonic interactions. They successively interact with the hot and dense Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) expected to be formed in such collisions. Therefore, measurements of heavy flavour production provide relevant information on the properties of the QGP.
This talk presents measurements by the ALICE Collaboration of electrons from heavy flavour decays at central rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV. Electrons are identified using several detectors of the ALICE central barrel.
Electrons from beauty decays are separated based on their displacement from the interaction vertex. The nuclear modification factor of inclusive electrons from heavy flavour decays and of electrons from beauty decays, as a function of transverse momentum and collision centrality, will be presented.
Collaboration ALICE
(CERN Geneva, Switzerland)
Shingo Sakai
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
Peer reviewing
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