Stanislav Shushkevich
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Inclusive ep double differential cross sections for neutral current
deep inelastic scattering are measured with the H1 detector at
HERA. The data were taken with a lepton beam energy of 27.6 GeV and
two proton beam energies of Ep = 460 and 575 GeV corresponding to
centre-of-mass energies of 225 and 252 GeV, respectively. The
measurements cover the region of 6.5x10^-4 ≤x ≤0.65 for 35≤Q^2≤800 GeV^2
up to y = 0.85. The measurements are used together with previously
published H1 data at Ep = 920 GeV and lower Q^2 data at Ep = 460, 575
and 920 GeV to extract the longitudinal proton structure function FL
in the region 1.5≤Q^2≤800 GeV^2.
Karin Daum
(University of Wuppertal/DESY)
Stefan Schmitt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))