Statistics miniworkshop



Louis Lyons (Imperial College-Unknown-Unknown)
WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT FROM THE LHC HIGGS SEARCH? BASIC IDEA OF MEETING: Now that we have actually searched for and found a Higgs-like boson, we should have a small meeting to try to decide what we have learnt about the statistical issues involved, and to consolidate our experience. FORMAT: An informal framework of short introductions to various topics, followed by free discussion. READING MATERIAL: *  For the discovery of the Higgs(-like) object, the papers by ATLAS and by CMS are at and * The CMS analysis that tries to determine the parity of the Higgs-like object is:  (see especially Fig 3) * The LEE papers papers by Eilam Gross and Ofer Vitells are:“Trial factors for the look elsewhere effect in high energy physics” )  (“Estimating the significance of a signal in a multidimensional search”) Also very useful for those interested in random fields is “Applications of random fields & Geometry” (first few chapters from a book in progress) *  Higgs combination paper: * Cranmer. Cowan, Gross and Vitells, 'Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new physics', This includes a description of 'Asimov data' Attendance by invitation only
  • Aaron Armbruster
  • Alexander Lincoln Read
  • Andrey Korytov
  • David van Dyk
  • Eilam Gross
  • Giovanni Petrucciani
  • John Conway
  • Kyle Stuart Cranmer
  • Louis Lyons
  • Luc Demortier
  • Marumi Kado
  • ofer vitells
  • Robert Cousins Jr
  • Tom Junk
  • Tommaso Dorigo