7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

Meeting Details

Thank you for you registering for this year's joint HEPP and APP meeting at Royal Holloway, University of London.

If you have requested to give a talk in a parallel session or present a poster please ensure that you have the correct title associated with our registration. If you need to modify the title please contact the conference secretariat. We include some instructions below for those presenting.

If you have requested to give a parallel talk you have been assigned a session and time, shown in the indico timetable (you may need to select "Detailed View").   We will keep to a strict 15 mins for your talk and questions - we suggest a 12 + 3 min format and will inform you of timing during you talk.

General instructions for all speakers (plenary and parallel sesions) follow:
  • Please have your talk uploaded to the relevant Indico page 24 hours prior to your parallel session.
  • Please ensure you talk is available in PDF format (other formats may be uploaded but we MUST HAVE PDF versions for the presentation itself). Note, you will not be allowed to use your own laptop for your talk, so make sure that any unusual fonts (e.g. the official STFC font) is embedded in your file when you upload.
  • Please note that in an effort to ensure sessions do not over run, any significant loss in time due to failure to provide your talk in advance will be subtracted from your allotted time for the talk.  This is done in order to ensure that speakers who follow you in the session are treated fairly.

If you have requested to present a poster you will be issued with a number at registration on Monday 7th April and we ask that you
  • Ensure you poster is of A1 (portrait) size
  • Display your poster before the start of the meeting on the first day, Monday 7th April, so that posters are ready for viewing during coffee breaks on Wednesday afternoon, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning.
  • Please ensure you are tending to your poster during the designated poster session(s).  You will be assigned a designated poster session at registration.

For information on getting to Royal Holloway University of London and on the location of the conference rooms can be found on our local Website for this event.

Please arrange to pay the registration fee (here) before arriving as payment will not be possible at registration.  Group payment can be arranged by contacting Carmela Froggatt.