Apr 7 – 9, 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

Contribution List

152 / 152
Prof. Paul Layzell, Principal
4/7/14, 1:30 PM
Scott Mandry (University College London, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
4/8/14, 6:00 PM
Sam Telfer (The University of Sheffield)
4/8/14, 6:15 PM
Prof. John March-Russell
4/9/14, 11:30 AM
Flavour Physics and Beyond
Prof. Tatsuya Nakada (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
4/9/14, 4:00 PM
Prof. Alison Davenport, Dave Wark (RAL / Imperial College London), Prof. Grahame Blair (STFC), Prof. John Womersley (STFC), Prof. Philip Burrows (Oxford University), Prof. Tatsuya Nakada (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
4/9/14, 4:25 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
Prof. Dave Wark (RAL / Imperial College London)