Pierrick Hanlet
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) is a demonstration
experiment to prove the feasibility of cooling a beam of muons for
use in a Neutrino Factory and/or Muon Collider. The MICE cooling
channel is a section of a modified Study II cooling channel in which
we will measure a 10% reduction in beam emittance. In order to ensure
a reliable measurement, MICE will measure the beam emittance before
and after the cooling channel at the level of 1%, or an absolute
measurement of 0.001. This renders MICE a precision experiment which
requires strict controls and monitoring of all experimental parameters
in order to control systematic errors. The MICE Controls and
Monitoring system is based on EPICS and integrates with the DAQ, Data
monitoring systems, and a configuration database. The cooling channel
for MICE has between 12 and 18 superconductnig solenoid coils in 3 to
7 magnets, depending on the staged development of the experiment. The
magnets are coaxial and in close proximity, thus requiring coordinated
operation of magnets when ramping, responding to quench conditions,
and quench recovery. To reliably manage the operation of the magnets,
MICE is implementing state machines for each magnet and an over
arching state machine for the magnets integrated in the cooling
channel. The state machine transitions and operating parameters are
stored/restored to/from the configuration database and coupled with MICE Run Control. Proper implementation of the state machines will
not only ensure safe operation of the magnets, but will help ensure
reliable data quality. A description of MICE, details of the state
machines, and lessons learned from use of the state machines in recent
magnet training tests will be discussed.
Pierrick Hanlet
(Illinois Institute of Technology)