Session 2: Radiation Damage, Inerconnects, Slim edges, Data transmission
- Manfred Krammer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
- Marko Mikuz (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Hella Snoek
02/09/2013, 14:00
Radiation damage, Environmental radiation monitoring
The LHCb experiment is dedicated to the study of New Physics in the decays of heavy hadrons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Heavy hadrons are identified through their flight distance in the Vertex Locator (VELO), and hence the detector is critical for both the trigger and offline physics analyses.
The VELO is the retractable silicon-strip detector surrounding the LHCb interaction...
Marko Mikuz
(Univ. Ljubljana / J. Stefan Inst.)
02/09/2013, 14:20
Simulations and Manufacturing
Rising the electric field so as to provoke charge multiplication of electrons has enabled silicon to provide measurable signals from sensors irradiated to unprecedented radiation levels up to 1.6x10^17 n_eq/cm^2. A simple scaling of collected charge vs. applied bias has been established experimentally for fluences above 10^15 n_eq/cm^2 for planar strip sensors. Departure from linear scaling of...
Harris Kagan
(Ohio State University (US))
02/09/2013, 14:50
New materials, new technologies associated
With the first three years of the LHC running complete, ATLAS and CMS are planning to upgrade their innermost tracking layers with more radiation hard technologies. Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond is one such technology. CVD diamond has been used extensively in beam condition monitors as the innermost detectors in the highest radiation areas of BaBar, Belle, CDF and all LHC...
Dmitry Hits
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
02/09/2013, 15:10
New materials, new technologies associated
Progress in experimental particle physics in the coming decade depends crucially upon the ability to carry out experiments at high energies and high luminosities. These two conditions imply that future experiments will take place in very high radiation areas. In order to perform these complex and perhaps expensive experiments new radiation hard technologies will have to be developed. ...
Valerio Re
02/09/2013, 15:30
Pixels (including CCD's) - Charged particle tracking
The development of 3D vertical integration in the microelectronic industry brings along significant advantages for pixelated semiconductor radiation sensors in cutting-edge scientific experiments at high luminosity particle accelerators and advanced X-ray sources. These applications set very demanding requirements on the performance of sensors and their readout electronics, in terms of pixel...
Anna Macchiolo
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
02/09/2013, 16:40
Pixels (including CCD's) - Charged particle tracking
We present an R&D activity focused on the development of novel modules for the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel system at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). They consist of n-in-p pixel sensors, 100 or 200 μm thick, produced at VTT (Finland) with an active edge technology, to considerably reduce the dead area at the periphery of the device. The sensors are interconnected with solder bump bonding to...
Vitaliy Fadeyev
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
02/09/2013, 17:00
Pixels (including CCD's) - Charged particle tracking
We are pursuing a “slim edge” technology which allows a drastic reduction of inactive region along the perimeter of silicon detectors. Such reduction would benefit construction of large-area tracker and imaging systems. Key components of this method are surface scribing, cleaving, and passivation of the resulting sidewall. We will give a short overview of the project and describe recent...
Kock Kiam Gan
(Ohio State University (US))
02/09/2013, 17:20
We will present the results from three R&D projects on high-speed/radiation-hard opto-links for the LHC upgrades. The goal is to develop a 12-channel high-speed driver to operate a 12-channel VCSEL array. The array allows the deployment of a compact 120 Gb/s parallel optical engines at a high-radiation location close to the interaction region where space is at a premium. We will...
Suen Hou
(Academia Sinica (TW))
02/09/2013, 17:40
The Light Peak technology aims for high speed optical cables of 10 Gb/s that overcome the limits of electrical cables in speed and length. Cables that comply with the USB 3 specification of 4.8 Gb/s are already delivered in market. The low-mass compact design of light coupling to opto-electronic is an advantage to high energy applications in tracking system. The high speed capacity provide a...