8:00 AM
(Restaurant 1)
9:00 AM
Welcome and site tour
Mick Storr
(6 2-024)
10:00 AM
Introduction to the programme
Mick Storr
(6 2-024)
11:00 AM
CERN – mecca for physicists/ CERN - mekka dla fizyków
Andrzej Siemko
(6 2-024)
9:00 AM
Welcome to CERN
Maximilian Metzger
(6 2-024)
9:15 AM
History of the Universe/ Historia Wszechswiata
- Prof.
Marek Demianski
(Institut of Physics, University of Warsaw)
(6 2-024)
10:30 AM
The Quintessence of Matter/ Istota materii
Mieczyslaw Krasny
(LPNHE, Uviversity Paris)
(6 2-024)
11:30 AM
Introduction to COMPASS / Wprowadzenie do COMPASS
Marcin Stolarski
(Faculty of Physics - Warsaw University of Technology)
(6 2-024)
9:00 AM
Hunting for the Lost Symmetry/W poszukiwaniu utraconej symetrii
Mieczyslaw Krasny
(LPNHE, Uviversity Paris)
(6 2-024)
10:00 AM
Introduction to accelerators/Wstęp do fizyki akceleratorów
Sławomir Wronka
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)
(6 2-024)
11:00 AM
Applied physics in accelerators/Fizyka stosowana w akceleratorach
Andrzej Siemko
(6 2-024)
9:00 AM
The Mysteries of Black Holes/Tajemnice Czarnych Dziur
Marek Demianski
(University of Warsaw)
(6 2-024)
10:00 AM
Q/A Cosmology
Marek Demianski
(University of Warsaw)
(6 2-024)
11:00 AM
Modern Particle Detectors/ Współczesne detektory cząstek
Leszek Ropelewski
(6 2-024)
9:00 AM
Elementary particles along subsequent epochs of the universe / Cząstki elementarne w kolejnych epokach wszechświata
- Dr
Krzysztof Turzynski
(University of Michigan)
(6 2-024)
10:00 AM
Q/A Particle Physics
(6 2-024)
11:00 AM
Accelerators and particle detectors around us/ Akceleratory i detektory cząstek wokół nas
- Dr
Sławomir Wronka
(Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)
(6 2-024)
9:00 AM
Acccelerators in oncological radiotherapy/Akceleratory w radioterapii onkologicznej
- Prof.
Michael Waligorski
(Centre of Oncology Krakow Division)
(6 2-024)
10:00 AM
Q/A Accelerators/Detectors
Sławomir Wronka
(Zoltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)
Andrzej Siemko
Leszek Ropelewski
Michal Waligorski
(Centrum Onkologii Oddzial w Krakowie)
(6 2-024)
11:00 AM
Finding a needle in a hay stack /Jak znaleźć igłę w stogu siana
Mariusz Witek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN)
(6 2-024)
9:00 AM
Hands-on Classical experiments/ Klasyczne eksperymenty fizyczne w pigułce
Leszek Hajduk
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN)
Adam Drozd
(AGH Krakow)
Pawel Jodlowski
(AGH Krakow)
Edward Nowak
(AGH Krakow)
(6 2-024)
11:00 AM
Programme evaluation and close
Mick Storr
(6 2-024)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
PS/AD – Synchrotron protonowy (PS) i Dezakcelerator Antyprotonów (AD) oraz “Fabryka Antymaterii”
Andrzej Siemko
(6 2-024)
2:00 PM
Zapoznanie się z edukacyjnymi zasobami CERN
Mick Storr
(6 2-024)
4:00 PM
Team building / Przedstawienie uczestników programu, integracja zespołu
Mick Storr
(6 2-024)
6:00 PM
Welcome aperitif
(6 2-024)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
- Dr
Julia Hoffman
(33 Reception)
2:00 PM
Visit Compass
(33 Reception)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Hands-on Build a Cloud Chamber / Komora mgłowa – zrób to sam
Joachim Flammer
(6 2-002)
2:00 PM
Hands-on Cryogenics and Superconductivity/Kriogenika i nadprzewodnictwo
Andrzej Siemko
(6 2-024)
5:00 PM
Lecture Review
(6 2-024)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Discover Geneva Treasure Hunt
Mick Storr
(6 2-024)
7:30 PM
Programme Dinner
Mick Storr
(2, Place de la Navigation)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Introduction to ATLAS / Wprowadzenie do ATLAS
Zbigniew Hajduk
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN)
(6 2-024)
3:30 PM
Tunel LHC – Eksperyment ATLAS
Jan Godlewski
Andrzej Siemko
Zbigniew Hajduk
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN)
Zenon Sułek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN) Dr
Julia Hoffman
(6 2-024)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Working groups : What we have learned, what we can transfer to our students, follow-up actions
(6 2-024)