15–19 Apr 2013
CNAF Bologna (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone

An energy efficient datacenter in Orsay

15 Apr 2013, 14:25
CNAF Bologna (Italy)

CNAF Bologna (Italy)

Presentation IT Infrastructure, Services, Business Continuity IT Infrastructure


Michel Jouvin (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))


Fundamental research labs in southern part of Paris, known as P2IO, have decided to build a common computing facility shared between labs and designed to be energy efficient. This involves the creation of a new datacenter as the first step. This project started one year ago has entered its construction phase and is expected to be available next Fall. This presentation will detail the requirements and technical design and introduce the current ideas for the future computing platform.

Primary author

Michel Jouvin (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))

Presentation materials