15–19 Apr 2013
CNAF Bologna (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Identity Federation in WLCG and HEP

17 Apr 2013, 09:25
CNAF Bologna (Italy)

CNAF Bologna (Italy)

Presentation Security & Networking Security and networking


Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)


Federated identity management (FIM) in general and federated identity management for research communities (FIM4R) is an arrangement that can be made among multiple organisations that lets subscribers use the same identification data to obtain access to the secured resources of all organisations in the group. Specifically in the various research communities there is an increased interest in a common approach to FIM as there is obviously a large potential for synergies. Several research communities have converged and this presentation or poster will present the FIM4R approach, including a common vision for FIM, a set of requirements and a number of recommendations for ensuring a roadmap for the uptake of FIM is achieved. In WLCG, a dedicated working group has been formed to investigate identity federation. The status of the discussions in the WLCG/HEP community, including issues, future and progress in the recent year, as well as work on a pilot service for WLCG, will also be presented.

Primary author

Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)

Presentation materials