Semiconductor Detectors 2
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
Semiconductor Detectors 2
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
Mark Tobin
(Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
13/02/2013, 09:00
The LHCb experiment is designed to perform high-precision measurements of CP violation and search for New Physics using the enormous flux of beauty and charm hadrons produced at the LHC. The LHCb detector is a single-arm spectrometer with excellent tracking and particle identification capabilities.
The Silicon Tracker is part of the tracking system and measures very precisely the particle...
Markus Friedl
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
13/02/2013, 09:25
The KEK-B machine and the Belle experiment in Tsukuba (Japan) are now undergoing an upgrade, leading to an ultimate luminosity of 8x10^35 cm-2 s-1 in order to measure rare decays in the B system with high statistics.
The previous vertex detector cannot cope with a 40-fold increase of luminosity and thus needs to be replaced. Belle II will be equipped with a two-layer Pixel Detector,...
Christian Irmler
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
13/02/2013, 09:50
B-factories like the KEK-B in Tsukuba, Japan, operate at relatively low energies and thus require detectors with very low material budget in order to minimize multiple scattering. On the other hand, front-end chips with short shaping time like the APV25 have to be placed as close to the sensor strips as possible to reduce the capacitive load, which mainly determines the noise figure.
In order...
Manfred Valentan
(HEPHY Vienna)
13/02/2013, 10:15
High precision collider experiments at lepton accelerators and b-factories need highly accurate position resolution while preserving a low material budget for precise particle tracking. Thin double-sided silicon detectors (DSSDs) fulll both requirements, if a careful sensor
design is applied to preserve a high charge collection effciency.
In this continuation of a previous study we...
Serhiy Senyukov
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
13/02/2013, 11:30
ALICE is a general purpose experiment dedicated to the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC. After more than 3 years of successful operation, an upgrade of the apparatus during the second long shutdown of LHC (LS2) in 2017/18 is under study. One of the major goal of the proposed upgrade is to extend the physics reach for rare probes at low transverse momentum. The current Inner...
Nicola Pozzobon
(Universita e INFN (IT))
13/02/2013, 11:55
Over the next decade, several upgrades in the LHC and its injector chain will eventually increase the luminosity by up to a factor of 10 compared to the original design figure of 1034 cm-2s-1. In order to cope with the large number of interactions per bunch crossing, a novel tracking system for the CMS experiment will be designed and built. The new tracker will also provide information to the...
Marko Dragicevic
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
13/02/2013, 12:20
Most modern particle physics experiments use silicon based sensors for their tracking systems. These sensors are able to detect particles generated in high energy collisions with high spatial resolution and therefore allow the precise reconstruction of particle tracks. So far only a few vendors were capable of producing silicon strip sensors with the quality needed in particle physics...