16–17 Oct 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone
We would like to invite you to take part in the HIE-EBIS workshop at CERN on 16-17 October 2012. The workshop is devoted to the considered upgrade of the charge breeder for the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The demanding requirements of the new machine pose some challenges such as combining high magnetic field strength (superconductive magnets at 6-7 T), an electron beam with high energy (150 keV), high current (2-5 A) and high density (up to 105 A/cm2) with extremely high vacuum of about 10-13 mbar. We have invited and received positive responses from specialists working with the best performing EBIT/S devices worldwide (including LLNL, BNL, MSU/NSCL, MPIK, JINR, ANL, University of Frankfurt and University of Electrical Communications Tokyo). Our intention is to bring together the experience of the invited EBIT/S experts with knowledge of CERN specialist in magnetic, vacuum and cryogenic technologies, accelerator and ion source physics. There will be plenty of information to learn, as well as many points to discuss and give a feedback to, in order to advance the development of the HIE EBIS project. We are looking forward to seeing you at CERN to share the new ideas, recent technological advances and scientific results amongst the EBIT/S community.

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin
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A new high-compression electron gun design was announced by BNL. The CERN group expressed its interest in the project and currently is pursuing it by in-kind contribution in the planned test. The results of the test to be of high importance for the further design of the EBIS.

During the HIE-EBIS  workshop it was mentioned many times that the existing simulation codes should be applied to VHCI breeding with certain care and conservatism. Especial attention was drawn to possible improvements regarding  the calculation of ionization and CX cross-sections, heating rates and cooling processes. These discussions led to start of the work on major upgrade of the simulation codes, based on state-of-the-art atomic codes developed in the plasma physics community (EI, RR and CX cross-sections) and recent experimental data. The main part of the work will be done by our recently approved PhD student at CERN starting in February in cooperation with R. Becker and TU Dresden. Anyone interested in participation is welcome to put their suggestions and ideas. Everybody doing their own development is welcome for crosschecking of the results and approaches.

An interesting option of NEG coated colletor surface was introduced and discussed. The concept however lacks ground data on coating stability under long high dose exposure. An experimental check of high-dose performance thus is an important step for the future high current EBIT/S.