7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

Search for the two-body charmless baryonic $B$-decays $B^{0} \to p \bar{p}$ and $B_{s}^{0} \to p \bar{p}$ at LHCb

8 Apr 2014, 16:45
Room B (Windsor Building)

Room B

Windsor Building

contributed talk Flavour Physics and Beyond Parallel 2B


John Beddow (University of Glasgow (GB))


Results from the recently published search for the rare decays $ {B^0}\to p\bar{p} $ and $ B_s^0\to p\bar{p} $ carried out using 0.92 fb$^{-1}$ of 7 TeV proton-proton collisions collected by the LHCb experiment in 2011 will be presented ([arXiv:1308.0961 [hep-ex]][1]). The talk covers the physics motivation for the analysis and the tensions between existing theoretical predictions of the branching fractions, the selection criteria applied and a description of the Feldman-Cousins statistical analysis methods used to extract the branching fractions for the two decay channels. The status of an updated $B^{0} \to p \bar{p}$ and $B_{s}^{0} \to p \bar{p}$ analysis on the combined 2011 and 2012 data sets will also be presented as will details of a new analysis searching for the decay $B^{+} \to p \bar{\Lambda}$. [1]: http://arxiv.org/abs/1308.0961


John Beddow (University of Glasgow (GB))

Presentation materials