LHC students poster session

Wednesday 13 March 2013 - 16:40
CERN (Building 40, ground floor)

        : Sessions
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        : Breaks
13 Mar 2013
Jets and QCD studies (until 18:59) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:00 Direct photon production in 7 TeV pp collisions in ATLAS - Scarlet Norberg Scarlet Rachel Norberg (University of Oklahoma (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:00 LHCf measurements of neutron production at large rapidity - Kawade Kentaro   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:00 Measurement of the 3-jet mass cross section and extraction of $\alpha_s$. - Fred Stober (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:00 Measurement of the jet cross sections at CMS - Ozlem Kaya (Bogazici University (TR))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:00 Studies of soft diffraction with TOTEM at the LHC - Fredrik Oljemark (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))   (Building 40, ground floor)
EW gauge bosons (until 18:59) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:01 Measurement of the muon charge asymmetry in inclusive $pp\to W + X$ production at 7 TeV. - Saranya Samik Ghosh (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 ZZ cross-section measurement and limits on anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings. - Luca Pernie (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Measurement of the $W\to\mu\nu + bb$ Cross Section with the CMS detector. - Isabel Ojalvo (University of Wisconsin (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Probing Z/gamma* boson transverse momentum with angular correlations in Drell-Yan lepton pairs in ATLAS   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Recent Dibosons Results from ATLAS - Vasiliki Kouskoura (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR)) Joany Andreina Manjarres Ramos (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (Building 40, ground floor)
Heavy Ion collisions (until 18:59) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 (Anti-)matter and hyper-matter production at the LHC with ALICE - Nicole Alice Martin (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 Electroweak measurements in heavy ion collisions with CMS. - Michael Gardner (University of California Davis (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 Jet measurements in heavy ion collisions with CMS - Doga Can Gulhan (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 Measurement of full jet pT spectra in 2.76 TeV pp and Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE detector - Salvatore Aiola (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 Multi-strange baryon production in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE - Domenico Colella (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 Photoproduction in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC - Andrea Agostinelli (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:02 Transverse Momentum Distributions of Identified Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV and p-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s) = 5.02 TeV in ALICE - Jonas Anielski (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
Physics of heavy flavours (until 19:00) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Charmless B-> 3-body decays at LHCb - Jessica Prisciandaro (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 First evidence for the decay Bs -> mumu - Siim Tolk (NIKHEF (NL))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 LHCb results on B meson mixing - Ulrich Paul Eitschberger (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)) Frank Meier   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Measurement of gamma from B->DK decays - Nazim Hussain (University of Oxford (GB))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Measurement of the decay-time-evolultion of Bs -> J/psi phi decays - Vasileios Syropoulos (NIKHEF (NL))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Measurements of b hadron masses - Raphael Marki (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Search for CP violation in D->4h decays - Matt Coombes (University of Bristol (GB))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Search for the rare decays D->hmumu at LHCb - Ed Greening (University of Oxford (GB))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:03 Study of CP asymmetry in B0 -> K*mumu - Simon Robert Magee Wright (University of Cambridge (GB))   (Building 40, ground floor)
Top quark physics (until 19:00) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 A study of heavy flavor quarks produced in association with top quark pairs at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV - Richard Arthur Wall   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Combination of CMS Results on the Mass of the Top Quark - Guillaume Garcia (Ghent University (BE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Evidence for associated production of a single top quark and W boson in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the CMS experiment - Daniel Noonan (University of Kansas (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Measurement of differential top-quark pair production cross sections - Ivan Asin Cruz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Measurement of the t-channel single top production cross section and the charge asymmetry at CMS - Steffen Rocker (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Search for CP violation in single top quark events in pp collisions at root-s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector - Maria Moreno Llacer (Universidad de Valencia (ES))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:04 Towards a Measurement of Spin Correlation of ttbar Events at CMS using a Matrix Element Method - Kelly Beernaert (Ghent University (BE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
Higgs studies (until 18:59) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Combination of the searches for the low mass Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector - Andrea Gabrielli (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Observation of a new boson in the search for the standard model Higgs boson in the $H\to ZZ\to 4\ell$ channel in pp collisions at ${\sqrt s} =$ 7 and 8 TeV with the CMS detector - Stefano Casasso (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Observation of the new Higgs-like particle in the four lepton decay channel with the ATLAS detector - Xiangyang   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Properties determination of the newly-discovered boson with $H \to \gamma \gamma$ decay - Alex Mott (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Search for H->tautau at LHCb - Philip James Ilten (University College Dublin (IE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Search for SM Higgs Boson Production in the Dimuon Final State - Justin Hugon (University of Florida (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Search for the MSSM Higgs bosons with the ATLAS detector - Alexander Madsen (Uppsala University (SE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson decaying to Bottom Quarks - Pierluigi Bortignon (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:05 Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to tau pairs produced in association with a W or Z boson - Cecile Sarah Caillol (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
BSM searches (until 18:59) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Inclusive search for squarks and gluinos with razor variables - Javier Mauricio Duarte (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Overview and recent results on the search for top squark production with the ATLAS detector - Simone Federico Brazzale (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT)) Kilian Rosbach (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for an excited quark decaying to a top quark plus gluon - Ta-Wei Wang (National Taiwan University (TW))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for high-mass dilepton resonances in 20/fb of pp collisions at sqrt(s)= 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector - Stefan Rave (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for New Phenomena in Monojet plus Missing Transverse Momentum Final States with the ATLAS detector at the LHC - Johanna Gramling (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for new physics in final states with a charged lepton and missing transverse energy - Mark Olschewski (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for New Physics Using Boosted Top Quarks in the All-Hadronic Channel - Justin Pilot (University of California Davis (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for tb resonances - David Sperka (Boston University (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 Search for top squark pair production in fully hadronic events using 21 fb-1 of 8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector - Francesca Ungaro (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:06 SUSY search with two same-sign leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector using 21 fb-1 of pp collisions at 8TeV - Otilia Anamaria Ducu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee) Horia Hulubei   (Building 40, ground floor)
Production of heavy quarks (until 19:01) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:07 Azimuthal angular correlation between heavy-flavour decay electrons and charged hadrons in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 2.76 TeV in ALICE - Deepa Thomas (University of Utrecht (NL))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Quarkonium measurements in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE Muon Spectrometer - Lizardo Valencia Palomo (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:09 Measurement of J/Psi -> e+e- Production in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV in ALICE at the LHC - Julian Book (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:10 Measurement of D meson azimuthal anisotropy in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=2.76 TeV with ALICE - Andrea Festanti (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:11 Full Reconstruction of B Mesons with the ALICE Inner Tracker Upgrade - Johannes Hendrik Stiller (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:12 Quarkonia production at LHCb - Andrew David Cook (University of Bristol (GB))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:13 Measurement of the B+ meson production cross section at high pT with the ATLAS detector - Ioannis Nomidis (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR))   (Building 40, ground floor)
Physics performance et al (until 19:03) (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 A GEM-based readout for the ALICE TPC - Andreas Hoenle   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 A novel method for an absolute luminosity measurement at LHCb using beam-gas imaging - Colin Barschel (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 ATLAS B-tagging performance in 2012 - Ian Connelly   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 ATLAS CALO operations, DQ, performance - Ki Lie (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US)) Nikolina Ilic (University of Toronto (CA))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 ATLAS Muon/MCP - Stefano Zambito (Brandeis University (US)) Alessio Venturini (Brandeis University (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 ATLAS TDAQ System Performance in 2012 Data Taking - Tommaso Colombo (CERN and Universität Heidelberg)   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 ATLAS Tracking, Beam Protection, and Forward Detector Systems - Mr Cristiano Alpigiani (University of London (GB)) Cristiano Alpigiani   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Developments of a fast and flexible large-scale simulation for ATLAS - Elmar Ritsch (University of Innsbruck (AT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 ECAL calibration and energy scale and resolution for electrons and photons - Cristian Ignacio Pena Herrera (California Institute of Technology (US)) Alex Mott (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Fast Simulation in CMS detector - Federica Primavera (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Flavour tagging at LHCb - Antonio Falabella (Universita di Ferrara (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 High Level Trigger development in CMS with OpenHLT - Zeynep Demiragli (Brown University (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Jets, Missing ET, and Jet Substructure and Tagging Performance in ATLAS - Maximilian J Swiatlowski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 LHC Optics Determination with Proton Tracks Measured in the Roman Pot Detectors of the TOTEM Experiment - Frigyes Janos Nemes (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Luminosity measurements in ATLAS - Samuel Nathan Webb (University of Manchester (GB))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Performance of Tau Reconstruction and Identification in 2012 with ATLAS - Alexander Naip Tuna (University of Pennsylvania (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Photon efficiency in ATLAS - Kun Liu (Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN) and LPNHE Paris)   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Reference cross section measurements in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with the ALICE detector - Emilia Leogrande (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Tracking performance in CMS high level trigger system - Valentina Gori (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 40, ground floor)
17:08 Trigger monitoring in ATLAS - Jane Theresa Cummings (Yale University (US)) Elizabeth Caitlin Brost (University of Oregon (US))   (Building 40, ground floor)