Jan Soldat
(Heidelberg University)
The DSSC (DEPFET Sensor with Signal Compression) consortium develops a 1MPixel detector for low energy X-rays at the European XFEL. The XFEL will produce 10 bursts per second, each containing 2880 X-ray pulses with a repetition rate of 4.5 MHz. X-ray photons of 0.5 − 6 keV are absorbed in hexagonal DEPFET pixels of 229 × 204 μm2 pitch with a nonlinear characteristic to achieve a high dynamic range. The sensors will be bump-bonded to readout ASICs of 64 × 64 pixels. Each pixel contains a filter with trapezoidal weighting function, a single slope ADC of 8-9 Bit resolution and a digital memory to store 640 events. A veto mechanism allows to discard uninteresting events. The analog part is powered down and the digital hit data is read out serially during the ≈ 100ms long burst gaps. The first fully functional bump-bonded prototype matrix chip of 16 x 8 pixels has been characterized electronically and with nonlinear DEPFET sensors. The ASIC architecture, the control, readout and veto mechanisms and an outlook to the large 64 x 64 pixel chip will be presented.
quote your primary experiment | European XFEL |
Primary authors
Jan Soldat
(Heidelberg University)
Peter Fischer
(Heidelberg University)
Christian Reckleben
Daniele Comotti
(University of Bergamo)
Emanuele Quartieri
(University of Pavia)
Florian Erdinger
(Heidelberg University)
Karsten Hansen
Luca Bombelli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Manfred Kirchgessner
(Heidelberg University)
Massimo Manghisoni
(Università di Bergamo - Italy)
Matteo Porro
(Max Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik)
Pradeep Kalavakuru
Stefano Facchinetti
(Politecnico di Milano)