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20–22 Feb 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

A development platform for Ti:Sa lasers

20 Feb 2013, 17:10
30-7-018 (CERN)



European Organisation for Nuclear Research CH - 1211Genève 23 Switzerland


Dr Sebastian Rothe (CERN)


The tunability and reliability of solid-state Ti:Sa lasers meets the requirements for their application at laser ion sources based on resonance laser ionization. The prototype of the Ti:Sa lasers now used at laser ion sources world-wide was initially developed at the University of Mainz as a replacement of the dye laser system used for ultra trace analysis. Since then the laser cavity design underwent several revisions to become a compact, transportable laser system. The requirements for application of the Ti:Sa lasers at on-line laser ion-sources (TRILIS, RILIS) have have led to increased set-up speed and user friendliness at the expense of degrees of freedom and space in the resonator. However, these highly specialized designs are not suitable for testing new concepts or for laser developments for specific applications that require, for example, more output power or continuous tuning while in narrow linewidth mode. In this presentation, a short review of the history of the Mainz-Ti:Sa design and its branching will be given. A breadboard based Ti:Sa development platform will be presented and future Ti:Sa developments will be discussed.

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