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Phenomenology 2013 Symposium

University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
The 2013 Phenomenology Symposium will be held May 6-8, 2013 at the University of Pittsburgh.  It will cover the latest topics in particle phenomenology and theory plus related issues in astrophysics and cosmology.  The recent discovery of the Higgs boson has begun a new era of exciting insights into the nature of the universe.

Early registration ends April 14, 2013.

Talk submission ends April 21, 2013.

The tentative plenary program is now available.

The tentative topics and speakers are:

  • Jake Anderson (FNAL, CMS): LHC Higgs boson results involving bosons
  • Ritoban Basu Thakur (FNAL, CDMS): Low-mass WIMP searches with SuperCDMS
  • Cristina Biino (Univ. di Torino e Sez. dell'INFN, CMS): Overview of recent Standard-Model physics results from ATLAS and CMS
  • Xin Chen (UW-Madison, ATLAS): LHC Higgs boson results involving fermions
  • Rouven Essig (Stony Brook): The search for dark matter
  • K.K. Gan (Ohio State U.): Hunting for Physics Beyond the Standard Model by ATLAS and CMS
  • Sadakazu Haino (National Central University, Taiwan): Results from AMS
  • Stefan Hoeche (SLAC): Calculational tools for discovery
  • Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins): Cosmology in the new era
  • Heather Logan (Carleton U): Higgs bosons and beyond
  • Naoko Kurahashi Neilson (UW-Madison, IceCube): News from IceCube
  • Yasuhiro Okada (KEK): Higgs physics at ILC
  • Stephen Parke (FNAL): Neutrino physics at the intensity frontier
  • Pierre Ramond (U. of Florida): Perspectives in the LHC Era
  • Graca Rocha (JPL, PLANCK): Physics from PLANCK
  • Goran Senjanovic (ICTP, Trieste): The theory and phenomenology of leptons
  • Michael Sokoloff (Cincinnati, LHCb): Physics from LHCb
  • Amarjit Soni (BNL): Flavor & CP: Circa 2013
  • Iain Stewart (MIT): New Developments in Perturbative QCD
  • Anthony Timmins (Houston University, ALICE): Physics from ALICE

Symposium sponsored visit to Phipps Conservatory on the afternoon of May 8.

PITT PACC Travel Awards: There are a number of awards (up to $300 each) available to graduate students for travel and accommodation to Pheno 13. A student applicant should send an updated CV, a statement of the need, and arrange a short recommendation letter sent from the thesis advisor by email to The decision will be based on the academic qualification, the talk submission to Pheno 13, and the need. The deadline for the application is the same as the talk submission April 21, and the winners will be notified by April 26.

PHENO 2013 ORGANIZERS: Cindy Cercone, Neil Christensen, Ayres Freitas, Tao Han (chair), Adam Leibovich, Josh Sayre, and Susanne Westhoff.

PHENO 2013 PROGRAM ADVISORS: Vernon Barger, Lisa Everett, Kaoru Hagiwara, JoAnne Hewett, Xerxes Tata, and Dieter Zeppenfeld.
    • 07:30
      Registration & Breakfast Alumni Hall

      Alumni Hall

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
    • Plenary I
      Convener: Oscar Jose Pinto Eboli (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
      • 1
        Speaker: Prof. David Turnshek (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 2
        Overview of recent Standard-Model physics results from ATLAS and CMS
        Speaker: Cristina Biino (Universita e INFN (IT))
      • 3
        Hunting for Physics Beyond the Standard Model by ATLAS and CMS
        Speaker: Prof. Kock Kiam Gan (Ohio State University (US))
      • 4
        LHC Higgs boson results involving bosons
        Speaker: Dr Jake Anderson (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
      • 5
        LHC Higgs boson results involving fermions
        Speaker: Xin Chen (University of Wisconsin (US))
    • 10:35
      Coffee Break
    • Plenary II Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Eric Braaten (Ohio State University)
      • 6
        Higgs bosons and beyond
        Speaker: Prof. Heather Logan (Carleton U.)
      • 7
        New Developments in Perturbative QCD
        Speaker: Iain Stewart (MIT)
      • 8
        Calculational tools for discovery
        Speaker: Stefan Hoeche (SLAC)
    • 12:45
      Lunch Oakland Area

      Oakland Area

    • Cosmology Benedum Hall G31

      Benedum Hall G31

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Aravind Natarajan (Carnegie Mellon University)
      • 9
        Interpreting Observations in Light of Coupling to Superhorizon Modes
        Non-Gaussianity couples modes of different wavelengths, and long-wavelength background modes can cause statistics averaged in any given region to be biased in comparison to global statistics. We consider the observable universe to be a small subvolume in a larger space, and quantify the degree to which observed quantities (amplitude and scale-dependence of fluctuations, level of non-Gaussianity) may differ from global quantities, and thus the degree to which different inflationary physics (eg. single vs. multi-field) may be indistinguishable due to our limitation to observing a subvolume. We focus on local and scale-dependent local non-Gaussianity, but also consider the effect of the squeezed limit of the bispectrum more generally.
        Speaker: Elliot Nelson (Pennsylvania State University)
      • 10
        Two-field inflation with non-minimal coupling
        The parameter space of two-field inflation models with non-minimal coupling to the gravitional scalar curvature is delineated in light of recent cosmological data. This class of models includes the case of the singlet scalar dark matter model, where the inflaton can be a hybrid of the Higgs and dark matter fields. The possibility of the production of significant non-Gaussianity in these models is probed.
        Speaker: Prof. Tonnis Ter Veldhuis (Macalester College)
      • 11
        Fossil Primordial gravitational waves with a Generalized initial state
        The fossil relic of primordial gravitational waves in the anisotropic curvature two-point function can be significantly more observable if there is a non-Bunch Davies component to the initial state of the scalar (and tensor) fluctuations during inflation. This signature is complementary to other observational signatures of initial states with an enhanced squeezed limit.
        Speaker: Suddhasattwa Brahma (Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, The Pennsylvania State University)
      • 12
        Non-Gaussianities and chiral gravitational waves in natural steep inflation
        we have proposed a model where natural inflation is realized on a steep potential as a consequence of the interaction of the inflaton with gauge fields through an axion-like coupling. In this talk, I comment on the nongaussianities and the spectrum of tensor modes generated in this scenario. The nongaussianities turn out to be compatible with current observations and can be large enough to be detectable by Planck. The non-observation of tensor modes imposes new constraints on the parameter space of the system that are about one order of magnitude stronger than those found in our previous work. More importantly, in certain regions of the parameter space tensor modes might be detected by upcoming Cosmic Microwave Background experiments even if inflation occurs at energies as low as the TeV scale. In this case the tensor modes would be chiral, and would lead to distinctive parity-violating correlation functions in the CMB.
        Speaker: Mohamed Anber (University of Toronto)
      • 13
        Seeking Inflation Fossils in the Cosmic Microwave Background
        If during inflation the inflaton couples to a "fossil" field, some new scalar, vector, or tensor field, it typically induces a scalar-scalar-fossil bispectrum. Even if the fossil field leaves no direct physical trace after inflation, it gives rise to correlations between different Fourier modes of the curvature or, equivalently, a nonzero curvature trispectrum. Here we quantify the effects of a fossil field on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature fluctuations in terms of bipolar spherical harmonics (BiPoSHs). The effects of vector and tensor fossils can be distinguished geometrically from those of scalars through the parity of the BiPoSHs they induce. In light of results from the Planck satellite, we estimate the detectability of a signal in terms of the scalar-scalar-fossil coupling for scalar, vector, and tensor fossils, assuming a local-type coupling.
        Speaker: Mr Liang Dai (The Johns Hopkins University)
      • 14
        Things That May Happen in Astrophysics if the Dark Matter Particle is Relatively Light
        I will discuss theoretical predictions for the astrophysical consequences of low-mass (<~20 GeV) dark matter particle candidates. First, I will demonstrate that relatively low-mass dark matter candidates may alter the evolution of low-mass stars (<0.2 Msun) and brown dwarfs in certain astrophysical environments. Low-mass dark matter may cause low-mass stars to be dimmer than expected and will hasten the cooling of brown dwarfs. Second, I will show that the streams of dark matter created during the various mergers that have built the Milky Way halo can affect direct detection rates in an important manner. An important case is the Sagittarius stream. Recent, careful re-consideration suggests that the stream of Sagittarius dark matter would likely have important consequences for the expected signals in direct search experiments if the dark matter is relatively light.
        Speaker: Andrew Zentner (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 15
        Collider searches for dark matter in events with electroweak bosons and missing energy
        Searches for dark matter at colliders typically involve signatures with energetic initial-state radiation without visible recoil particles. Searches for mono-jet or mono-photon signatures have yielded powerful constraints on dark matter interactions with Standard Model particles. I extend this to the mono-Z signature and reinterpret an ATLAS analysis of events with a Z boson and missing transverse momentum to derive constraints on dark matter interaction mass scale and nucleon cross sections in the context of effective field theories describing dark matter which interacts via heavy mediator particles with quarks or weak bosons.
        Speaker: Linda Carpenter (O)
    • Flavor I Benedum Hall G27

      Benedum Hall G27

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Reinard Primulando (J)
      • 16
        Reducing Penguin Pollution
        The decay Bs -> J/psi phi is used for measuring 2beta_s, the phase of Bs-Bsbar mixing. The amplitude for this decay is dominated by the colour-suppressed tree diagram, but also contains "penguin pollution" (PP) due to gluonic and electroweak penguin diagrams. The PP leads to a theoretical error in the extraction of 2beta_s from the data. In the SM, it is estimated that the PP is negligible, but there is some uncertainty as to its exact size. Now, the measured value of 2beta_s is small, in agreement with the SM, but still has significant experimental errors. When these are reduced, if one hopes to be able to see clear evidence of new physics, it is crucial to have the theoretical error under control. In this talk, I describe how a modification of the angular analysis currently used to measure 2beta_s in Bs -> J/psi phi can be used to reduce the theoretical error due to PP.
        Speaker: Prof. David London (Universite de Montreal)
      • 17
        Measurement of φs at LHCb
        The study of CP violation in Bs oscillations is one of the key goals of the LHCb experiment. Effects are predicted to be very small in the Standard Model but can be significantly enhanced in many models of new physics. We present the world’s best measurement of the CP-violating phase φs using B0s → J/ψφ and B0s → J/ψππ decays, and a first study of mixing-induced CP violation in the decay B0s → φφ.
        Speaker: Robert Andrew Currie (University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 18
        Measurement of γ from B→DK decays
        The angle γ of the CKM unitarity triangle remains the least precisely measured parameter of the CKM mixing matrix. The precision measurement of this parameter is one of the main goals of the LHCb experiment. We present a wide range of measurements of CP violation and partial rates in B→DK decays, as well as the latest LHCb measurement of γ combining all the individual inputs.
        Speaker: Edmund Smith (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 19
        Extraction of weak phase $\gamma$ from three body $B$ decays
        The value of the weak phase $\gamma$ extracted using conventional methods suffer from large statistical uncertainties. $\gamma$ can also be extracted directly by studying Dalitz plots for charmless three-body $B$ decays and here the statistical uncertainty is much smaller due to the large number of independent measurements. I will describe a recent work in which we extract $\gamma$ using data publicly available from BABAR and how future B factory data may improve the extraction of $\gamma$.
        Speaker: Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya (University of Montreal)
      • 20
        Measurement of the semileptonic asymmetries in the B system at LHCb
        LHCb has recorded large samples of semileptonic B decays. These provide potential to study CP violation effects in the B0 and Bs0 systems. Decay time-integrated or time-dependent asymmetries between charge-conjugate final states probe CP violation in B(s)0 mixing through the measurement of the parameter Afs (sometimes referred to as Asl). These measurements rely on data-driven techniques to obtain excellent control of systematic uncertainties. We present the status of the analyses.
        Speaker: Zhou Xing (Syracuse University (US))
      • 21
        Studies of charmless B decays
        Decays of B hadrons without charmed particles in the final state offer rich opportunities to test the Standard Model. For example, CP violation in charmless charged two-body and three-body B decays provides ways to measure the CKM angle γ and to search for New Physics. The angular distributions of decays to vector-vector final states provide additional interesting observables. We present the latest results on hadronic charmless B decays from LHCb.
        Speaker: Marc Grabalosa Gandara (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
      • 22
        Charm mixing and CP violation
        LHCb has collected the world's largest sample of charmed hadrons. This sample is used to search for direct and indirect CP violation in charm, and to measure D0 mixing parameters. Preliminary measurements from several decay modes are presented, with complementary time-dependent and time-integrated analyses.
        Speaker: Nick Torr (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 23
        Naturally without strong CP violation
        We show that there is no strong CP violation in the model with quark-family symmetry which is spontaneously broken without the need of postulating a Peccei-Quinn symmetry.
        Speaker: Chee Sheng Fong (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
    • Higgs I Benedum Hall G29

      Benedum Hall G29

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Jennifer Kile (Northwestern University)
      • 24
        The light charged Higgs and CP odd Higgs bosons at the LHC
        Analyzing the recent Higgs search result in the WW channel at the LHC, we probe the possible existence of light charged Higgs and CP odd Higgs bosons which are lighter than the top quark. The viable parameter region is shown in terms of the generic Higgs mixing parameters and the masses. We also check its contribution to the total WW production cross section at the LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Seodong Shin (Seoul National University)
      • 25
        Constraining Type II 2HDM in Light of LHC Higgs Searches
        We study the implication of the LHC Higgs search results on the Type II Two Higgs-Doublet Models. In particular, we explore the scenarios in which the observed 126 GeV Higgs signal is interpreted as either the light CP-even Higgs h or the heavy CP-even Higgs H. Imposing both the theoretical and experimental constraints, we analyze the surviving parameter regions in mh, mH, mA, mH±, tanβ and sin(β−α). We further identify the regions that could accommodate a 126 GeV Higgs to be consistent with the observed Higgs signal. We found that in the h-126 case, we are restricted to narrow regions of sin(β−α)∼±1 with tanβ up to 4, or an extended region in sin(β−α) with tanβ<1. The masses for mH, mA and mH±, however, are allowed to vary within a wide range. In the H-126 case, we are restricted to the region of sin(β−α)∼0 while the tanβ region could be extended to 30 or higher. mA and mH± are forced to be nearly degenerate due to the ∆ρ requirement. Imposing the flavor constraints further shrinks the parameter space significantly. We also investigate the correlation between γγ, WW and bb channels. γγ and VV channels are most likely to be highly correlated with γγ:VV ∼ 1 for the normalized cross sections.
        Speaker: Mr Felix Kling (University of Arizona)
      • 26
        Exploring two Higgs doublet models through Higgs production
        I will discuss the connections between the recently observed Higgs-like particle and rare B decays in the context of two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). The measured decays of the Higgs boson to fermions and gauge bosons, along with the observation of the decay B_s -> \mu+ \mu-, place stringent restrictions on the allowed parameter space of 2 Higgs doublet models. Future measurements of h0 -> \gamma \gamma can potentially exclude type I 2HDMs, while the parameters of other 2HDMs are already severely restricted. The recent observations of the h0 -> \tau+ \tau- and h0 -> b bbar decays further constrain the models.
        Speaker: Chien-Yi Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 27
        Carving Out Parameter Space in Type-II Two Higgs Doublets Model
        We analyze the Type-II two Higgs doublets model in light of the newly discovered Higgs-like particle with mass 125 GeV. The observed 125 GeV particle is identified with the light CP-even Higgs boson in the two Higgs doublets model. We study the parameter space of the model consistent with the Higgs data, branching ratio of $\bar{B}\to X_s\gamma$ as well as precision electroweak measurements. We also incorporate theoretical constraints--- perturbativity of the couplings and vacuum stability, in our study. We find that only a small parameter space of the model remains viable. The phenomenology of the heavy Higgs bosons in the surviving parameter space is studied.
        Speaker: Patipan Uttayarat (University of Cincinnati)
      • 28
        Higgs doublet models in light of LHC data
        There is strong evidence mounting that the new particle discovered by CMS and ATLAS at 125 GeV is a Higgs boson. I will review both traditional and general Higgs doublet models in light of recent data and discuss prospects for further probing them at the LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Gabe Shaughnessy Shaughnessy (University of Wisconsin)
      • 29
        Parasitic new physics associated with the SM Higgs
        We study the new physics(NP) related to the recent discovered $125$ GeV Higgs by employing an important subset of the standard model(SM) gauge invariant dimension-six operators constructed by the the SM Higgs and gauge fields. Explicitly, we perform a model-independent study on the production and decays of the Higgs, the electric dipole moments(EDM) of the neutron and the electron, and we take into account the anomalous magnetic dipole moments of muon and electron as well. We find that, even all Higgs decay channels agree with the SM predictions, the SM theoretical uncertainties provide a lot of room to host NP associated with the 125 GeV boson. A linear relation is revealed in our numerical study that $\mu_{ZZ}\simeq \mu_{WW}$ and $ 0.6 \lesssim \mu_{ZZ,WW} \lesssim 1.4$ at $95\%$CL with or without the EDM's constraints. The neutron and electron EDM's severely constrain the relevant Wilson coefficients. Therefore the CP violating components in the $h\rightarrow WW, ZZ$ channels are too small, $\sim{ \cal O}(10^{-5})$, to be detected at LHC. However, we point out that even the parity of the 125GeV boson has been largely determined to be even in the $h\to ZZ$ channel, one should pay special attention to the potentially large CP violation in the $h\to \gamma\gamma$ and $h\to \gamma Z$ channels. This should be seriously checked in the future spin correlation experiments.
        Speaker: We-Fu Chang (National Tsing Hua University)
      • 30
        Spin Parity of the higgs boson: vector boson fusion(VBF) and VH production at the LHC
        I will discuss possibilities to probe the spin parity of the Higgs boson, as well as anomalous VVH vertex using kinematics of the tagging jets in the vector boson fusion production of the Higgs boson.I will also further discuss the use of VH production to probe the same.
        Speaker: Prof. rohini godbole (CHEP, IISc, Bangalore)
    • NLO & QCD
      Convener: Ian Lewis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 31
        Electroweak Corrections to Gauge-Boson Pair Production at the LHC
        Vector-boson pair production is of great phenomenological importance at the Large Hadron Collider. These processes not only constitute an important irreducible background to Higgs and New Physics searches; since the leptonic decay products can be reconstructed well, pair pro- duction of weak bosons provides an excellent opportunity to probe the non-abelian structure of the Standard Model at high energies and may give hints to the existence of anomalous trilinear and quartic couplings, which are predicted to have sizable effects at high energies. We present the calculation of the full next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to WZ and Z-pair production. We discuss the impact of the corrections on the total cross sections as well as on relevant differential distributions. The resulting electroweak corrections are negative and strongly increase with increasing transverse momenta and lead to significant modifications of rapidity and angular distributions.
        Speaker: Anastasia Bierweiler
      • 32
        Vector Boson Pair Production Processes with Semileptonic Decays in VBFNLO
        Electroweak gauge boson production is usually done with leptonic decays of the bosons, as the decay leptons allow for a good background suppression at hadron colliders. Nevertheless, semileptonic decay modes provide the opportunity of gaining additional sensitivity from the experiment. We present the implementation of semileptonic decay modes of diboson production, triboson production and diboson plus two jet production in vector boson fusion into the parton level Monte Carlo program VBFNLO, which already has the production processes with fully leptonic decay modes available at next-to leading order QCD. Anomalous triple and quartic gauge boson couplings can be requested both for the fully leptonic and the semileptonic decay modes. Preliminary results show that especially for the real emission part of the production process, the particle selection in the partonic final state and the jet algorithm parameters can have a significant impact on the resulting cross section and K-factors.
        Speaker: Bastian Feigl (KIT)
      • 33
        Resummation Effects in Vector-Boson and Higgs Associated Production
        Fixed-order QCD radiative corrections to the vector-boson and Higgs associated production channels, pp → V H (V = W ± , Z), at hadron colliders are well understood. We combine higher order perturbative QCD calculations with soft-gluon resummation of both threshold logarithms and logarithms which are important at low transverse momentum of the V H pair. We study the effects of both types of logarithms on the scale dependence of the total cross section and on various kinematic distributions. The next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNNLL) resummed total cross sections at the LHC are almost identical to the fixed-order perturbative next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) rates, indicating the excellent convergence of the perturbative QCD series. Resummation of the V H transverse momentum (pT ) spectrum provides reliable results for small values of pT and suggests that implementing a jet-veto will significantly decrease the cross sections.
        Speaker: Wai Kin Lai (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 34
        Higgs boson production at the LHC: NNLO partonic cross sections through order $\epsilon$ and convolutions with splitting functions to N$^3$LO
        This talk considers Higgs boson production at hadron colliders via gluon fusion and the computation of higher order terms in the regularization parameter $\epsilon$. In particular, the next-to-next-to-leading order cross section needs to be evaluated including order $\epsilon$ terms. These results are used to compute all convolutions with the splitting functions entering the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order cross section. A clear account is given on the solution of the occurring convolution integrals involving harmonic polylogarithms and generalized functions.
        Speaker: Mr Jens Hoff (KIT, Karlsruhe)
      • 35
        Resummation in processes with jet vetoes
        We study the processes with a fixed number of jets at the LHC. The jets are defined using the standard hadronic anti-kT algorithm, and the fixed number of jets is obtained by imposing a jet veto on the final QCD activities. A formalism allows a NLL' resummation over the large jet veto logs is derived. We apply the formalism to the higgs+1jet to see how it can help to reduce the theoretical uncertainties.
        Speaker: xiaohui liu (ANL)
      • 36
        nCTEQ nuclear PDFs for the LHC
        We update nCTEQ global analysis of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs). We use global Chi2 minimization and Hessian formalism to determine the best fit and the PDF error set. The fit is performed at next-to-leading order (NLO) using neutral current deeply inelastic scattering (DIS), and Drell-Yan data for several nuclear targets. The results are also ready to be used in analysis of the recent LHC heavy ion data.
        Speaker: Dr Aleksander Kusina (Southern Methodist University)
      • 37
        Top quark decay with dimension-six operators at NLO in QCD
        I will present a calculation of top quark decay within effective field theory approach at NLO in QCD. The main purpose is to understand how to systematically include QCD corrections to the dimension-six operators. I will focus on two decay channels: 1) t->b+W with W boson in different helicity states, and 2) the flavor changing decay t->c+H. The operator mixing effects will also be discussed.
        Speaker: Cen Zhang (CP3 Université catholique de Louvain)
      • 38
        Subleading Corrections To Thrust Using Effective Field Theory
        We calculate the subleading corrections to the thrust rate using Soft-Collinear Effective Theory to factorize the rate and match onto jet and soft operators that describe the degrees of freedom of the relevant scales. We work in the perturbative regime where all the scales are well above \Lambda_QCD. The thrust rate involves an incomplete sum over final states that is enforced by a measurement operator. Subleading corrections require matching onto not only the higher dimensional dijet operators, but also matching onto subleading measurement operators in the effective theory. We explicitly show how to factorize the O(\alpha_s \tau) thrust rate into a hard function multiplied by the convolution of the vacuum expectation value of jet and soft operators. Our approach can be generalized to other jet shapes and rates.
        Speaker: Simon Freedman (U)
    • Neutrinos I Benedum Hall G28

      Benedum Hall G28

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Sin Kyu Kang (Unknown)
      • 39
        Inverse Seesaw in NMSSM and 126 GeV Higgs Boson
        We consider extensions of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model (NMSSM) in which the observed neutrino masses are generated through a TeV scale inverse seesaw mechanism. The new particles associated with this mechanism can have sizable couplings to the Higgs field which can yield a large contribution to the mass of the lightest CP-even Higgs boson. With this new contribution, a 126 GeV Higgs is possible along with order of 200 GeV masses for the stop quarks for a broad range of \tan\beta. The Higgs production and decay in the diphoton channel can be enhanced due to this new contribution. It is also possible to solve the little hierarchy problem in this model without invoking a maximal value for the NMSSM trilinear coupling and without severe restrictions on the value of \tan\beta.
        Speaker: Mr Bin He (University of Delaware)
      • 40
        Electroweak-scale RIght-handed Neutrino Model
        If neutrino masses are realized through the see-saw mechanism, can the right-handed neutrinos be produced and detected at present and future colliders? A model of electroweak-scale right-handed neutrino (EW$\nu_R$) model was constructed six years ago, in which the right-handed neutrinos are members of mirror fermion weak doublets and where the Majorana masses of the right-handed neutrinos are found to be naturally of the order of the electroweak scale [P.Q.Hung, Phys. Lett. B. 249 (2007)]. These features facilitate their searches at the LHC through signals such as like-sign dilepton events. This model contains, in addition to the mirror quarks and leptons, extra scalars transforming as weak triplets. We have studied the constraints imposed on these additional particles by the electroweak precision parameters S, T, and U [[hep-ph]arXiv:1303.0428v2]. These constraints are crucial in determining the viability of the electroweak $\nu_R$ model and the allowed parameter space needed for a detailed phenomenology of the model. This parameters space in EW$\nu_R$ model is made of masses of the mirror fermions, masses of the physical states of the weak scalars and the mixing between weak scalar doublet and triplets. Our analysis concludes that there is, indeed, a part of the total parameter space of this model, which agrees with the experimental constraints on these electroweak precision parameters. Furthermore, in a simple extension of EW$\nu_R$ model, a light 0+ physical scalar (which we call $H_1^L$) arises in the mass range of 126 GeV, which can have its production rates through gluon-gluon fusion similar to that of the Standard Model Higgs boson. This physical scalar can also have total decay rates of $H_1^L$ -> ZZ, WW and \gamma\gamma similar to the measured decay rates of the newly discovered Standard Model-like Higgs particle at the LHC.
        Speaker: AJINKYA KAMAT (University of Virginia)
      • 41
        Neutrino masses and freed leptogenesis
        Observable nonzero neutrino masses and baryon asymmetry of the Universe can not be explained within minimal Standard Model. However many its extensions generate both the baryon asymmetry through leptogenesis (LG) scenario and the neutrino masses. The upper limit on the CP asymmetry relevant for LG with hierarchical heavy neutrinos, which is called Davidson-Ibarra bound, assumed to be model independent. I will introduce freed LG, which violates this bound in a special class of models.
        Speaker: Dmitry Zhuridov (Wayne State University)
      • 42
        Radiative Scaling Neutrino Mass with A_4 Symmetry and Warm Dark Matter
        A new scenario of the scotogenic model has been proposed where neutrino masses are not inversely proportional to some large mass scale. It comes from a one-loop mechanism with dark matter in the loop consisting of singlet Majorana fermions with masses of order 10 keV, and neutrino masses are scaled down from them by factors of about 10^−5. This model may be implemented with the non-Abelian discrete symmetry A_4 for neutrino mixing.
        Speaker: Mr Ahmed Rashed (University of Mississippi)
      • 43
        Relating CKM and MNS Mixing and Predicting the Neutrino CP Phases
        If all fermion mixing angles come from the mixing of the Standard Model fermions with SU(5) 5 + 5-bar multiplets, a simple connection between CKM and MNS mixing results, which allows the prediction of all three neutrino CP phases, the remaining neutrino mass, and non-trivial constraints on the s quark mass, the atmospheric neutrino angle, and other parameters.
        Speaker: Heng-Yu Chen (U)
      • 44
        A Golden A_5 Model of Leptons with a Minimal NLO Correction
        We propose a new A_5 model of leptons which corrects the LO predictions of Golden Ratio mixing via a minimal NLO Majorana mass correction which completely breaks the original Klein symmetry of the neutrino mass matrix. The minimal nature of the NLO correction leads to a restricted and correlated range of the mixing angles allowing agreement within the one sigma range of recent global fits following the reactor angle measurement by Daya Bay and RENO. The minimal NLO correction also preserves the LO inverse neutrino mass sum rule leading to a neutrino mass spectrum that extends into the quasi-degenerate region allowing the model to be accessible to the current and future neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.
        Speaker: Alexander Stuart (University of Southampton)
      • 45
        Binary Tetrahedral Flavor Symmetry
        A study of the T' Model and its variants utilizing Binary Tetrahedral Flavor Symmetry. Our model endeavors to bridge two categories of particles, leptons and quarks, a unification made possible by the inclusion of additional Higgs particles, shared between the two fermion sectors and creating a single coherent system. This is achieved through the use of the Binary Tetrahedral symmetry group and an investigation of the Tribimaximal symmetry evidenced by neutrinos. Our work details perturbations and extensions of this T' Model as we apply our framework to neutrino mixing, quark mixing, and dark matter. Where possible, we evaluate model predictions against experimental results, and find excellent matching with the atmospheric and reactor neutrino mixing angles, an accurate prediction of the Cabibbo angle, and a dark matter candidate that remains outside the limits of current tests. Taken together, we believe these results speak to the promising potential of finite groups and flavor symmetries to act as an approximation of nature.
        Speaker: Dr David Eby (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
    • SUSY I Benedum Hall G30

      Benedum Hall G30

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Jason Evans (IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
      • 46
        Search for Supersymmetry in the all hadronic final state with the CMS experiment
        A search for physics beyond the standard model is performed in events with at least three jets and large missing transverse momentum using the data recorded from proton-proton collisions with the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. All backgrounds are estimated from proton-proton collision data. They are: Z+jets events where the Z decaying to neutrinos, W+jets and top events where W decay yields a lepton that is not detected or a tau that decays hadronically, and multi-jet events where the missing momentum originates from jet mismeasurements, heavy-flavour decays, or instrumental effects. No significant excess of events is observed above the expected backgrounds. The results are presented in the context of constraint Minimum Supersymmetric Standard Model and simplified models.
        Speaker: Samantha Kaushalya Hewamanage (Florida International University (US))
      • 47
        Search for stop pair production at the LHC using the CMS detector
        In this talk, the latest results from CMS on stop pair production are reviewed. We present searches performed for different stop decay modes using data from the 7 and 8 TeV LHC runs.
        Speaker: Alberto Graziano (Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
      • 48
        Searches for pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
        Naturalness arguments for weak-scale supersymmetry favour supersymmetric partners of the third generation quarks with masses not too far from those of their Standard Model counterparts. Real and virtual production of third generation squarks via decay of a gluino can be significant if the mass of the gluino does not exceed the TeV scale. Top or bottom squarks with masses less than a few hundred GeV can also give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents recent results from searches for third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector.
        Speaker: Michael Begel (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • 49
        Top Squark Searches Using Dilepton Invariant Mass Distributions and Bino-Higgsino Dark Matter at the LHC
        Pair production of light top squarks at the 8-TeV LHC can be used to probe the gaugino-Higgsino sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. The case where the lightest neutralino is a mixture of Bino and Higgsino, satisfying the thermal dark matter relic density, is investigated. In such a scenario, the lightest top squark decays mostly into (i) a top quark plus the second or third lightest neutralino, and (ii) a bottom quark plus the lightest chargino, instead of a decay scenario of the lightest top squark into a top quark and the lightest neutralino. Final states with 2 jets, dileptons, and missing energy are expected in a subsequent decay of the second or third lightest neutralinos into the lightest neutralino via an intermediate slepton ('light sleptons' case) or Z boson ('heavy sleptons' case). The opposite-sign same flavor dilepton mass distribution after subtracting the opposite-sign different flavor distribution shows a clear edge in the case of light sleptons. The significance for discovering such a scenario is calculated with optimized cuts in both light and heavy sleptons cases.
        Speaker: Mr KECHEN WANG (Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4242, USA)
      • 50
        Very light stops at the LHC
        A very light scalar top (stop) superpartner is motivated by naturalness and electroweak baryogenesis. When the mass of the stop is less than the sum of the masses of the top quark and the lightest neutralino superpartner, as well as the of the masses of the lightest chargino and the bottom quark, the dominant decay channels of the stop will be three-body, four-body, or flavour violating. In this work, we investigate the direct and indirect constraints on a light stop, we compute the relative decay branching fractions to these channels, and we study the sensitivity of existing LHC searches to each of them.
        Speaker: Abhishek Kumar (TRIUMF)
      • 51
        Search for Supersymmetry in the four W and multiple b-quark final state
        In this talk, the latest results from CMS on searches for new physics in final states with four W bosons and multiple b-quarks are presented using up to 20/fb of data from the 8TeV LHC run of 2012. This final state is of special importance in the context of the search for third generation squarks in gluino or sbottom cascade decays. The four W final state is reconstructed in a variety of final states ranging from zero to four leptons, and including up to eight or more jets and MET.
        Speaker: Niklas Andreas Pietsch (Hamburg University (DE))
      • 52
        A Toolkit of the Stop Search via the Chargino Decay
        The top squark (stop) may dominantly decay to a bottom quark and a chargino if the mass difference between the stop and the lightest neutralino is comparable or less than the top quark mass. Such a moderately compressed spectrum is a challenging scenario for the stop search at the Large Hadron Collider, because it is difficult to separate the signals from the top and anti-top background. In this paper we focus on the di-leptonic decay channel, and consider many kinematic variables as possible discriminators. These include several MT2 variables and new "compatible-masses" variables which fully utilize all kinematic information of the background. We use several sample spectra with different characteristics to study the efficiencies of these variables in distinguishing the signal from the background. The finding is that different combinations of variables or strategies should be used for different spectra to maximally enhance the signal significance and expand the reach of the stop search in this scenario. The new variables that we proposed in this paper are also useful for other new physics searches with di-leptonic top and anti-top events as the dominant background.
        Speaker: Jiayin Gu (UC Davis)
      • 53
        Vector Boson Fusion as a Probe of Neutralinos, Charginos, and the Stop Rubicon at the LHC
        Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) processes offer a promising avenue to study the neutrlino/chargino system of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model at the LHC. Moreover, VBF can probe the stop quark in regions where the stop quark mass is roughly equal to the LSP + top quark mass (the "Stop Rubicon"). A feasibility study for searching for these systems is presented.
        Speaker: Dr Kuver Sinha (Texas A&M University)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • BSM Benedum Hall G27

      Benedum Hall G27

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Vladimir Savinov (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 54
        Search for heavy resonances with the ATLAS detector
        Resonances decaying into a pair of particles are an obvious place to look for phenomena beyond the Standard Model. This talk summarizes recent results on searches for resonances in pairs of jets, lepton pairs, leptons and missing transverse energy and pairs of photons or W/Z bosons. Various models are considered such the Z' and W', the Randall-Sundrum gravitons as well as the ADD large extra dimension scenario, excited quarks, quantum black holes, technicolor and contact interactions. Results from sqrt(s) = 8 TeV are presented.
        Speaker: Jeremy Robert Love (Argonne National Laboratory (US))
      • 55
        Multijet searches for new physics at CMS
        The latest searches for new physics in jet final states are presented using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. Searches for diet resonances are predicted by various models such as string resonance, excited quarks, and heavy vector bosons. The dijet data are also used to search for massive resonances decaying into vector bosons and high-mass b-jet pairs. Analyses of multijet final states probe new physics models such as gluinos and colorons. Finally, the most restrictive model-independent limits are set on black hole production at hadron colliders using high-multiplicity jet data.
        Speaker: Suvadeep Bose (University of Nebraska Lincoln)
      • 56
        Leptoquark searches at CMS
        We present the latest results on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation leptoquark searches at CMS, using data collected at sqrt(s)=7 TeV and 8 TeV. We examine a variety of final states including leptons, jets, and missing transverse energy.
        Speaker: David Nash (Northeastern University (US))
      • 57
        Search for exotic heavy quark partners
        We present searches for massive top and bottom quark partners at CMS using data collected at sqrt(s)=7 and 8 TeV. Such partners can be seen in 4th generation models, or can be found in models predicting vector-like quarks to solve the Hierarchy problem and stabilize the Higgs mass. The searches span a range of final states, from multileptonic to entirely hadronic, and limits are set on mass and production cross sections as a function of branching ratios.
        Speaker: Sadia Khalil (Kansas State University (US))
      • 58
        Searches for fourth generation vector-like quarks and ttbar resonances with the ATLAS detector
        Various extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of new types of quarks. We report on several search channels such as vector-like quarks decaying to a Higgs boson and a top quark or to a W boson and a b quark. The talk presents results from searches for new resonances decaying to a top-antitop pair, including the use of boosted top quark reconstruction techniques. These searches use the data sample recorded in 2012 at sqrt(s)=8 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.
        Speaker: Stephen Swedish (University of British Columbia (CA))
      • 59
        Higgs Production Amidst the LHC Detector
        In this talk, I will discuss the spectacular collider signatures of macroscopically long-lived, neutral particles that decay to Higgs boson and missing energy. I show that such long-lived particles arise naturally in a very minimal extension of the Standard Model with only two new fermions with electroweak interactions. The lifetime of the longlived neutral fermion can range from less than 0.1 mm to several meters, and in some regions of the parameter space, the exotic signals would have already been selected by the ATLAS and CMS triggers in their 7 and 8 TeV runs, hence hiding in the existing data. I will also discuss the implications for the Higgs and diboson phenomenology in the presence of these new electroweak states.
        Speaker: Prerit Jaiswal (Florida State University)
      • 60
        Explanation of the Muon g-2 Anomaly with Vectorlike Leptons and its Implications for Higgs Decays
        The deviation of the measured value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment from the standard model prediction can be completely explained by mixing of the muon with extra vectorlike leptons, L and E, near the electroweak scale. This mixing simultaneously contributes to the muon mass. We show that the correlation between contributions to the muon mass and muon g-2 is controlled by the mass of the vectorlike doublet L. Positive correlation, simultaneously explaining both measured values, requires the mass of the doublet below 200 GeV. The decay rate of the Higgs boson to muon pairs is modified and ranges from 0 to $\sim 25$ times the standard model prediction. A part of the parameter space is already excluded by the LHC searches for $h \to \mu^+ \mu^-$. In the same scenario with keeping all the Yukawa couplings perturbative to the grand unification scale the $h \to \gamma \gamma$ can be enhanced by 25\% or lowered by $\sim 30\%$. The explanation of muon g-2 anomaly and $h \to \gamma \gamma$ is however not correlated since these are controlled by independent parameters. We discuss a possible UV embedding of this scenario with three complete vectrolike families featuring gauge coupling unification, sufficiently stable proton, and the Higgs quartic coupling remaining positive all the way to the grand unification scale. The predicted gauge couplings at the electroweak scale are understood from IR fixed point predictions and threshold effects from integrating out vectorlike families.
        Speaker: Ms Aditi Raval (Indiana University Bloomington)
      • 61
        Spin-3/2 quarks at the LHC
        In this talk the pair production of color triplet spin-3/2 quarks and their subsequent decays at the LHC will be discussed. This particle, if produced, will most likely decay into top quark and gluon, bottom quark and gluon, or a light quark jet and gluon, depending on the quantum number of the spin-3/2 particle. This would lead to signals with ttjj, bbjj, or 4j in the final states. A detailed analysis of the signals and backgrounds at 7, 8, and 14 TeV center-of-mass energies will be presented and the reach for such particles by solving for observable mass values for the spin-3/2 quarks through its decay products will be shown.
        Speaker: Durmus Karabacak (Oklahoma State University)
    • DM I Benedum Hall G31

      Benedum Hall G31

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Arthur Kosowsky
      • 62
        Dark Matter and Higgs Bosons in the MSSM
        We investigate dark matter (DM) in the context of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (MSSM). We scan through the MSSM parameter space and search for solutions that (a) are consistent with the Higgs discovery and other collider searches; (b) satisfy the flavor constraints from B physics; (c) give a DM candidate with the correct thermal relic density; and (d) are allowed by the DM direct detection experiments. For the surviving models with our parameter scan, we find the following features: (1) The DM candidate is largely a Bino-like neutralino with non-zero but less than 20% Wino and Higgsino fractions; (2) Constraints from the Higgs sector and rare b decay measurements exclude the low mass region favored by the DAMA, CoGeNT, and CRESST experiments; (3) The relic density requirement clearly pins down the solutions from the Z and Higgs resonances (Z,h,H,A funnels) and co-annihilations; (4) Future direct search experiments will likely fully cover the Z,h funnel regions, and H,A funnel regions as well except for the "blind spots"; (5) Future indirect search experiments will be more sensitive to the CP-odd Higgs exchange due to its s-wave nature; (6) The branching fraction for the SM-like Higgs decay to DM can be as high as 8%, while those from heavier Higgs decays to neutralinos and charginos can be as high as 20%. We show that collider searches provide valuable information complementary to what may be obtained from direct detections and astroparticle observations, and that the Higgs bosons may play an essential role.
        Speaker: Zhen Liu
      • 63
        Closing Supersymmetric Resonance Regions With Direct Detection Experiments
        In order for neutralino dark matter to avoid being overproduced in the early universe, these particles must annihilate (or coannihilate) rather efficiently. Neutralinos with sufficiently large couplings to annihilate at such high a rate (such as those resulting from gaugino-higgsino mixing, as in "well-tempered" or "focus point" scenarios), however, have become increasingly disfavored by the null results of XENON100 and other direct detection experiments. One of the few remaining ways that neutralinos could potentially evade such constraints is if they annihilate through a resonance, as can occur if twice the neutralino mass falls within about 10% of the mass of either the scalar Higgses, pseudoscalar Higgs, or Z bosons. If no signal is observed from upcoming direct detection experiments, the degree to which such a resonance must be tuned will increase significantly. This talk will quantify the degree to which such a resonance must be tuned in order to evade current and projected constraints from direct detection experiments.
        Speaker: Chris Kelso (U)
      • 64
        A Singlet Extension of the MSSM with a Dark Matter Portal
        The minimal extension of the MSSM (NMSSM) has been widely studied in the search for a natural solution to the $\mu$ problem. In this work, we consider a variation of the NMSSM where an extra singlet is added and a Peccei-Quinn symmetry is imposed. We study its neutralino sector and compute the annihilation of the lightest neutralino. We use existent cosmological and collider data to constrain the parameter space and find that the lightest neutralino turns out to be very light and a good candidate for dark matter.
        Speaker: Walter Tangarife (The University of Texas at Austin)
      • 65
        125 GeV Higgs, 130 GeV Line, and Baryogenesis in the NMSSM
        Last year saw the discovery of a Higgs boson at the LHC, with mass around 125 GeV, as well as a potential signal of dark matter annihilation in the Fermi-LAT data coming from the Galactic Center: a mono-chromatic gamma-ray line peaked at around 130 GeV. Both are difficult to explain in minimal supersymmetric models, but can be readily accommodated in the Next-to-MSSM (NMSSM). In this talk, I show that the regions of the NMSSM consistent with a 125 GeV Standard Model-like Higgs and a 130 GeV Fermi line are in fact also well-suited for electroweak baryogenesis. In particular, such regions can accommodate a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition (due to the singlet contribution to the effective potential) without a light stop. Simultaneously, CP-violation from a complex phase in the wino-higgsino sector can account for the observed baryon asymmetry through resonant sources at the electroweak phase transition, while satisfying current constraints from dark matter, collider, and electric dipole moment (EDM) experiments. Thus, the NMSSM framework can potentially explain the origins of both baryonic and dark matter components in the Universe. The tightness of the constraints we impose on this scenario makes it extraordinarily predictive, and conclusively testable in the near future by modest improvements in EDM and dark matter search experiments.
        Speaker: Jonathan Kozaczuk (University of California, Santa Cruz)
      • 66
        A new take on dark matter in little Higgs models
        We present a novel new way of introducing scalar dark matter to Little Higgs Models without the need for T-Parity. Presented is a general technique that can be introduced to existing models, and then show the results for modifications to the Littlest Higgs model.
        Speaker: Travis Martin (Carleton University)
      • 67
        Vacuum stability and the 125 GeV Higgs
        Though the discovery of a 125 GeV candidate Higgs boson resolves the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking, questions remain regarding physics beyond the Standard Model, the energy scale associated with new physics, and the nature of dark matter. I will discuss several extensions of the Standard Model that address these questions. The question arises whether or not the very minimum of the scalar potential responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking is stable up to the fundamental Planck energy scale. My research into the vacuum stability of these models provides insight into the new physics, the energy scale, and the composition of dark matter.
        Speaker: Matt Gonderinger (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
      • 68
        Dark Matter and Vector Like Leptons from Gauged Lepton Number
        We investigate a simple model where Lepton number (L) is promoted to a local $U(1)_L$ gauge symmetry which is then spontaneously broken leading to a viable thermal DM candidate and vector-like leptons as a byproduct. The dark matter arises as part of the exotic lepton sector required by the need to satisfy anomaly cancellation and is a Dirac electroweak (mostly) singlet neutrino. It is stabilized by an accidental global symmetry of the renormalizable lagrangian which is preserved even after the gauged lepton number is spontaneously broken and can annihilate efficiently to give the correct thermal relic abundance. We examine the ability of this model to give a viable DM candidate and discuss both direct and indirect detection implications. We also examine some of the LHC phenomenology of the associated exotic lepton sector and in particular its effects on Higgs couplings.
        Speaker: Roberto Vega Morales (Northwestern University/Fermilab)
      • 69
        Here be Dragons: The Unexplored Continents of the CMSSM
        Knowing the Higgs boson mass, along with precision measurements of the dark matter relic density, motivates a fresh look at the CMSSM/mSUGRA supersymmetry breaking boundary conditions. Four real parameters determine the superpartner spectrum. Various “continents” consisting of non-excluded models can be catego- rized by their dark matter dynamics. The following mechanisms manifest: well- tempering, resonant pseudo-scalar Higgs annihilation, neutralino/stau coannihila- tions and neutralino/stop coannihilations. Benchmark models are provided which characterize the viable regions. The expected visible signals of each are described, With an emphasis on the direct and indirect detection of dark matter. The parameter space spans a finite volume, which can be probed in its entirety utilizing “human-buildable” Experiments.
        Speaker: Timothy Cohen (SLAC)
    • Higgs II Benedum Hall G29

      Benedum Hall G29

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: James Gainer (ANL/ Northwestern)
      • 70
        Search for a Higgs boson in fermion modes using the ATLAS detector
        Since the discovery of a Higgs-like boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC, the emphasis has shifted towards measurements of its properties in order to determine whether the new particle is the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson, or something else. Of particular importance is the direct observation of the coupling of the Higgs boson to fermions. In this presentation a comprehensive review of ATLAS results in the search for the Higgs boson in the main fermion decay (bb and tautau) channels and in various production modes (VBF, VH, ttH, and gluon fusion) will be given.
        Speaker: Rosemarie Zoe Aben (NIKHEF (NL))
      • 71
        Measurement of properties of the Higgs boson in the diboson channels using the ATLAS detector
        A review of the latest results of individual diboson channels measurements of the Higgs boson main properties, with the ATLAS detector using approximately 25 fb-1 of pp collision data collected at 7 TeV and 8 TeV in 2011 and 2012, is given. The measurements discussed are the mass, couplings, spin and parity, in the diphoton, WW (lvlv) and ZZ (llll) channels through various production processes. The combination of the results from the different channels is also presented.
        Speaker: Olivier Davignon (LPNHE Paris)
      • 72
        Longitudinal WW scattering in light of the "Higgs boson" discovery
        WW scattering is dominated at high energies by their longitudinal components, which are the most sensitive to the nature of the electroweak symmetry breaking. Prior to the discovery at the LHC of a Higgs-like particle, unitarization tools were extensively used to show that, in the absence of a light Higgs boson, new resonances resulting from the would-be strongly interacting electroweak sector would appear, and furthermore these techniques would approximately predict their masses, widths, and signal strengths. With the discovery of a Higgs-like particle now firmly established, we reinvestigate these techniques assuming this particle couples exactly as in the SM, but still being open to the possibility of an extended symmetry breaking sector. While the SM itself is free from problems with perturbative unitarity in the electroweak sector, "anomalous" self-couplings of the vector bosons -- low-energy remnants of such higher-energy symmetry breaking sectors -- are easily shown to reintroduce them. We demonstrate how new resonances should still appear in the scattering of electroweak vector bosons after imposing constraints from unitarity, and we discuss their ability to be probed with current and future LHC data.
        Speaker: Dr Brian Yencho (Universitat de Barcelona)
      • 73
        Searches for Rare decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector
        The Higgs-like boson discovered by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations is a candidate for the last unobserved particle predicted by the Standard Model (SM). The next experimental step is the measurement of its properties, most notably its couplings. This contribution will present the searches for the SM Higgs boson via decays in rare modes such as dimuon pairs, decays to Z gamma or invisible decays.
        Speaker: Renat Ishmukhametov (Ohio State University (US))
      • 74
        Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Physics using the ATLAS Experiment
        The discovery of a Higgs-like boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has prompted the question of whether or not this particle is part of a much larger and more complex Higgs sector than that envisioned in the Standard Model. In this talk, we outline the current results from the ATLAS Experiment regarding Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) Higgs hypothesis tests. Searches for additional Higgs bosons are presented and interpreted in well motivated BSM Higgs frameworks, such as two Higgs doublet Models and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.
        Speaker: John Stakely Keller (University of Washington (US))
      • 75
        Search for Non-Standard-Model Higgs Boson Decays Using Boosted Muon Pairs at the LHC
        New light bosons with typically weak coupling to standard model (SM) particles are predicted in several extensions of SM. Examples of the relevant scenarios are supersymmetric models with hidden valleys (dark SUSY) or models with extended Higgs sector (NMSSM). In these extensions of SM, the new bosons may be produced either promptly or via a SUSY decay chain. Depending on the branching ratio, non-SM decays of Higgs can either hide Higgs boson from standard searches or only slightly change measured cross-section of the SM Higgs boson candidate observed at the LHC. In this case, direct searches for non-SM decays provide the fastest path to understanding the nature of Higgs boson by either confirming or ruling out whole classes of scenarios beyond SM. We present status of the search at CMS for non-SM Higgs boson decays to pairs of new light bosons, each of which decays into boosted dimuon final state.
        Speaker: Aysen Tatarinov (Texas A & M University (US))
      • 76
        Higgs Couplings and triple gauge boson couplings: present status
        Working in the framework of effective Lagrangians with the SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y symmetry linearly realized, we analyze the constraints on Higgs couplings to the standard model gauge bosons using the available data from Tevatron and LHC. Moreover, modifications of the couplings of the Higgs field to the electroweak gauge bosons are related to anomalous triple gauge couplings (TGC). We also show that the analysis of the latest Higgs boson production data at LHC and Tevatron give rise to strong bounds on TGC that are complementary to those from direct TGC analysis.
        Speaker: Oscar Eboli (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
      • 77
        Fox-Wolfram Moments in Higgs Physics
        This talk will discuss recent attempts to improve Higgs search analyses at the LHC using a class of correlated observables known as Fox-Wolfram moments. A comparison of the main Standard Model Higgs production mechanisms of gluon fusion and vector boson fusion to common backgrounds is performed using the moments. We show that the moments are, at first glance, at least as good as current cut-based methods and with more careful study may prove to be more efficient. Multivariate analysis techniques are examined as a way to achieve this improvement.
        Speaker: Catherine Bernaciak (Heidelberg)
    • Neutrinos II Benedum Hall G28

      Benedum Hall G28

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Jinrui Huang (University of California)
      • 78
        Same-Sign Tetra-Leptons from Type II Seesaw
        In the type II seesaw mechanism introducing a hypercharged triplet boson, the neutral components can exhibit a novel phenomenon of the triplet-antitriplet oscillation resulting in same-sign tetra-lepton final states at the LHC. After discussing the production cross-sections in the parameter space of the mass splitting among triplet components and the triplet vacuum expectation value, we provide a LHC analysis of the same-sign tetra-lepton signals for the benchmark point chosen to maximize the event number.
        Speaker: Eung Jin Chun (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
      • 79
        Inverse Seesaw Neutrino Signatures at LHC and ILC
        We study the collider signature of pseudo-Dirac heavy neutrinos in the inverse seesaw scenario, where the heavy neutrinos with mass at the electroweak scale can have sizable mixings with the Standard Model neutrinos, while providing the tiny light neutrino masses by the inverse seesaw mechanism. Based on a simple, concrete model realizing the inverse seesaw, we fix the model parameters so as to reproduce the neutrino oscillation data and to satisfy other experimental constraints, assuming two typical flavour structures of the model and the different types of hierarchical light neutrino mass spectra. With the fixed parameters in this way, we analyze the heavy neutrino signal at the LHC through tri-lepton final state with large missing energy and at the ILC through a single lepton plus di-jet with large missing energy. We find that in some cases, the heavy neutrino signal can be observed with a large statistical significance via different flavour charged lepton final states. Therefore, we can not only discover the heavy neutrinos in the future but also obtain a clue to reveal the origin of the small neutrino mass and flavour mixing.
        Speaker: Mr Arindam Das (University of Alabama)
      • 80
        Constraining the Interactions of the Neutrino with OscSNS
        Our research is based on the white paper of OscSNS, a neutrino oscillation experiment proposed to use Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in Oak Ridge National Laboratory(ORNL). We used the elastic scattering between neutrinos and electrons to constrain the non-standard interaction coupling constant not specified to one single model, as well as to constrain the sin^2 \theta_W.
        Speaker: Chen Sun (V)
      • 81
        Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos at the Pierre Auger Observatory
        The Pierre Auger Observatory in Malargue Argentina is dedicated to the study of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, using a hybrid detector (combination of fluorescence and surface detectors) of unprecendent size and precision. I will review the latest results of the Observatory, like UHECR spectrum and composition, with special emphasis on the ones relevant to the particle physics community such as neutrino limits and p-Air and p-p cross sections at the highest energies.
        Speaker: Pedro Facal San Luis (University of Chicago)
      • 82
        Neutrino-nucleon scattering
        We discuss the effects of W-prime and the charged Higgs contributions to Quasi-Elastic scattering, Resonance scattering and Deep-Inelastic scattering in the neutrino-nucleon scattering. The neutrino mixing angles δ23 and δ13 are given in all the three cases and the the new physics contribution is also studied. We have also included the effects of the polarized lepton to all the above cases
        Speaker: Preet Sharma (University of Mississippi)
      • 83
        An Upper Limit on the Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation Time
        A new scenario for baryogenesis, termed post-sphaleron baryogenesis (PSB), has been proposed wherein the baryon asymmetry of the universe is produced below the electroweak phase transition temperature after the sphaleron processes have gone out of equilibrium. This mechanism arises naturally in quark-lepton unied models. A necessary consequence of this scenario is the baryon number violating B = 2 process of neutron-antineutron oscillations. We show that the constraints of PSB, when combined with the neutrino oscillation data and restrictions from flavor changing neutral currents imply an upper limit on the n-nbar oscillation time, which is accessible to the next generation of proposed experiments.
        Speaker: Dr P. S. Bhupal Dev (University of Manchester)
    • SM Benedum Hall G26

      Benedum Hall G26

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: xiaohui liu (ANL)
      • 84
        Heavy-flavour production at central rapidity in pp collisions at the LHC with ALICE
        Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are formed through hard partonic scatterings in hadronic collisions and, thus, serve as unique probes in particle and nuclear physics at high energy. Measurements of heavy-flavour production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC allow a precise test of perturbative quantum chromo dynamics (pQCD) in a previously unreached energy domain. They also serve as a reference for measuring the modifications to heavy quark momentum distributions induced by the interaction with the medium formed in heavy-ion collisions. Heavy-flavour production at central rapidity is studied in ALICE via the reconstruction of D mesons through hadronic decay channels and by measuring electrons from semileptonic decays of charm and beauty hadrons. We present here the momentum differential production cross-sections of D mesons and electrons from charm and beauty hadrons measured in pp collisions at 2.76 and 7 TeV, and we compare them to pQCD calculations. Azimuthal correlations of D mesons with hadrons and of electrons with hadrons can provide a more detailed understanding of the topology of pQCD heavy quark production mechanisms. The correlation of electrons with hadrons can in addition be used to measure the relative contribution of charm and beauty decays to the measured yield of electrons from decays of heavy-flavour hadrons. The status of the mentioned correlation analyses will also be shown.
        Speaker: Hege Austrheim Erdal (Bergen University College (NO))
      • 85
        The NRQED Lagrangian at order 1/M^4
        The parity and time-reversal invariant effective Lagrangian for a heavy fermion inter- acting with an Abelian gauge field, i.e., NRQED, is constructed through order 1/M4. The implementation of Lorentz invariance in the effective theory becomes nontrivial at this order, and a complete solution for Wilson coefficient constraints is obtained. Matching conditions in the one-fermion sector are presented in terms of form factors and two-photon matrix elements of the nucleon. The extension of NRQED to describe inter- actions of the heavy fermion with a light fermion is introduced. Sample applications are discussed; these include the computation of nuclear structure effects in atomic bound states, the model-independent analysis of radiative corrections to low-energy lepton- nucleon scattering, and the study of static electromagnetic properties of nucleons.
        Speaker: Gabriel Lee (University of Chicago)
      • 86
        Theoretical motivations for measuring the ratios of W and Z cross sections at large boson transverse momentum
        We motivate a measurement of various ratios of W and Z cross sections at the Large Hadron Collider at large values of the boson transverse momentum. We study the dependence of predictions for these cross-section ratios on the multiplicity of associated jets and the boson pT . We present a detailed study of the flavour decomposition of the initial-state partons and an evaluation of the theoretical uncertainties. We show that a precise measurement will be useful in validating theoretical predictions needed in data-driven methods to estimate backgrounds in searches for new physics and also to constrain Parton Distribution Functions.
        Speaker: Dr Sarah Malik (The Rockefeller University)
      • 87
        QCD and EW measurements in the forward region
        Due to its unique pseudorapidity coverage and the possibility of extending measurements to low transverse momenta, LHCb provides important input to the understanding of particle production in a kinematical range where models have large uncertainties. We report measurements of electroweak boson, strange and charmed particle production and energy flow in the forward region, using data collected at the LHCb experiment with a centre of mass energy of √s=7 TeV with an integrated luminosity of up to 1.0 fb–1. The results are compared to predictions given by various models and Monte Carlo event generators.
        Speaker: William James Barter (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 88
        Recent electroweak results from ATLAS
        ATLAS measurements of diboson production processes involving combinations of W, Z and isolated photons are summarized. Measurements using data at 7 TeV as well as new results using data at 8 TeV are presented. The measurements are performed using leptonic decay modes, including the invisible decay of Z->nunu, as well as the semileptonic channels. Differential and total visible cross sections are presented and are used to place constraints on anomalous triple-gauge boson couplings. An overview of these results is given.
        Speaker: Steven Adam Kaneti (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 89
        ATLAS measurements of vector boson production
        Vector boson production in pp collisions at 7 TeV has been extensively studied by ATLAS. Recent results include the measurement of Drell-Yan differential production cross section and of jets and heavy flavours production in association with vector bosons. The Drell-Yan cross-section measurements are compared to NNLO QCD predictions corrected for NLO EW effects calculated using various PDF sets. The cross section of Z bosons produced in association with up to seven jets has been measured and compared to NLO theoretical predictions. Measurement of W+b production cross section probes the b-quark production by higher order QCD processes. An overview of these results is given.
        Speaker: Sergei Chekanov (Argonne National Laboratory (US))
      • 90
        Intermediate State Contributions to the Rare Decay D^0 to mu^+ mu^-
        The current theoretical estimate of the di-lepton rare decay of the neutral D meson is dominated by a two-photon intermediate state. We re-analyze this result and discuss additional two-particle intermediate contributions and their effect on the standard model prediction.
        Speaker: Kristopher Healey (Wayne State University)
      • 91
        Jet counting and QCD scaling patterns
        The properties of multi-jet events impact many LHC analysis. The exclusive number of jets at hadron colliders can be described in terms of two simple patterns: staircase and Poisson scaling. We use the generating functional formalism at LL/NLL to describe multi-jet rates. We derive formally under which circumstances we expect either of the both scaling patterns. In photon plus jets production we can interpolate between the two patterns using simple kinematic cuts. The associated theoretical errors are well under control. Understanding such exclusive jet multiplicities significantly impacts Higgs searches and searches for supersymmetry at the LHC.
        Speaker: Peter Schichtel (ITP)
    • SUSY II Benedum Hall G30

      Benedum Hall G30

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Ms Peisi Huang (University of Wisconsin (US))
      • 92
        Introducing SuperLFV, an SLHA Tool
        We introduce SuperLFV, a numerical tool for calculating low-energy observables that exhibit charged lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). As the Large Hadron Collider and MEG, a dedicated mu -> e gamma experiment, are presently analyzing or acquiring data, there is need for tools that provide rapid discrimination of models that exhibit LFV. In this talk, the calculation of LFV observables in the MSSM are briefly reviewed, and the unique features of SuperLFV are presented.
        Speaker: Prof. Brandon Murakami (Rhode Island College)
      • 93
        Squark Pair Production at NLO
        A lot of effort is and will be put in the search for supersymmetric particles at the LHC. For the interpretation of the experimental data precise theoretical predictions are crucial. The work presented in the talk contributes to this effort by providing NLO corrections to the pair production of squarks of the first two generations in a flexible partonic Monte Carlo program. In contrast to previous works no assumptions regarding the squark masses have been made and the different subchannels have been treated independently. The Monte Carlo framework allows investigating the impact of the supersymmetric QCD corrections at NLO on arbitrary distributions for squark pairs decaying into a quark and the lightest neutralino.
        Speaker: Eva Popenda (P)
      • 94
        Squark Pair Production in the POWHEG Box
        The search for supersymmetry is an important part of the LHC physics program. For these searches, precise predictions are needed and including parton showers can improve these predictions. Squark pair production at NLO matched to a parton shower using the POWHEG Box will be presented.
        Speaker: Ryan Gavin (Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 95
        Searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector
        Despite the absence of experimental evidence, weak scale supersymmetry remains one of the best motivated and studied Standard Model extensions. This talk summarises recent ATLAS results on inclusive searches for supersymmetric squarks and gluinos in events containing jets, missing transverse momentum with and without light leptons, taus or photons.
        Speaker: Amir Farbin (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
      • 96
        Same sign dibosons from SUSY models with light higgsinos at the LHC
        In supersymmetric models with light higgsinos (which are motivated by electroweak naturalness arguments), the direct production of higgsino pairs may be difficult to search for at LHC due to the low visible energy release from their decays. However, the wino pair production reaction also occurs at substantial rates and leads to final states including equally opposite-sign (OS) and same-sign (SS) diboson production. We propose a novel search channel for LHC14 based on the SS diboson plus missing E_T final state which contains only modest jet activity. Assuming gaugino mass unification, and an integrated luminosity > 100 fb^{-1}, this search channel provides a reach for SUSY well beyond that from usual gluino pair production.
        Speaker: Azar Mustafayev (U)
      • 97
        Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric neutralinos, charginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector
        Many supersymmetry models feature neutralinos, charginos and also sleptons with masses less than a few hundred GeV. These can give rise to direct pair production rates at the LHC that can be observed in the data sample recorded by the ATLAS detector. The talk presents results from searches for neutralinos, charginos and slepton pair production in final states with leptons.
        Speaker: Per Johansson (University of Sheffield (GB))
      • 98
        Multilepton Signals of Composite MSSM
        While SUSY is becoming more constrained by recent data from the LHC, there is still hope for SUSY in light stop scenarios. The Minimal composite Supersymmetric Standard Model is one such scenario. We examine the potential for discovery of such models at the LHC using a set of benchmark spectra associated with UV complete models within the McSSM.
        Speaker: Rachel Houtz (UC Davis)
      • 99
        Sleptons to the Rescue
        Recent measurements of the WW cross section by ATLAS and CMS are slightly above SM expectations, leaving the possibility for BSM electroweak states to contribute to the measurements. We show how light sleptons with bino dark matter can account for the WW measurment as well as muon g-2 while achieving the correct dark matter relic density.
        Speaker: Dr David Curtin (Stony Brook University)
    • 19:00
      Banquet Music Hall Foyer (Carnegie Museum)

      Music Hall Foyer

      Carnegie Museum

    • 07:30
      Breakfast Alumni Hall

      Alumni Hall

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
    • Plenary III Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Keith Dienes (University of Arizona)
      • 100
        The search for dark matter
        Speaker: Rouven Essig (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 101
        Physics from LHCb
        Speaker: Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US))
      • 102
        Flavor & CP: Circa 2013
        Speaker: Amarjit Soni (BNL)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Plenary IV Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Prof. Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK)
      • 103
        News from IceCube
        Speaker: Naoko Kurahashi Neilson (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
      • 104
        Neutrino physics at the intensity frontier
        Speaker: Stephen Parke (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
      • 105
        The theory and phenomenology of leptons
        Speaker: Goran Senjanovic (ICTP, Trieste)
    • 12:45
      Lunch Oakland Area

      Oakland Area

    • DM II Benedum Hall G31

      Benedum Hall G31

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Chris Purcell (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 106
        Correlating Direct and Indirect Detection: Inelastic Scattering and Constraints on Dark-Sector Instability
        Recent developments have suggested that the dark sector may be much more complex than previously imagined. As a result, models such as Dynamical Dark Matter --- in which there are multiple semi-stable dark matter components which contribute non-trivially to $\Omega_{\rm CDM}$ --- merit further study. One interesting potential signal which arises in such contexts stems from the possibility of the inelastic scattering of heavier states into lighter states at direct-detection experiments. The operators which allow such behavior also permit heavier dark-matter states to decay to lighter dark-matter states plus visible matter. Thus, these models offer the intriguing possibility of actually correlating the bounds from direct detection (scattering) and indirect detection (decay). In this talk I will describe the results of a model-independent analysis of the constraints on decaying dark matter within the region of parameter space relevant for inelastic scattering.
        Speaker: David Yaylali (U)
      • 107
        Universal behavior in the scattering of heavy, weakly interacting dark matter on nuclear targets
        Particles that are heavy compared to the electroweak scale ($M \gg m_W$), and that are charged under electroweak SU(2) gauge interactions display universal properties such as a characteristic fine structure in the mass spectrum induced by electroweak symmetry breaking, and an approximately universal cross section for scattering on nuclear targets. The heavy particle effective theory framework is developed to compute these properties. As illustration, the spin independent cross section for low-velocity scattering on a nucleon is evaluated in the limit $M \gg m_W$, including complete leading-order matching onto quark and gluon operators, renormalization analysis, and systematic treatment of perturbative and hadronic-input uncertainties.
        Speaker: Mikhail Solon (University of Chicago)
      • 108
        Dark Matter Results from CMS
        The latest Dark Matter results from CMS are presented, including final states with monojets, monophotons, and monoleptons.
        Speaker: Sudhir Malik (University of Nebraska (US))
      • 109
        Searches for Multiple Species of Dark Matter at the LHC
        The motivations and prospects for detecting separately identifiable dark matter candidates in a SUSY framework at the LHC are discussed. The majority of SUSY parameter space does not predict neutralinos that match the observed dark matter relic abundance, but a second candidate can easily be introduced. This parameter space is interesting because it contains models with a low amount of electroweak fine tuning.
        Speaker: Christopher Redino (S)
      • 110
        Phenomenological Implications of Dynamical Dark Matter
        Dynamical dark matter (DDM) is an alternative framework for dark-matter physics in which the requirement of stability is replaced by a balancing between lifetimes and cosmological abundances across a vast ensemble of individual dark-matter components. Such ensembles not only imply a highly non-trivial cosmology, but also give rise to a set of characteristic and often striking experimental signatures which can be used to distinguish them from traditional dark-matter candidates. In this talk, I present some of the phenomenological consequences of DDM and discuss the prospects for detecting and distinguishing DDM ensembles at the next generation of direct- and indirect-detection experiments and at the LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Brooks Thomas (University of Hawaii)
      • 111
        Spin Determination with Invisible Particles
        General calculations concerning the kinematics of massive unobserved particles in the final state are discussed. We then apply these calculations to a method that allows one to determine the spin of such particles that escape direct detection. From this context, an analysis of the ability of a lepton collider to determine the spin of a dark matter candidate, such as a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP), using this method is provided. Our discussion is model independent, and is derived purely from kinematical considerations.
        Speaker: Daniel Salmon
      • 112
        Monojets: Faster, Higher, Stronger
        We examine a parameterization of the monojet cross section at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in terms of the cross sections for relevant leading order 2 -> 2 processes. We compare these results with those obtained from an effective field theory description and study the use of such a parameterization to quickly eliminate large swaths of SUSY parameter spaces.
        Speaker: James Gainer (University of Florida)
      • 113
        Constraining models with a single additional electroweak scalar multiplet
        Models with a single additional electroweak scalar multiplet provide a simple extension to the Standard Model. Such models may also provide a natural dark matter candidate. It is then of great interest to determine what constraints, if any, are to be placed on these models. In this talk, we examine two different classes of models: those with an accidental U(1) symmetry, and those with an accidental Z_2 symmetry. We use a combination of tree-level perturbative unitarity, electroweak precision measurements, cosmological relic density, and direct detection limits to constrain these models.
        Speaker: Terry Pilkington (Carleton University)
    • Flavor II Benedum Hall G27

      Benedum Hall G27

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Alex Stuart
      • 114
        New Physics searches in Heavy Flavor with ATLAS
        Precision determinations of the flavor sector allow the search for indirect new physics signatures. At the forefront of these studies are the determinations of interference of new physics with known Df=1 and Df=2 processes. The ATLAS collaboration explores this area with competitive results measuring the CP violating phase phi_s from Bs->J/Psi phi decays and investigating rare B decays with dileptons in the final state. The latest ATLAS results relevant for new physics searches in the heavy flavor sector will be discussed.
        Speaker: William James Dearnaley (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 115
        CMS Measurement of Upsilon Production at 7TeV
        The differential cross section as a function of transverse momentum for the production of the $\Upsilon(nS)$ (n=1,2,3) states decaying into a pair of muons has been measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV using 4.9 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected by the CMS detector. The analysis selected events with dimuon rapidity $|y(\mu \mu)|< 0.6$, and the measurements cover dimuon transverse momentum in the range $p_T(\mu\mu)=$10-100 \GeV. The data show a transition from exponential to power-law behavior in the neighborhood of 20 \GeV, and the power-law exponents for all three states are consistent. The ratio of differential cross sections for the higher s-wave excitations rises at low $p_T(\mu \mu)$, then becomes flatter at higher $p_T(\mu\mu)$ where the power-law behavior dominates.
        Speaker: Benjamin Taylor Carlson (Carnegie-Mellon University (US))
      • 116
        Flavour tagging at LHCb
        The identification of the flavour of reconstructed Bd and Bs mesons at production is necessary for the measurements of oscillations and time-dependent CP asymmetries. The calibration and performance of opposite-side and same-side flavour tagging algorithms have been developed using simulated events and different flavour specific B decays with ~1 fb–1 of data collected in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV during the 2011 physics run. Using flavour tagging LHCb has performed, among others, new measurements of Δms and of the CP violating Bs mixing phase φs.
        Speaker: Katharina Kreplin (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
      • 117
        Strong interactions of leptons: lepton flavor-violating conversions in effective field theory
        Lepton flavor-violating processes offer interesting possibilities to probe New Physics at multi-TeV scale. Of these, processes like muon-to-electron conversion on nuclei or exclusive tau decays provide interesting interplay of particle and nuclear/hadronic physics effects. I will discuss lepton flavor-violating processes in the framework of effective field theory, emphasizing the role of higher-dimensional operators. To illustrate the result I will discuss explicit examples such as leptoquark models and models with flavor-changing Higgs scalars.
        Speaker: Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)
      • 118
        Quarkonia and quarkonia-like spectroscopy at LHCb
        The latest years have seen a resurrection of interest in searches for exotic states motivated by tantalizing observations by Belle and CDF. Using the data collected at pp collisions at 7 and 8 TeV by the LHCb experiment we present studies of the X(3872) properties.
        Speaker: Mr Bin Gui (Syracuse University (US), LHCb Collaboration)
      • 119
        New Physics in B->D^(*) tau nu_tau
        The recent measurement of B->D^(*)tau nu_tau branching ratios are different from the SM predictions. This may be an indication of New Physics in these decays. We show how the measurement of various angular distributions can confirm and identify this New Physics. Special attention will be paid to triple product asymmetries that vanish in the SM.
        Speaker: Alakabha Datta (University of Mississippi)
      • 120
        Rare decays at LHCb
        Rare decays of beauty and charm hadrons and lepton flavour/number violating decays of tau leptons test the flavour structure of the underlying theory at the level of quantum corrections. They provide information on the couplings and masses of heavy virtual particles appearing as intermediate states. A review of recent results obtained by LHCb on these topics will be presented.
        Speaker: Marco Tresch (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
    • Higgs III Benedum Hall G29

      Benedum Hall G29

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Chien-Yi Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 121
        Signal/background interference in the diphoton Higgs signal at the LHC
        The Higgs mass determination from diphoton events at the LHC is affected by interference between the Higgs resonant and continuum background amplitudes with the same initial and final states. I will discuss this shift in the diphoton mass peak both for the leading order process and for the process with an additional central jet.
        Speaker: Prof. Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
      • 122
        Electroweak Phase Transition, Higgs Diphoton Rate, and New Heavy Fermions
        We show that weak scale vector-like fermions with order one couplings to the Higgs can lead to a novel mechanism for a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPhT), through their tendency to drive the Higgs quartic coupling negative. These same fermions could also enhance the loop-induced branching fraction of the Higgs into two photons. Our results suggest that measurements of the diphoton decay rate of the Higgs and its self coupling, at the LHC or perhaps at a future lepton collider, could probe the EWPhT in the early Universe, with significant implications for the viability of electroweak baryogenesis scenarios.
        Speaker: Ian Lewis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 123
        Higgs to 2 photons, gauge invariance, and physics beyond the SM
        The Standard Model calculation of a Higgs boson decaying to two photons has the curious feature of being finite but regulator-dependent. When calculated using dimensional regularization, it yields a physically reasonable, gauge-invariant result, but when calculated in four dimensions, spurious terms arise which violate gauge invariance. We explore the hypothesis that the four-dimensional calculation is correct, and that such spurious terms cancel when all contributions, both from the SM and from new physics, are included. We find that such a cancellation is surprisingly simple to arrange, and that it would have possibly profound implications for physics beyond the SM.
        Speaker: Jennifer Kile (Northwestern University)
      • 124
        Probing Fermion Structure in Higgs Boson Decays
        The discovery of the Higgs boson has opened up novel avenues to search for new physics, especially in higgs decays. We investigate a specific class of higher dimensional operators that could be potentially interesting in this context.
        Speaker: Arun Thalapillil (Rutgers University)
      • 125
        Higgs Quantum Numbers in Weak Boson Fusion
        Recently, the ATLAS and CMS experiments have reported the discovery of a Higgs like resonance at the LHC. Determining the spin and CP quantum numbers or the form of its interaction Lagrangian channel-by-channel will be the next step towards a more precise understanding of the new state. We show how weak-boson-fusion Higgs production and associated ZH production can be used to separate different spin and CP states.
        Speaker: Dorival Goncalves (Max-Planck-Institut for Physics)
      • 126
        Impact of a CP Violating Higgs Boson
        We observe a generic connection between LHC Higgs data and electroweak baryogenesis: the particle that contributes to CP violating $hgg$ or $h\gamma\gamma$ vertex would provide a CP violating source during first order phase transition. It is illustrated in the 2HDM that a common CP violating phase controls the lightest Higgs properties at the LHC, electric dipole moments and the CP violating source for electroweak baryogenesis. We perform a general parametrization of Higgs effective couplings and a global fit to the LHC Higgs data. Current LHC measurements prefer a nonzero CP violating phase for $\tan \beta \lesssim 1$ and EDM constraints still allow an order one phase for $\tan \beta \sim1$, which gives sufficient room for generating the correct cosmic baryon asymmetry. We also give some prospects in the direct measurements of CP violation in the Higgs sector at the LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Yue Zhang (Caltech)
      • 127
        Probing P and T Violation in Higgs Decays to Four Leptons
        In this talk, we consider the possibility that the Higgs-like resonance recently observed at the LHC might have some contribution from a yet-unidentified pseudo-scalar component. We parameterize the magnitude of such a possible interference effect from an effective operator perspective, and propose a kinematic observable that would make the resulting violations of parity and time-reversal manifest in an asymmetry in the distribution of this variable.
        Speaker: Mr Michael Park (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
      • 128
        Inspecting the Higgs for New Weakly Interacting Particles
        We explore new physics scenarios which are optimally probed through precision Higgs measurements rather than direct collider searches. Such theories consist of additional electroweak charged or singlet states which couple directly to or mix with the Higgs boson; particles of this kind may be weakly constrained by direct limits due to their meager production rates and soft decay products. We present a simplified framework which characterizes the effects of these states on Higgs physics by way of tree level mixing (with neutral scalars) and loop level modifications (from electrically charged states), all expressed in terms of three mixing angles and three loop parameters, respectively. The theory parameters are constrained and in some cases even fixed by ratios of Higgs production and decay rates. Our setup is simpler than a general effective operator analysis, in that we discard parameters irrelevant to Higgs observables while retaining complex correlations among measurements that arise due to the underlying mixing and radiative effects. We show that certain correlated observations are forbidden, e.g. a depleted ratio of Higgs production from gluon fusion versus vector boson fusion together with a depleted ratio of Higgs decays to bb versus WW. Moreover, we study the strong correlation between the Higgs decay rate to two photons and WW and how it can be violated in the presence of additional electrically charged particles. Our formalism maps straightforwardly onto a variety of new physics models, such as the NMSSM. We show, for example, that with a Higgsino of mass ~ 100 GeV and a singlet-Higgs coupling of ~0.7, the photon signal strength can deviate from the vector signal strength by up to 40-60% while depleting the vector signal strength by only 5-15% relative to the Standard Model.
        Speaker: Samuel McDermott
    • Neutrinos III Benedum Hall G28

      Benedum Hall G28

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Irina Mocioiu (Pennsylvania State University)
      • 129
        sterile neutrino analysis of reactor-neutrino oscillation
        Sterile neutrinos are one candidate to explain anomalies in neutrino oscillations. The mass-difference-driving oscillation between flavors can be probed only within specific combinations of baseline and flight energy. For a neutrino whose mass is completely unknown, it is necessary to scan all available ranges in spectrum and all accessible baselines. Here, we present four-neutrino analysis of the results announced by RENO and Daya Bay, which performed the definitive measurements of θ 13 based on the disappearance of the inverse-beta-decay antineutrino at km-order baselines. Our results within 3+1 scheme include the exclusion curve of Δm 41 vs. θ 14 , and the adjustment of θ 13 due to the contribution of θ 14 to the disappearance of electron antineutrinos.
        Speaker: Sin Kyu Kang (Seoul-Tech)
      • 130
        Decoherence effects from sterile neutrinos in short baseline oscillation experiments.
        Oscillations of light Dirac and Majorana sterile neutrinos with $m_s \simeq eV$ produced in meson decays are suppressed through decoherence aspects arising from lifetime effects of the decaying mesons and the stopping distance of the charged lepton in short baseline experiments. We obtain the transition probability from production to detection via charged current interactions including these decoherence effects for 3+1 and 3+2 scenarios and the impact of these effects on the determination of mixing angles, mass differences and CP-violating amplitudes. We argue that decoherence effects are important in current short baseline accelerator experiments, leading to an underestimate of masses, mixing and CP-violating angles. At MiniBooNE/SciBooNE we estimate that these effects lead to an $\sim 15%$ underestimate for sterile neutrino masses $m_s \gtrsim 3 \,\mathrm{eV}$. We argue that reactor and current short baseline accelerator experiments are fundamentally different and suggest that in future high intensity experiments with neutrinos produced from $\pi,K$ decay at rest, stopping the charged leptons on distances much smaller than the decay length of the parent meson suppresses considerably these decoherence effects.
        Speaker: Louis Lello (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 131
        Sterile neutrino phenomenology at IceCube and in astrophysics
        We examine the effects of sterile neutrinos in a minimal 3+2 framework on flux measured in IceCube. The effects on flavor ratio measurements from astrophysical sources as a result of sterile neutrino mixing in this framework are also examined.
        Speaker: Dave Hollander (P)
      • 132
        Looking for Nu Physics with PLANCK
        Recent results from the PLANCK satellite provide the most stringent constraint on Neff, the effective number of degrees of freedom in the early universe. Non-standard neutrino interactions can affect the measurement of Neff. The Standard Model predicts Neff=3, while PLANCK measures Neff=3.3+/-0.5. I will discuss the implication of PLANCK's measurement on several new physics scenarios, including neutrino dipole moments and B-L vector gauge bosons.
        Speaker: Chiu-Tien Yu (UW-Madison)
      • 133
        MeV dark matter in the 3 + 1 + 1 model
        The existence of light sterile neutrinos in the eV mass range with relatively large mixing angles with the active neutrinos has been proposed for a variety of reasons, including to improve the fit to the LSND and MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation experiments, and reactor disappearance experiments. In ref. arXiv:1010.3970, it was shown that neutrino mixing with a heavier sterile neutrino, in the mass range between 33 eV and several GeV, could significantly affect and improve the agreement between of neutrino oscillation models with light sterile neutrinos and short baseline experimental results, allowing for a new source of CP violation in appearance experiments and for different apparent mixing angles in appearance and disappearance experiments. However in ref. arXiv:1205.1791, it was shown that a variety of collider experiment, supernovae, and cosmological constraints can eliminate most of the parameter region where such a heavy sterile neutrino can have a significant effect on neutrino oscillations. In this paper we consider the effects of allowing a new light scalar in the MeV mass region, which is a potential dark matter candidate, to interact with the sterile neutrinos, and show that the resulting model is a consistent theory of neutrino oscillation anomalies and dark matter which can also potentially explain the INTEGRAL excess of 511 keV gamma rays in the central region of the galaxy.
        Speaker: Jinrui Huang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
      • 134
        New Light Species and the CMB
        In the massless limit, the effects of new light species on the Cosmic Microwave Background can be parameterized in terms of a single number, the relativistic degrees of freedom. I will survey the set of natural, minimal models containing new light species and provide a map between the parameters of any particular theory and the predicted effective number of degrees of freedom. I will then use this map to interpret the recent results from the Planck satellite's Cosmic Microwave Background survey, presenting new constraints on the parameter space of several models containing new light species.
        Speaker: Matthew Walters (Johns Hopkins University)
    • SUSY III Benedum Hall G30

      Benedum Hall G30

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Nick Setzer
      • 135
        Gaugomaly Mediation Revisited
        Most generic models of hidden sector supersymmetry breaking do not feature singlets, and gauginos obtain masses from anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. If one desires a natural model, then the dominant contribution to scalar masses should be of the same order, i.e. also from AMSB. However, pure AMSB models suffer from the tachyonic slepton problem. Moreover, there is a large splitting between the gluino and the wino LSP masses resulting in tight exclusion limits from typical superpartner searches. We introduce messenger fields into this framework to obtain a hybrid theory of gauge and anomaly mediation, solving both problems simultaneously. Specifically, we find any number of vector-like messenger fields (allowed by GUT unification) compress the predicted gaugino spectrum when their masses come from the Giudice-Masiero mechanism. This more compressed spectrum is less constrained by LHC searches and allows for lighter gluinos.
        Speaker: arpit gupta (JHU)
      • 136
        An explicit model of dynamical SUSY breaking with R symmetry and Dirac gaugino masses
        A dynamical Supersymmetry breaking model that realizes the phenomenology of Dirac gaugino masses is presented. The theory uses an s-confining Seiberg dual of SQCD to obtain a metastable ISS-like SUSY breaking vacuum. The SM gauge group is realized as a subgroup of the global flavor symmetry. The meson fields of the magnetic theory are partnered with gauginos,obtaining a Dirac mass at one loop. Supersymmetry is broken by a combination of F terms and the essential D term of a gauged "baryon" number. An R symmetry is unbroken in the model, which allows naturally heavy gauginos and evading collider bounds on the production of superpartners. We present complete spectra of superpartner masses.
        Speaker: Riccardo Pavesi (Cornell Univ)
      • 137
        Universality in Pure Gravity Mediation
        If low energy supersymmetry is realized in nature, the apparent discovery of a Higgs boson with mass around 125GeV points to a supersymmetric mass spectrum in the TeV or multi-TeV range. Multi-TeV scalar masses are a necessary component of supersymmetric models with pure gravity mediation or in any model with strong moduli stabilization. Here, we show that full scalar mass universality remains viable as long as the ratio of Higgs vevs, tan beta is relatively small (less than about 2.5). We discuss in detail the low energy (observable) consequences of these models.
        Speaker: Jason Evans (IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
      • 138
        Yukawa Unification with Effective Mirage Mediation
        I will talk about the consequences, for the LHC, of gauge and third family Yukawa coupling unification with a particular set of boundary conditions defined at the GUT scale, which we characterize as effective "mirage" mediation. We performed a global chi-squared analysis including the observables M_W, M_Z, G_F, alpha_em, alpha_s(M_Z), M_top, m_b(m_b), M_tau, BR(B -> X_s gamma), BR(B_s -> mu^+ mu^-) and M_{h} in the MSSM in terms of 10 GUT scale parameters, while tanb and mu are fixed at the weak scale. I will discuss the fits to the low energy data and the SUSY spectrum, which is dramatically different than previously studied in the context of Yukawa unification. This talk will be based on arXiv:1303.5125.
        Speaker: Archana Anandakrishnan (The Ohio state University)
      • 139
        Particle Spectroscopy of SUSY SU(5) in light of Higgs Boson mass (g-2) data
        The discovery of Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider has a great impact on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). In the context of the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) and its slight extension with non-universal masses for the MSSM Higgs doublets, sparticles with mass > 1 TeV are necessary to reproduce the observed Higgs boson mass around 125 GeV. On the other hand, there is a considerable amount of discrepancy in the muon g − 2 precision measurement, compared to the the Standard Model prediction. The successful explanation of this discrepancy by the MSSM requires relatively light sparticles with mass < 1 TeV. In this paper, we investigate a possibility to accommodate the two conflicting requirements in an SU(5) inspired extension of the CMSSM, where non-universal soft supersymmetry breaking masses are assigned for ¯5 and 10 matter multiplets (while flavor blindness is assumed) as well as for two MSSM Higgs doublets. We identify parameter regions which can simultaneously reproduce the observed Higgs boson mass and the muon g −2 data, along with other phenomenological constraints such as neutralino dark matter relic abundance and the observations of B-meson rare decays. Some of parameter regions can be tested in the near future at Large Hadron Collider experiments with collider energy upgrade and by dark matter direct/indirect detection experiments
        Speaker: Shabbar Raza (University of Delaware)
      • 140
        General Messenger Higgs Mediation
        We present a general formalism for analyzing supersymmetric models where the Higgs sector directly couples to the messengers of supersymmetry breaking. Such Higgs-messenger interactions are strongly motivated by the discovery of a Higgs boson near 125 GeV, but they also raise the specter of the mu/B_mu and A/m_H^2 problems. Using our formalism, we identify new avenues to solving these problems through strong dynamics in the messenger sector or hidden sector.
        Speaker: Simon Knapen
      • 141
        Gluino-driven Radiative Breaking and Naturalness in Grand Unified SUGRA
        We present results from a Bayesian analysis of our non-minimal grand unified SUGRA model where the gluino drives the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. The model naturally leads to a unique mass hierarchy and is shown to be exceptionally consistent with experimental constraints. The model simultaneously satisfied null results within B physics while creating a large contribution to the anomalous muon magnetic moment and to the Higgs diphoton decay.
        Speaker: Sujeet Akula (Northeastern University)
      • 142
        Mirage Models Confront the LHC: I. Kahler-Stabilized Heterotic String Theory
        We begin the study of a class of string-motivated effective supergravity theories in light of current data from the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The case of heterotic string theory, in which the dilaton is stabilized via non-perturbative corrections to the Kahler metric, will be considered first. This model is highly constrained and therefore predictive. We find that much of the reasonable parameter space afforded to the model -- representing the strong dynamics of a presumed gaugino condensation in the hidden sector -- is now observationally disfavored by the LHC results. Most of the theoretically-motivated parameter space that remains can be probed with data that has already been collected, and most of the remainder will be definitively explored within the first year of operation at center of mass energy of 13 TeV. Expected signatures for a number of benchmark points are discussed. We find that the surviving space of the model makes a precise prediction as to the relation of many superpartner masses, as well as the manner in which the correct dark matter relic density is obtained. Implications for current and future dark matter search experiments are discussed.
        Speaker: Mr Bryan Kaufman (Northeastern University)
    • Top I Benedum Hall G26

      Benedum Hall G26

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Keith Lee
      • 143
        Top quark pair production cross section at LHC in ATLAS
        Measurements of the top quark production cross sections in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are presented. The measurement require no, one or two electrons or muons in the final state (single lepton, dilepton, hadronic channel). In addition, the decay modes with tau leptons are tested (channels with tau leptons). The main focus are measurements of differential spectra of ttbar final states, in particular, measurements that are able to constrain the modelling of additional parton radiation like the jet multiplicity distribution.
        Speaker: Richard Arthur Wall (Yale University (US))
      • 144
        Single top quark production cross section at LHC in ATLAS
        Measurements of the single top quark production cross sections in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider are presented. Measurements of single top-quark production in the t- and Wt-channels are shown and determination of the CKM matrix element |Vtb| is discussed. We also discuss the separate measurement of the top and anti-top quark and the ratio. These measurements are sensitive to the parton distribution function in the proton. In addition, the s-channel production is explored and limits on exotic production in single top quark processes are discussed. This also includes the search for flavour changing neutral currents and the search for additional W’ bosons in the s-channel.
        Speaker: Dr Andreas Wildauer (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
      • 145
        Top quark properties in ATLAS
        Properties of the top quark are measured with the ATLAS detector using LHC proton-proton collisions data. Measurements of the top-quark mass, charge and polarisation, as well as of the polarization of W bosons in top quark decays to probe the Wtb-vertex are presented. In addition, measurements of the spin correlation between top and anti-top quarks as well as of the top-quark charge asymmetry, which constitute important tests of QCD and are sensitive to new physics, are discussed. The search for flavour changing neutral current processes in top quark decays is reviewed. We also discuss top production in association with bosons.
        Speaker: Boris Lemmer (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
      • 146
        Bottom Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the Standard Model and Beyond
        We computed the bottom quark forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron in the Standard Model and for several new physics scenarios. Near the $Z$-pole, the SM bottom asymmetry is dominated by tree level exchanges of electroweak gauge bosons. While above the Z-pole, next-to-leading order QCD dominates the SM asymmetry as was the case with the top quark forward-backward asymmetry. Light new physics, $M_{NP} \lsim 150$~GeV, can cause significant deviations from the SM prediction for the bottom asymmetry. The bottoms asymmetry can be used to distinguish between competing NP explanations of the top asymmetry based on how the NP interferes with $s$-channel gluon and $Z$ exchange.
        Speaker: Christopher W. Murphy (University of California, San Diego)
      • 147
        Precise predictions for top quark fully-differential decay
        Top quark is a unique probe at the LHC of both testing the standard model of particle physics and searching for new physics beyond. With the high collision energy and luminosity of the LHC, the production and decay of top quark can be measured with the highest precision ever attained. And the theoretical predictions from perturbative calculations are required to match the experimental uncertainties. In this work, based on the soft-collinear effective theory, we introduce a phase slicing method that could be used for the calculation of heavy-to-light fully differential decay at NNLO in QCD. Using the above method we obtain the NNLO QCD corrections to the top quark fully differential decay. Together with the updated EW corrections, finite mass and width effects, they constitute the current most precise predictions for top quark decay.
        Speaker: Dr Jun Gao (Southern Methodist University)
      • 148
        What the top asymmetries tell us about single top production and Higgs decays
        The top asymmetries measured at the Tevatron, and the discrepancy in the di-photon Higgs rate under investigation at the LHC represent two possible hints of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). In this paper we address the possibility to explain and relate both these experimental anomalies with the help of an extra scalar doublet in addition to the SM particle spectrum. The connection is provided by the constraints that the electroweak precision tests impose on the oblique S and T parameters. As a result, considering the semi-leptonic single top production in the tW-channel at the LHC, our analysis predicts a bump in the invariant mass distribution of the two light jets.
        Speaker: Wei-Chih Huang (SISSA)
      • 149
        Higgs from the Top
        In light of the discovery of a Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs boson, h, at the LHC, we investigate the rare decay of the top quark t → W bh. We find its decay branching fraction to be 1.80 × 10−9 and is several orders of magnitude larger than the loop-induced t → qh transition. We extend the calculation to t → W bH, where H represents the two CP-even and single CP-odd Higgs bosons, respectively H1 , H2 and A0 , in the Type II Two Higgs Doublet Model [2HDM(II)]. In the SM Higgs boson scenario, we find that the decay rate is quite sensitive to anomalous tth couplings. In the 2HDM(II) scenario, the rates for H1 , H2 , and A0 vary vastly over the still-allowed range of tan β and scalar masses, relative to the rate for a SM Higgs boson. We also report sensitivity to both a light SM-unlike Higgs boson and a light CP-odd Higgs boson.
        Speaker: Richard Ruiz (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 150
        Jet Substructure by Accident
        We propose a new search strategy for high-multiplicity hadronic final states. When new particles are produced at threshold, the distribution of their decay products is approximately isotropic. If there are many partons in the final state, it is likely that several will be clustered into the same large-radius jet. The resulting jet exhibits substructure, even though the parent states are not boosted. This "accidental" substructure is a powerful discriminant against background because it is more pronounced for high-multiplicity signals than for QCD multijets. We demonstrate how to take advantage of accidental substructure to reduce backgrounds without relying on the presence of missing energy. As an example, we present the expected limits for several R-parity violating gluino decay topologies. This approach allows for the determination of QCD backgrounds using data-driven methods, which is crucial for the feasibility of any search that targets signatures with many jets and suppressed missing energy.
        Speaker: Hou Keong Lou Lou (Princeton University)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • DM III Benedum Hall G31

      Benedum Hall G31

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Andrew Zentner (University of Pittsburgh)
      • 151
        Cosmic-Ray and Gamma-Ray Line Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter
        We discuss aspects of indirect detection of decaying dark matter and present updated fits to the parameter space in light of the recent AMS-02 measurements of the positron fraction. Leptonic dark matter decay modes can induce higher-order decays involving monoenergetic photons, which may be observed as gamma-ray lines. We examine the resulting interplay between cosmic-ray and gamma-ray constraints and compare observational sensitivities. We also discuss constraints on hadronic decay modes based on earlier measurements of the antiproton/proton ratio by PAMELA.
        Speaker: David Tran (University of Minnesota)
      • 152
        The WIMP-Induced Gamma Ray Spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei
        As direct and indirect dark matter detection experiments continue to place stringent constraints on WIMP masses and couplings, it becomes imperative to expand the scope of the search for particle dark matter by looking in new and exotic places. One such place may be the core of active galactic nuclei where the density of dark matter is expected to be extremely high. Recently, several groups have explored the possibility of observing signals of dark matter from its interactions with the high-energy jets emanating from these galaxies. In this work, we build upon these analyses by including the other components of the WIMP-induced gamma ray spectrum of active galactic nuclei; namely, (1) the continuum from WIMP annihilation into light standard model states which subsequently radiate and/or decay into photons and (2) the direct (loop-induced) decay into photons. We work in the context of models of universal extra dimensions (with either one or two extra dimensions) and compute all three components of the gamma ray spectrum and compare with current data and reach of future experiments. The model with two extra dimensions, in particular, exhibits several interesting features which may be observable with the Fermi gamma ray telescope.
        Speaker: Chris Jackson (University of Texas at Arlington)
      • 153
        CMB bounds on light dark matter.
        I use the recent Planck data in combination with WMAP, ACT, and SPT to place bounds on dark matter properties. I show that light dark matter models favored by some direct detection experiments are strongly constrained by CMB observations. I will also discuss how future polarization data from Planck will improve these bounds.
        Speaker: Aravind Natarajan (Carnegie Mellon University)
      • 154
        From gamma ray line signals of dark matter to the LHC
        We explore the relationship between astrophysical gamma-ray signals and LHC signatures for a class of phenomenologically successful secluded dark matter models, motivated by recent evidence for a ~130 GeV gamma-ray line. We consider in detail scenarios in which interactions between the dark sector and the standard model are mediated by a vev-less scalar field phi, transforming as an N-plet (N > 3) under SU(2)_L. Since some of the component fields of phi carry large electric charges, loop induced dark matter annihilation to gamma gamma and gamma Z can be enhanced without the need for non-perturbatively large couplings, and without overproduction of continuum gamma-rays from other final states. We discuss prospects for other experimental tests, including dark matter-nucleon scattering and production of \phi at the LHC, where future searches for anomalous charged tracks may be sensitive. The first LHC hints could come from the Higgs sector, where loop corrections involving phi lead to significantly modified h to gamma gamma and h to gamma Z branching ratios.
        Speaker: Reinard Primulando (J)
      • 155
        Universal Two-body Physics in Dark Matter near an S-wave Resonance
        The dark matter annihilation rate at small relative velocities can be amplified by a large boost factor using various mechanisms, including Sommerfeld enhancement, resonance enhancement, and Breit-Wigner enhancement. These mechanisms all involve a resonance near the threshold for a pair of dark matter particles. We point out that if the resonance is in the S-wave channel, the mechanisms are equivalent sufficiently near the resonance and they are constrained by universal two-body physics. The amplified annihilation rate requires a corresponding amplification of the elastic scattering cross section. If the resonance is a bound state below the threshold, it has an increased lifetime that is inversely proportional to the square root of the binding energy. Its spatial structure is that of two dark matter particles whose mean separation is also inversely proportional to the square root of the binding energy.
        Speaker: Eric Braaten (Ohio state University)
      • 156
        Sommerfeld Enhancement of Self-Interacting Dark Matter
        We present new results for the Sommerfeld enhancement of self-interacting dark matter, focusing on results from singular potentials generated by the relevant quantum field theory operators. We show how these models are consistently renormalized and give bounds on the enhancement. These results constrain models through connections with astrophysics using halo shapes and substructure.
        Speaker: Mathieu Cliche (C)
      • 157
        Constraining and detecting dark photon
        Based on my recent work with Maxim Pospelov and Josef Pradler,, I will talk about the stellar production of vector states V within the minimal model of "dark photons". I will show that when the Stuckelberg mass of the dark vector becomes smaller than plasma frequency, the emission rate is dominated by the production of the longitudinal modes of V, and scales as \kappa^2 m_V^2, where \kappa and m_V are the mixing angle with the photon and the mass of the dark state. This is in contrast with earlier erroneous claims in the literature that the emission rate decouples as the forth power of the mass. We find that stellar bounds for m_V < 10 eV are significantly strengthened, to the extent that all current "light-shining-through-wall" experiments find themselves within deeply excluded regions. I will also talk about better ways to detect the eV and sub-eV scale "dark photon", which is to use dark matter detectors.
        Speaker: Dr Haipeng An (Perimeter Institute)
      • 158
        Beyond collisionless dark matter
        Although collisionless dark matter (CDM) has been highly successful in explaining the large scale structure of the Universe, its success remains unclear on smaller scales. Observations of dwarf galaxies and Milky Way satellites show notable and long-standing disagreements compared to predictions from numerical CDM simulations. This discrepancy can be solved if dark matter is not collisionless, but possesses a large self-interaction cross section. In this talk, I discuss the particle physics dynamics of self-interacting dark matter. Even within a minimal model, self-interactions can exhibit a rich structure, with different behaviors on small vs large scales. I show how considerations from astrophysical observations of structure, dark matter relic density, and indirect detection can map out the underlying particle physics parameter space of self-interacting dark matter.
        Speaker: Sean Tulin (University of Michigan)
    • Extra Dimensions
      Convener: Alejandro de la Puente (TRIUMF)
      • 159
        Searches for new physics with leptons and photons
        Searches for new physics using leptons and photons at CMS are presented. The latest results on Z' and W' resonances are shown in addition to the latest results on ADD extra dimensions.
        Speaker: Dr Malik Sarah (Rockefeller University)
      • 160
        Search for exotic resonances with top quarks
        In many models of physics beyond the Standard Model the coupling of new physics to third generation quarks is enhanced. We present a review of searches for heavy particles beyond the standard model decaying to final states with top and bottom quarks. This includes searches for heavy gauge bosons and excited states. Several final states originating from the top are considered and the event reconstruction is optimized accordingly. We use data collected with the CMS experiment during the year 2012, in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV.
        Speaker: Khristian Kotov (Ohio State University (US))
      • 161
        Phenomenology of Bulk Higgs-Radion Mixing
        The discovery of the Higgs candidate boson last year offers a new tool to investigate BSM physics. Models with warped extra dimensions involve an additional scalar, the radion, which can mix with the Higgs. This mixing has been previously considered for Higgses localised on the infrared brane. We extend these studies to two further classes of models: those with a bulk Higgs, and gauge-Higgs unification scenarios where the Higgs is part of a five-dimensional vector field. We demonstrate how the relevant mixing terms can be generated by loop effects, and in particular how this is related to the breaking of gauge symmetry for gauge-Higgs unification models. We further constrain the radion mass and mixing using the observed Higgs production and branching ratios. Finally we consider additional LHC signals that might shed light on these models.
        Speaker: Andrew Spray (TRIUMF)
      • 162
        The Radion as a Harbinger of Deca-TeV Physics
        Precision data generally require the threshold for physics beyond the Standard Model to be at the deca-TeV (10 TeV) scale or higher. This raises the question of whether there are interesting deca-TeV models for which the LHC may find direct clues. A possible scenario for such physics is a 5D warped model of fermion masses and mixing, with Kaluza-Klein masses m_KK ~ 10 TeV, allowing it to avoid tension with stringent constraints, especially from flavor data. Discovery of a Standard-Model-like Higgs boson, for which there are some hints at ~125 GeV at the LHC, would also require the KK masses to be at or above 10 TeV. These warped models generically predict the appearance of a much lighter radion scalar. We find that, in viable warped models of flavor, a radion with a mass of a few hundred GeV and an inverse coupling of order m_KK ~ 10 TeV could typically be accessible to the LHC experiments -- with sqrt(s) = 14 TeV and 100 fb^-1 of data. The above statements can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to 4D dual models, where conformal dynamics and a dilaton replace warping and the radion, respectively. Detection of such a light and narrow scalar could thus herald the proximity of a new physical threshold and motivate experiments that would directly probe the deca-TeV mass scale.
        Speaker: Thomas McElmurry (University of Rochester)
      • 163
        S, T and You: Controlling Your Oblique Corrections When Adding a Dimension
        Theories with a warped extra dimension often encounter difficulties with corrections to the T parameter in absence of an extended symmetry including custodial isospin. Recent work on warped extra dimensional models known as soft-walls has shown that these models can control the S and T corrections without the need for custodial isospin. This talk will elaborate on why this is the case and provide a simple example model which is under complete theoretical control.
        Speaker: Nicholas Setzer (University of Granada)
      • 164
        The Alternate Froggatt Nielsen Models
        Localisation of fermions in the bulk of an extra dimension are considered to be alternate to the Froggatt-Nielsen Models. We will consider a Randall -Sundrum Framework close to the GUT scale, the typical scale of Froggatt-Neilsen Models. We fit all the fermion masses at the high scale taking in to consideration the variation of $\mathcal{O}(1)$ entries. We do this exercise for both supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric cases. Two cases for neutrino masses are considered : (1) an higher dimensional operator and secondly (2) Dirac neutrinos. Contrary to expectations, we find the higher dimensional operator fits to the data very well compared to the weak scale RS. In supersymmetry case, "flavourful supersymmetry" is a natural outcome in the minimal models. We present a few results in this direction.
        Speaker: Sudhir Kumar Vempati (C)
      • 165
        Evolving dimensions: theory and phenomenology
        Lower-dimensionality at higher energies has manifold theoretical advantages. Moreover, it appears that experimental evidence may already exists for it - a statistically significant planar alignment of events with energies higher than TeV has been observed in some earlier cosmic ray experiments. If this alignment is not a fluke, then the LHC should be able to see effects associated with the dimensional crossover. Further, (2+1)-dimensional spacetimes have no gravitational degrees of freedom, and gravity waves cannot be produced in that epoch in the early universe. This places a universal maximum frequency at which primordial gravity waves can propagate, which may be accessible to future gravitational wave detectors such as LISA or NGO. In this talk, the theoretical motivation for "evolving dimensions" as well as generic experimental and observational signature will be discussed. Also, a concrete string-inspired model that captures the basic idea of "evolving dimensions" will be presented.
        Speaker: Dejan Stojkovic (SUNY at Buffalo)
    • Higgs IV
      Convener: Andreas Ross (CMU)
      • 166
        Non-Decoupling MSSM Higgs in Light of the LHC Higgs Discovery
        In the non-decoupling region of the Higgs sector in MSSM, the heavier CP-even Higgs H^0 is SM-like and all five MSSM Higgses are light. We demonstrate that this scenario can accommodate direct collider searches and pass flavor constraints. This scenario can be conclusively explored at the LHC in the near future.
        Speaker: Dr Tong Li (Monash University)
      • 167
        Discovering the Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons in b tau tau Final State
        We study the production of the CP-odd Higgs pseudoscalar (A0) and heavier CP-even Higgs scalar (H0) of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model associated with a single b quark at the LHC. Specifically we investigate the discovery potential of the di-tau decay channel of A0/H0 followed by an opposite flavor leptonic decay of the taus, i.e. b g -> b A0/H0 -> b tau+ tau- -> b e+- mu-+. The physics background consists of p p -> b/j ta+ ta-, p p -> j/b w+ w- and p p -> jj/bb~ w+ w- where w's decay leptonically into opposite flavor e/mu final states directly or through taus. Furthermore, We present the LHC discovery regions in the (m_A,tan(beta)) plane.
        Speaker: Baris Altunkaynak (University of Oklahoma)
      • 168
        Naturalness in the scalar sector of NMSSM
        It has been shown that in lambda-susy (i.e. NMSSM with low tb and order unit singlet-Higgs coupling) the fine tuning of the electroweak sector due to stops is minimized. However in order to obtain the correct value of the Higgs mass a non negligible singlet-Higgs mixing is required. Employing a fit of the recent Higgs data collected at LHC and Tevatron we obtain bounds on the mixing and study the implication on fine tuning in the scalar sector of the theory.
        Speaker: Marco Farina (C)
      • 169
        The Scale-Invariant NMSSM and the 126 GeV Higgs Boson
        The recent LHC discovery of a Higgs-like resonance at 126 GeV suggests that the minimal supersymmetric standard model must be modified in order to preserve naturalness. A simple extension is to include a singlet superfield and consider the scale-invariant NMSSM, whose renormalizable superpotential contains no dimensionful parameters. This extension not only solves the \mu-problem, but can easily accommodate a 126 GeV Higgs. I will present our recent study of naturalness in the scale-invariant NMSSM taking into account the constraints from LHC searches, flavor physics and electroweak precision tests. We show that TeV-scale stop masses are still allowed in much of the parameter space with 5% tuning for a low messenger scale of 20 TeV, split families (with third-generation sleptons decoupled) and Higgs-singlet coupling \lambda of order one. For larger values of the Higgs-singlet coupling, which can relieve the tuning in the Higgs VEV, an additional tuning in the Higgs mass limits increasing the (lightest) stop mass beyond 1.2 TeV, the gluino mass above 3 TeV, and electroweak charginos and neutralinos beyond 400 GeV for a combined tuning better than 5%. This implies that the natural region of parameter space for the scale-invariant NMSSM will be fully explored at the 14 TeV LHC.
        Speaker: Michael A. Schmidt (The University of Melbourne)
      • 170
        Radiative Natural SUSY
        Models of natural supersymmetry seek to solve the little hierarchy problem by positing a spectrum of light higgsinos <~ 200-300 GeV and light top squarks <~ 600 GeV along with very heavy squarks and TeV-scale gluinos. Such models have low electroweak fine-tuning and satisfy the LHC constraints. However, in the context of the MSSM, they predict too low a value of m(h), are frequently in conflict with the measured b\to s\gamma branching fraction and the relic density of thermally produced higgsino-like WIMPs falls well below dark matter (DM) measurements. We propose "radiative natural SUSY" (RNS) which can be realized within the MSSM (avoiding the addition of extra exotic matter) and which maintains features such as gauge coupling unification and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. The RNS model can be generated from SUSY GUT type models with non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM). Allowing for high scale soft SUSY breaking Higgs mass m_{H_u}> m_0 leads to automatic cancellations during renormalization group (RG) running, and to radiatively-induced low fine-tuning at the electroweak scale. Coupled with large mixing in the top squark sector, RNS allows for fine-tuning at the 3-10% level with TeV-scale top squarks and a 125 GeV light Higgs scalar h. The model allows for at least a partial solution to the SUSY flavor, CP and gravitino problems since first/second generation scalars (and the gravitino) may exist in the 10-30 TeV regime. We outline some possible signatures for RNS at the LHC and at a linear e^+e^- collider. If the strong CP problem is solved by the Peccei-Quinn mechanism, then RNS naturally accommodates mixed axion-higgsino cold dark matter, where the light higgsino-like WIMPS - which in this case make up only a fraction of the measured relic abundance - should be detectable at upcoming WIMP detectors.
        Speaker: Peisi Huang (University of Wisconsin (US))
      • 171
        Revisiting mGMSB in light of a 125 GeV Higgs
        We explore the implications of a 124-126 GeV CP-even Higgs boson on the fundamental parameter space and sparticle spectroscopy of the minimal gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (mGMSB) scenario. The above mass for the Higgs boson yields stringent lower bounds on the sparticle masses in this class of models. The lightest neutralino and stau masses lie close to 1.5 TeV and 800 GeV respectively, while the majority of the sparticle masses are in the several to multi-TeV range. We show that with a single pair of 5+\bar{5} SU(5) messenger multiplets, the lower limit on the gravitino mass is \sim 360 eV. This is reduced to about 60 eV if five pairs of 5+\bar{5} messenger fields are introduced. Non-standard cosmology and non-standard gravitino production mechanisms are required in order to satisfy cosmological observations.
        Speaker: Muhammad Ajaib (University of Delaware)
      • 172
        Non-Universal Gaugino Masses and Natural Supersymmetry
        We demonstrate that natural supersymmetry is readily realized in the framework of SU(4)_c \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R with non-universal gaugino masses. Focusing on ameliorating the little hierarchy problem, we explore the parameter space of this model which yields small fine-tuning measuring parameters (natural supersymmetry) at the electroweak scale (\Delta_{EW}) as well as at high scale (\Delta_{HS}). It is possible to have both \Delta_{EW} and \Delta_{HS} less than 100 in these models, (2 % or better fine-tuning), while keeping the light CP-even (Standard Model-like) Higgs mass in the 123 GeV-127 GeV range. The light stop quark mass lies in the range 700 GeV <m_{\tilde{t}_{1}}< 1500 GeV, and the range for the light stau lepton mass is 900 GeV <m_{\tilde{\tau}_{1}}< 1300 GeV. The first two family squarks are in the mass range 3000 GeV <m_{\tilde{t}_{1}}< 4500 GeV, and for the gluino we find 2500 GeV <m_{\tilde{g}_{1}}< 3500 GeV. We do not find any solution with natural supersymmetry which yields significant enhancement for Higgs production and decay in the diphoton channel.
        Speaker: fariha nasir (U)
      • 173
        Higgs Boson Mass from t-b-tau Yukawa Unification
        We revisit a class of supersymmetric SO(10) models with t-b-tau Yukawa coupling unication condition, with emphasis on the prediction of the Higgs mass. We discuss qualitative features in this model that lead to a Higgs mass prediction close to 125 GeV.
        Speaker: Cem Salih Un (University of Delaware)
    • SUSY IV Benedum Hall G30

      Benedum Hall G30

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Ryan Gavin (Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 174
        Searches for long-lived particles and lepton-jets with the ATLAS detector
        Several extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of massive long-lived particles, some of these postulate the existence of a hidden sector of particles. We report on searches for weakly-interacting long-lived particles decaying to collimated lepton-jets far away from the interaction point, and for production of multi-charged particles. The talk presents the final results of analyses using data recorded in 2011 at sqrt(s)=7 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.
        Speaker: Andrea Coccaro (University of Washington (US))
      • 175
        Searches for Long-lived Charged Particles in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=7 and 8 TeV at CMS
        Results of searches for heavy stable charged particles produced in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV are presented. Data collected with the CMS detector are used to study the momentum, energy deposition, and time-of-flight of candidate events. Fermions with an electric charge of e/3 to 5e as well as bound states suffering from charge flipping (charged to/from neutral) are studied. Analysis results are presented for various combinations of signatures in the inner tracker only, inner tracker plus muon system, and muon system only. Detector signatures under study are long time-of-flight to the outer muon system and anomalously high (or low) energy deposition in the inner tracker. The data are consistent with the expected background and limits on the cross section for production of long-lived scalar taus, scalar tops and gluinos, as well as direct pair production of lepton-like long-lived fermions are set.
        Speaker: Claude Patrick J Nuttens (Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))
      • 176
        The Least Supersymmetric Model at the LHC
        We study the implications at the LHC for the minimal (least) version of the su- persymmetric standard model. In this model supersymmetry is broken by gravity and extra gauge interactions effects, providing a spectrum similar in several aspects to that in natural supersymmetric scenarios. Having the first two generations of sparticles partially decoupled means that any significant signal can only involve gauginos and the third family of sfermions. In practice, the signals are dominated by gluino production with subsequent decays into the stop sector. As we show, a clear discovery at the LHC is possible at \sqrt{s} = 14 TeV, but will require large integrated luminosities.
        Speaker: Bryan Ostdiek (University of Notre Dame)
      • 177
        Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector
        An extended QCD sector beyond the minimal supersymmetric standard model or the admission of R-parity violation introduces new signatures to the search for supersymmetry at the LHC. Strongly interacting resonances may decay to jets, sleptons may decay via lepton-flavour violating processes and lightest supersymmetric particles may decay into many leptons with or without missing transverse momentum. Several supersymmetric models also predict massive long-lived supersymmetric particles. Such particles may be detected through abnormal specific energy loss, appearing or disappearing tracks, displaced vertices, long time-of-flight or late calorimetric energy deposits. The talk presents recent results from searches supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector.
        Speaker: Nikiforos Nikiforou (Columbia University (US))
      • 178
        Higgs Phenomenology of UV Complete Model with Vector-like Leptons
        The vector-like leptons provide an anomaly free minimal extension of the standard model. Such a model provides a good handle on the Higgs to diphoton decay rate as well as a good dark matter candidate. Due to the yukawa couplings of the new leptons, the Higgs quartic coupling runs negative at the scale of a few TeVs. The presence of the super-partners of the new leptons below the TeV scale can alleviate this problem. In this talk, we discuss the phenomenology of the supersymmetric extension of vector-like lepton model. A full 16+\bar{16} of SO(10)is introduced to preserve the gauge unification, where colored particles have masses above the TeV scale. The perturbativity of the yukawa couplings at the GUT scale is demanded. Presence of the new light scalars may result in charge breaking vacua deeper than the electroweak vacuum. The interesting implications on the Higgs mass and the diphoton decay width, due to the constraints from the absolute stability and the metastability of the electroweak vacuum as well as the direct searches for the new charged particles, are presented.
        Speaker: Aniket Joglekar (The University of Chicago)
      • 179
        The Same-Sign Dilepton Signature of RPV/MFV SUSY
        Despite suggestions from naturalness that stops and gluinos should appear at or below the TeV scale, MET-based LHC searches have not yielded any superpartners so far. Consequently, R-parity violating (RPV) SUSY models have gained renewed interest, especially those imposing the Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) hypothesis. We consider a simplified model with a light gluino and stop with MFV couplings to light quarks, which predicts a significant rate of events with same-sign dileptons and b-jets. We re-analyze a recent CMS search in this channel, finding that it excludes gluino masses below 800 GeV at 95% confidence level, with only a weak dependence on the stop mass. We also discuss how this search can be further optimized for the RPV/MFV scenario, as MFV stop decays often result in jets with large invariant mass. With the proposed improvements, we estimate that gluino masses up to about 1.4 TeV can be probed at the 14 TeV LHC with 100 fb^-1 of data.
        Speaker: Michael Saelim (Cornell University)
      • 180
        Naturalness at the LHC
        Whether the Standard Model is natural or not is a question that has piqued the interest of theorists since its advent. R-parity violating natural supersymmetry is a BSM model which can evade new physics search strategies currently being performed by CMS and ATLAS. We propose a new search looking for a sbottom decaying to jets plus a W, designed to increase LHC coverage of the parameter space of this model. This work constitutes a step towards fully addressing the question of the naturalness of the electroweak scale.
        Speaker: Chris Brust (Johns Hopkins University)
      • 181
        MSSM CP-Violation in Top Quark Pair Production at Hadron Colliders
        We investigate possible CP violating effects due to one loop corrections to top-quark pair production at the LHC in the context of the complex MSSM with minimal flavor violation (MFV). We include the complete supersymmetric QCD as well as supersymmetric electroweak contributions to the top-quark pair production mechanisms, namely quark-antiquark annihilation, qq → tt, and gluon fusion, gg → tt. At the level of the top quarks, we study in detail spin-spin correlating observables that are sensitive to CP violating phases of the complex MFV-MSSM. We present results for these observables at the parton and hadron level, where we show the maximal possible contributions of the one loop MSSM corrections.
        Speaker: Alexander Moreno Briceno (SUNY at Buffalo, Universidad Antonio Narino)
    • Strings & GUTs Benedum Hall G27

      Benedum Hall G27

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Matthew Baumgart (Carnegie Mellon University)
      • 182
        Discrete symmetries and the mu term in G2-MSSM
        I will discuss the anomalies free discrete symmetries in M theory compactified on a G2 manifold, the transformation of moduli and matter fields under these symmetries and estimation the size of the mu term in G2-MSSM as an application
        Speaker: Ran Lu (University of Michigan (US))
      • 183
        Higgs and Top Quark Mass from Yukawa Unification
        We present a class of supersymmetric SO(10) models with t-b-tau Yukawa coupling unification condition, with emphasis on the prediction of the Higgs and top quark mass. We discuss qualitative features in this model that lead to a Higgs mass prediction close to 125 GeV and top quark mass prediction 173 GeV.
        Speaker: Dr Ilia Gogoladze (University of Delaware)
      • 184
        R-Parity Violation and Stringy Discrete Symmetries
        Speaker: Mr Bob Zheng (University of Michigan)
      • 185
        Top SU(5) models: Baryon and Lepton Number Violating Resonances at the LHC
        We propose the minimal and renormalizable non-supersymmetric top SU(5) models where the SU(5)*SU(3)c* SU(2)L*U(1)Y gauge symmetry is broken down to the Standard Model(SM) gauge symmetry at the TeV scale. The first two families of the SM fermions are charged under SU(3)c*SU(2)L*U(1)Y while the third family is charged under SU(5).In the minimal top SU(5) model, we show that the quark CKM mixing matrix can be generated via dimension five operators, and the proton decay problem can be solved by fine-tuning the coefficients of the higher dimensional operators at the order of 10^-4. In the renormalizable top SU(5) model,we can explain the quark CKM mixing matrix by introducing vector-like particles and we do not have proton decay problem. The models give rise to leptoquark and diquark gauge bosons which violate both lepton and baryon numbers involving the third family quarks and leptons. The current experimental limits for these particles is well below the TeV scale. We also discuss the productions and decays of these new gauge bosons, and their ensuing signals, as well as their reach at the LHC.
        Speaker: Ms Shreyashi Chakdar (Oklahoma State University)
      • 186
        Testing No-Scale F-SU(5) at the LHC
        The No-Scale F-SU(5) model is built upon the tri-podal foundations of i) the Flipped SU(5) Grand Unified Theory, ii) extra TeV-scale vectorlike particle multiplets consistent with an F-Theory origin, and iii) the dynamic boundary conditions of No-Scale Supergravity. This model possesses the rather unique capacity to provide a light CP-even Higgs boson mass in the favored 124-126 GeV window while simultaneously retaining a testably light SUSY spectrum that is consistent with emerging low-statistics excesses beyond the Standard Model expectation in the ATLAS and CMS searches. We will review the model's construction and elucidate the mechanisms responsible for elevating the physical Higgs boson mass and generating a distinctive multijet enriched signature. A detailed comparison will be made between Monte Carlo collider-detector simulation of the No-Scale F-SU(5) model and the latest 8 TeV LHC results.
        Speaker: Prof. Joel W. Walker (Sam Houston State University)
      • 187
        Doublet-Triplet Mass Splitting and Proton Decay in SU(5) SUSY GUT with Noncompact Horizontal Symmetry
        I will talk about an SU(5) SUSY GUT model with a noncompact horizontal symmetry SU(1,1). Especially, I will explain how to realize doublet-triplet mass splitting via the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the horizontal symmetry and also how to suppress the proton decay derived from the colored higgses. This talk is based on a paper arXiv:1304.5215 [hep-ph].
        Speaker: Naoki Yamatsu (Indiana University)
      • 188
        The Higgs mass, supergroups and the emergence of new physics at the TeV scale
        We investigate the physical implications of formulating the electroweak (EW) part of the Standard Model (SM) in terms of a superconnection involving the supergroup SU(2/1). In particular, we relate the observed Higgs mass to new physics at around 4 TeV. The ultraviolet incompleteness of the superconnection approach points to its emergent nature. The new physics beyond the SM is associated with the emergent supergroup SU(2/2), which is natural from the point of view of the Pati-Salam model. Given that the Pati-Salam group is robust in certain constructions of string vacua, these results suggest a deeper connection between low energy (4 TeV) and high energy (Planck scale) physics via the violation of decoupling in the Higgs sector.
        Speaker: ufuk aydemir (Virginia Tech)
    • Top II Benedum Hall G26

      Benedum Hall G26

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Brian Yencho
      • 189
        Wavelet Tagging of Boosted Objects
        I will present ongoing work which explores the applicability of wavelet methods to the tagging of boosted heavy objects. This technique does not depend on jet clustering algorithms and is thus complementary to existing tagging methods. I will focus on the ability to distinguish boosted hadronic W bosons and top quarks from QCD jets with comparable energy.
        Speaker: William Shepherd (UC Santa Cruz)
      • 190
        Top Polarization and Stop Mixing from Boosted Jet Substructure
        Top polarization is an important probe of new physics that couples to the top sector, and which may be discovered at the 14 TeV LHC. Taking the example of the MSSM, we argue that top polarization measurements can put a constraint on the soft supersymmetry breaking parameter At. In light of the recent discovery of an Standard Model-like Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV, a large At is a prediction of many supersymmetric models. To this end, we develop a detector level analysis methodology for extracting polarization information from hadronic tops using boosted jet sub-structure. We show that with 100 fb-1 of data, left and right 800 GeV stops can be distinguished to 3σ.
        Speaker: Dr Sourav Mandal (Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
      • 191
        Measuring Top-Quark Polarization in Top-Pair + Missing-Energy Events
        The polarization of a top quark can be sensitive to new physics beyond the standard model. Since the charged lepton from top-quark decay is maximally correlated with the top-quark spin, it is common to measure the polarization from the distribution in the angle between the charged lepton and the top-quark directions. We propose a novel method based on the charged lepton energy fraction and illustrate the method with a detailed simulation of top-quark pairs produced in supersymmetric top squark pair production. We show that the lepton energy ratio distribution that we define is very sensitive to the top-quark polarization but insensitive to the precise measurement of the top-quark energy.
        Speaker: Mr Hao Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory and Illinois Institute of Technology)
      • 192
        New Physics from the Top at the LHC
        The top quark may hold the key to new physics associated with the electroweak symmetry-breaking sector, given its large mass and enhanced coupling to the Higgs sector. We systematically categorize generic interactions of a new particle that couples to the top quark and a neutral particle, which is assumed to be heavy and stable, thus serving as a candidate for cold dark matter. The experimental signatures for new physics involving top quarks and its partners at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may be distinctive, yet challenging to disentangle. We optimize the search strategy at the LHC for the decay of the new particle to a top quark plus missing energy and propose the study of its properties, such as its spin and couplings.
        Speaker: Keith Lee (PI)
      • 193
        Search for W' bosons through decays to boosted top-jets
        We propose an alternate model-independent method to search for W' bosons at the Large Hadron Collider by looking at dijets where one jet is identified as a boosted top-jet. Performing a detector simulated signal and background study, we demonstrate that the reach in effective coupling g' is improved over existing analysis methods by a factor of 2 a W' mass of 1.8 TeV, and extend the reach in mass up to 2.5 TeV in the 8 TeV data sample. In order to reach the maximum sensitivity, we describe a previously unexplored set of backgrounds involving muon tagging of high energy b jets and standard model backgrounds to top-tag jets that we simulate. We propose a series of data-driven samples that might be used to measure the efficiencies for these new backgrounds in the LHC data.
        Speaker: Daniel Duffty (Illinois Institute of Technology)
      • 194
        Buckets of Tops
        Reconstructing hadronically decaying top quarks is a key challenge at the LHC, affecting a long list of Higgs analyses and new physics searches. We propose a new method of collecting jets in buckets, corresponding to top quarks and initial state radiation. This method is particularly well suited for moderate transverse momenta of the top quark, closing the gap between top taggers and traditional top reconstruction. Applying it to searches for supersymmetric top squarks we illustrate the power of buckets.
        Speaker: Michihisa Takeuchi (Heidelberg)
      • 195
        Top quark mass measurement at the LHC and going beyond for a new physics search.
        Recently, CMS measured top-quark mass very precisely in a dl-leptonic channel with the method which we invented for a new physics search at the LHC called one-dimensional decomposed MT2. Di-leptonic ttbar channel has a common feature with SUSY type signatures which have a missing transverse energy coming from a dark matter candidate. The very important lesson that we've learned from CMS analysis is that this new technique is very robust at the LHC. In this talk, I will explain the basic concept of the method that CMS used. I also will present a way to expand this technique for the various new physics searches at the LHC, which was presented in arXiv:1212.1720[hep-ph]
        Speaker: Myeonghun Park (University of Florida (US))
    • 07:30
      Breakfast Alumni Hall

      Alumni Hall

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
    • Plenary V Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Rohini Godbole (Centre for Theoretical Studies (CTS))
      • 196
        Physics from ALICE
        Speaker: Anthony Robert Timmins (University of Houston (US))
      • 197
        Physics from PLANCK
        Speaker: Graca Rocha (JPL, PLANCK)
      • 198
        Cosmology in the new era
        Speaker: Marc Kamionkowski (Johns Hopkins)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Plenary VI Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      Alumni Hall 7th floor auditorium

      University of Pittsburgh

      Pittsburgh, PA 15260
      Convener: Prof. Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)
      • 199
        Low-mass WIMP searches with SuperCDMS
        Speaker: Ritoban Basu Thakur (FNAL, CDMS)
      • 200
        Results from AMS
        Speaker: Sadakazu Haino (National Central University (TW))
      • 201
        Higgs physics at ILC
        Speaker: Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)
      • 202
        Perspectives in the LHC Era
        Speaker: Pierre Ramond (University of Florida)