Semiconductor Detectors 3
- Jochen Schieck (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
Semiconductor Detectors 3
- Jochen Schieck (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
14/02/2013, 09:00
It is foreseen to significantly increase the luminosity of the LHC by upgrading towards the HL-LHC (High Luminosity LHC) in order to harvest the maximum physics potential. Especially the PhaseII-Upgrade foreseen for 2021 will mean unprecedented radiation levels. All-silicon central trackers are being studied in ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, with extremely radiation hard silicon sensors to be employed...
Robert Klanner
(Hamburg University)
14/02/2013, 09:25
The high intensity and high repetition rate of XFEL, the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser presently under construction in Hamburg, results in X-ray doses of up to 1 GGy in pixel sensors for 3 years of operation. Within the AGIPD Collaboration the Hamburg group has systematically studied X-ray damage using test structures and segmented sensors fabricated on high-ohmic n-type silicon. MOS...
Alexandra Junkes
(Brown University)
14/02/2013, 09:50
The CMS tracker collaboration has initiated a large material investigation and irradia- tion campaign to identify the silicon material and design that fulfills all requirements for detectors for the high luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC).
A variety of silicon p − in − n and n − in − p test-sensors made from Float Zone (FZ), Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) and epitaxially grown...
Wolfgang Treberer-Treberspurg
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
14/02/2013, 10:15
In most High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments tracking and vertexing is realized by silicon detectors. Sensors, which are foreseen to be used at future collider experiments like the HL-LHC are exposed to a very challenging radiation environment. Due to radiation induced lattice defects the effective doping concentration of such sensors crucially changes and additional energy levels inside the...
Stefano De Capua
(University of Manchester (GB))
14/02/2013, 11:30
LHCb is a dedicated experiment to study New Physics in the decays of heavy hadrons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Heavy hadrons are identified through their flight distance in the VELO, the retractable silicon-strip vertex detector surrounding the LHCb interaction point at only 7 mm from the beam during normal LHC operation.
Both VELO halves comprise 21 silicon micro-strip modules each....
Rudolf Fruhwirth
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
14/02/2013, 11:55
Successful track reconstruction in a silicon tracking device depends on the quality of the alignment, on the knowledge of the sensor resolution, and on the knowledge of the amount of material traversed by the particles. We describe algorithms for the concurrent estimation of alignment parameters, sensor resolutions and material thickness in the context of a test-beam setup. They are based on...
Jakob Lettenbichler
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna)
14/02/2013, 12:20
We present software based on novel techniques, developed for track finding in silicon trackers with a small number of layers. The core algorithm is a cellular automaton, followed by a Kalman filter and Hopfield neural network. We present results from two test cases. The first one is the Forward Tracking Detector (FTD) of the International Large Detector (ILD) at a future linear collider, which...