Geraldine Conti
(Harvard University (US))
The measurement of WW, WZ, ZZ, W$\gamma$ and Z$\gamma$ production cross-sections allow for precision tests of the electroweak (EW) dynamics of the Standard Model (SM). Differences between measured and predicted SM cross-sections could prove evidence for new phenomena. The diboson processes are also an important source of background to Higgs production decaying into vector boson pairs, such as $H\rightarrowWW$ and $H\rightarrowZZ$, and also to other new physics processes. It is therefore very important to have precise measurements of their production cross-sections. The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have measured those cross-sections at 7 and 8 TeV. I will review the latest measurements of the ATLAS collaboration, as well as the limits set on the anomalous WW$\gamma$, ZZ$\gamma$, Z$\gamma\gamma$ and ZZZ triple gauge-boson couplings.
Geraldine Conti
(Harvard University (US))