16–21 Sept 2013
Natal, Brazil
Brazil/East timezone
Registration open

Measurement of semileptonic asymmetries in the B system at LHCb

17 Sept 2013, 11:00
Sala Madeira (Hotel Pestana)

Sala Madeira

Hotel Pestana

talk Working Group 3 Working Group 3


Thomas Michael Bird (University of Manchester (GB))


LHCb has recorded large samples of semileptonic B decays. These provide potential to study CP violation effects in the B0 and Bs0 systems. Decay time-integrated or time-dependent asymmetries between charge-conjugate final states probe CP violation in B(s)0 mixing through the measurement of the parameter Afs (sometimes referred to as Asl). These measurements rely on data-driven techniques to obtain excellent control of systematic uncertainties. We present the status of the analyses.

Primary author

Thomas Michael Bird (University of Manchester (GB))

Presentation materials