Improvements to the Fermilab Test Beam Facility

5 Jun 2014, 11:00
Keurzaal (Beurs van Berlage)


Beurs van Berlage

Oral Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades II.a Experiments & Upgrades


Aria Soha (Fermilab)


The Fermilab Test Beam Program provides flexible, equal, and open access to test beams for all detector tests, with relatively low bureaucratic overhead and a guarantee of safety, coordination, and oversight. The facility provides a multitude of particle and energy types, as well as an array of instrumentation with an extensive infrastructure. Recently Fermilab went through a 14 month downtime for accelerator and facility upgrades. During this time, many extensive upgrades were made to the facility including temperature regulation, remote control systems, and instrumentation upgrades.


The Fermilab Test Beam Program provides flexible, equal, and open access to test beams for all detector tests, with relatively low bureaucratic overhead and a guarantee of safety, coordination, and oversight. The facility provides a multitude of particle and energy types, as well as an array of instrumentation with an extensive infrastructure.
Recently Fermilab went through a 14 month downtime for accelerator and facility upgrades. During this time, many extensive upgrades were made to the facility including temperature regulation, remote control systems, and instrumentation upgrades.
Patch Panel, Cable, & Network Upgrade
Insulation of MT6.2 Enclosure
Addition of 2C hut
Camera Upgrade
Alignment Laser Upgrade
Communication System Upgrade
Tracking System Upgrade
Control Rooms re-configuration
Electronics Room Re-configuration
Motion Table Control System Upgrade


Aria Soha (Fermilab)

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