20–22 Nov 2012
IHEP, Protvino
Europe/Moscow timezone
20-22 November 2012 the Institute for High Energy Physics carries out an international Workshop

Combined Higgs result from ATLAS

22 Nov 2012, 17:00
Conference Hall, Theoretical Division (IHEP, Protvino)

Conference Hall, Theoretical Division

IHEP, Protvino

Searches for Higgs Evening Session


Christian Schmitt (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))


On July 4th both ATLAS and CMS announced the observation of a new particle in the search for the Higgs boson. The required sensitivity above 5 sigma could only be achieved by combining different search channels and by analysing both the data from 2011 and 2012. Several production and decay modes can shed light on the properties of this new particle, but the full picture can only be obtained by combining all the available information. This talk will provide an overview over the complementary measurements used as input for the latest combination at ATLAS and its results both in terms of signal strength and properties.


Christian Schmitt (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))

Presentation materials