Bernard Denis
A the end of the 90's the Medipix2 Collaboration was formed with aim of developing a photon counting chip taking advantage of the deep sub-micron CMOS technology to develop a detector with a very small pixel size and a large number of pixels per chip. In 2007, a new collaboration was established to develop a new generation of Medipix chip able to mitigate the effects of charge sharing and significantly improve the performance of the chip.
PANalytical has been the first industrial partner convinced by the commercial potential of Medipix technology. Later, other industrial players also requested the access to the technology for applications in a wide variety of commercial domains.
In this presentation, we will focus on the case of transfer to PANalytical. We will explain the mechanisms used to make technology transfer in the framework of a collaboration and the key role of the collaboration agreement. We will also identify the advantages of a collaboration in terms of technology transfer and the constraints imposed by such a setting for decision making. The particular role of the technology transfer unit will also be highlighted.
Bernard Denis