MgB2 Precursors, Bulk, Wires, Tapes, and Cables: 3MOrD1 orals
- Horoaki Kumakura (NIMS)
- Yanwei Ma (CAS-Beijing)
M. Sumption, et al.
(The Ohio State University)
20/06/2013, 13:30
H. Kumakura, et al.
(National Institute for Materials Science)
20/06/2013, 14:00
C. Sobrero, et al.
20/06/2013, 14:15
Y. Ma, et al.
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
20/06/2013, 14:30
D. Doll, et al.
(Hyper Tech Research, Inc.)
20/06/2013, 14:45