15–19 Apr 2013
CNAF Bologna (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

Web object scaler

19 Apr 2013, 09:00
CNAF Bologna (Italy)

CNAF Bologna (Italy)

Presentation Storage & Filesystems Storage and filesystems


Toine Beckers (DataDirect Networks)


DDN's web object scaler (WOS) offers an alternative approach to managing large scale distributed data. WOS is designed without the overheads associated with traditional filesystems that normally underpin higher-level distributed middleware system. File system checks, fragmentation, RAID sets and inode structures have been removed in WOS and a simple, efficient placement of objects directly to disk is instead implemented. The approach moves metadata management to external software/middleware, which fits well with most current large scale distributed data systems. We present some alternative implementations of WOS in real-world environments and discuss performance of WOS for several use-cases.


Toine Beckers (DataDirect Networks)

Presentation materials