15–19 Sept 2008
Naxos - GREECE
Europe/Athens timezone

Lessons from LHC

18 Sept 2008, 14:15
Naxos - GREECE

Naxos - GREECE


Peter Sharp (CERN)


Twenty years ago the embryonic LHC Collaborations were trying to understand how to do experiments at the next generation of proton colliders. In particular, the electronics communities were faced with a number of difficult problems. Some problems were associated with the choice of technologies, some with adapting emerging technologies to the Particle physics environment, and some were associated with engineering very complex systems with limited resources. This year, the electronics systems that were engineered for the LHC experiments have been successfully commissioned, and the community has started to contemplate the challenges of upgrading some of these systems for Super LHC (SLHC). It is timely to reflect on what was has been learned from the engineering the LHC electronics systems and to consider possible future improvements.

Presentation materials