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6–8 May 2013
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Here be Dragons: The Unexplored Continents of the CMSSM

6 May 2013, 18:15
Benedum Hall G31 (University of Pittsburgh)

Benedum Hall G31

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Timothy Cohen (SLAC)


Knowing the Higgs boson mass, along with precision measurements of the dark matter relic density, motivates a fresh look at the CMSSM/mSUGRA supersymmetry breaking boundary conditions. Four real parameters determine the superpartner spectrum. Various “continents” consisting of non-excluded models can be catego- rized by their dark matter dynamics. The following mechanisms manifest: well- tempering, resonant pseudo-scalar Higgs annihilation, neutralino/stau coannihila- tions and neutralino/stop coannihilations. Benchmark models are provided which characterize the viable regions. The expected visible signals of each are described, With an emphasis on the direct and indirect detection of dark matter. The parameter space spans a finite volume, which can be probed in its entirety utilizing “human-buildable” Experiments.

Primary author

Timothy Cohen (SLAC)

Presentation materials