15–19 Apr 2013
CNAF Bologna (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

PDSF@NERSC Status Report

16 Apr 2013, 09:00
CNAF Bologna (Italy)

CNAF Bologna (Italy)

Presentation Site Reports Site reports


Iwona Sakrejda


PDSF is a linux cluster supporting high energy and nuclear physics workloads at NERSC. The cluster has been in continues operation since 1998 and this lifespan brings interesting challenges to the procurement/retirement cycle. At this time the cluster covers needs of STAR Tier1 center (mostly simulations and analysis needs), Alice Tier2 (striving for Tier 1 status) and Tier3 for Atlas. In this presentation we will cover changes since the last report, details of our latest procurements and approaches taken to minimize the maintenance burden and conform to center-wide standards in deployment and configuration management (xcat, cfengine3). The anticipated move of the center into a new building in the Spring of 2015 will also be discussed.


Presentation covers changes in the cluster structure and deployment and management procedures.


Presentation materials