Precise spin-averaged and spin-dependent fragmentation function measurements at Belle

30 Apr 2014, 11:00



Oral presentation WG6: Spin Physics WG6: Spin Physics


Francesca Giordano (UIUC)


Fragmentation functions (FFs) describe the formation of final state particles from a partonic initial state and are directly related to the intriguing QCD phenomenon of confinement. Precise knowledge of these functions is a key ingredient in accessing quantities such as the nucleon spin structure in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering and proton-proton collisions. However, fragmentation functions can currently not be determined from Quantum Chromodynamics first principles and have to be extracted from experimental data. The Belle experiment at KEK, Japan, provides a large data sample for high precision measurements of unpolarized and polarized fragmentation functions. Here, the current status of the unpolarized and spin dependent FF measurements at Belle will be presented.


Francesca Giordano (UIUC)

Presentation materials