27–28 May 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Workshop

CERN openlab and Intel are pleased to announce a third instance of the Numerical Computing workshop, scheduled for May 27th and 28th at CERN. The course will be taught by external experts and several CERN staff. The workshop is targeted at attendees with good programming experience who would like to understand and control the floating-point calculations in their scientific programs.

Please note the agenda is still under construction.


•             Advanced Floating point computing on x86
•             Pitfalls in High Energy Physics software
•             Floating point control in Intel Software
•             Exploration and future directions in accuracy control
•             Hands-on tutorials


Jeff Arnold, Intel SSG
Martyn Corden, Intel SSG
Florent de Dinechin, ENS Lyon
Vincenzo Innocente, CERN
Lorenzo Moneta, CERN
Danilo Piparo, CERN

Attendance is free, as for the regular openlab workshops, but but requires registration in EDH. If you don’t have EDH access, please let us know by e-mail that you’re planning to participate (openlab.workshops@cern.ch). A laptop is needed for accessing the servers that will be used for the exercises.
Building 593, Room 11

The workshop will take place in the CERN Technical Training Center.  A shuttle is operating on the CERN site, please consult the timetable for more information.

Information on how to reach CERN can be found at the following web page. Please note that visitors will need a badge to get onto the CERN campus. (If you are not already registered at CERN, please remember to tick the visitor's card box when registering for the workshop). Visitor cards will be available in the CERN reception (buildning 33) the day of your arrival.

If you need to book accomodation for your stay, there are various options. One option is to stay at the CERN hostel which offers very basic rooms with shower and WC on the CERN campus. Please make sure you book early, as the hostel is often fully booked months in advance.

A list of hotels offering preferential rates to CERN in neighbouring France and around Geneva can be found here and the team managing the CERN hostel can help you book a room in one of those (feel free to contact them by email or by phone to do so). A full list of hotels in Geneva can be found at the Geneva tourism web page. Please note that hotels on the French side of the boarder are easiest reached by car as public transport is scarce.

To obtain a wireless access during your stay, you need to register your laptop. Please go to the following web page . The contact person should be Kristina Gunne IT/DI.

If you have any further questions, please contact Kristina.Gunne@cern.ch