Suzanne Gysin
Role Based Access (RBAC) developed at CERN provides access control for the LHC controls system. It has been deployed for a few years, and is a mature and tested implementation of access control for a large and complex system with many users. The LHC control system is based on a proprietary protocol. Channel Access, the protocol for the EPICS control system, has grown in popularity and is used for many scientific sites including ESS. This presentation is a proposal to adapt CERN’s RBAC to Channel Access in the context of the European Spallation Source (ESS) control system. ESS includes a linear proton accelerator, a heavy-metal target station, a large array of state-of-the-art neutron instruments, a suite of laboratories, and a supercomputing data management and software development center. The ESS control system is to provide an integrated approach to the site including all components and conventional facilities, making role based access control essential.
Primary author
Suzanne Gysin