Sanjay Kumar Swain
(NISER, Bhubhaneshwar)
CP violation phenomena in B-meson decays has been very well described in Standard Model Quark-W interaction. In late 1990's two B-factory experiments, Belle at KEK, Japan, and BABAR at SLAC, USA were built to look into the CP violation in B-mesons. Both the machines are electron and positron colliders running at Upsilon(4S) resonance. In this talk I will describe how CP violation fits into Standard Model. The different ways experimentalists at B-factory look into CP violation parameters, namely, measuring CKM angles alpha, beta and gamma. The current experimental status of these parameters.The role of B-factories to explore the new physics (physics beyond Standard Model) phenomena using few precision measurements.
Sanjay Kumar Swain
(NISER, Bhubhaneshwar)