17–21 Jun 2013
America/Anchorage timezone


Polymers, Resins, and Composite Materialsat Cryogenic Temperatures

20 Jun 2013, 10:30


Polymers, Resins, and Composite Materialsat Cryogenic Temperatures: 3MOrC1 orals

  • David Evans (Advanced Cryogenic Materials)
  • Dick Reed (CMI)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
H. Rajainmaki, et al. (Fusion for Energy)
20/06/2013, 10:30
A. Foussat, et al. (ITER Organisation)
20/06/2013, 10:45
D. Reed, et al. (Cryogenic Materials, Inc.)
20/06/2013, 11:00
F. Rodriguez Mateos, et al. (Advanced Cryogenic Materials)
20/06/2013, 11:15
J. Li, et al. (Key Laboratory of Cryogenics,Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
20/06/2013, 11:45
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