SPES ONE-DAY WORKSHOP: Transfer reactions with RIBs
Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo Ed. 6, Via Cintia, Napoli - Italy
The SPES study group (GSS) is promoting a series of “SPES one-day” Workshops. The aim of these meetings is to discuss the various topics that have been the subject of Letters of Intent (LOI) presented at the SPES 2010 International Workshop in Legnaro, November 15-17, 2010, as well as to propose new LOIs. On the whole, there will be 5 meetings to be held in 2012 and 2013.
The first meeting "Transfer reactions with RIBs" will be held in Napoli on April 20.
If you wish to take part in the Workshop, please send an e-mail to gargano@na.infn.it before April 10, 2012