Parallel 1C: SUSY
- Session chair: Dr. Joanna Cole
Tomas Gonzalo
4/8/14, 1:00 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
The non-observation of supersymmetric signatures in searches at the Large Hadron Collider strongly constrains minimal supersymmetric models like the CMSSM. We explore the consequences on the SUSY particle spectrum in a minimal SO(10) with large D-terms and non-universal gaugino masses at the GUT scale. This changes the sparticle spectrum in a testable way and for example can sufficiently split...
Robyn Lucas
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
4/8/14, 1:15 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
Supersymmetry scenarios in which squarks, particularly in the third generation,
are close in mass to the lightest supersymmetric particle are well motivated
and offer a possibility for hidden, natural SUSY. Traditional searches are insensitive to these compressed mass spectra scenarios due to the very soft decay products.
A search for light top squarks close in mass to the LSP at the CMS...
Itzebelt Santoyo Castillo
(University of Sussex (GB))
4/8/14, 1:30 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has collected an unprecedented
amount of data in the 3 years of data taking since its start. In this talk I will discuss the latest results from the Supersymmetry (SUSY) searches in events with three leptons (electron/muon/tau) in the final state. The search is performed on the full dataset collected by the experiment in 2012, at a...
Zara Jane Grout
(University of Sussex (GB))
4/8/14, 1:45 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
A search for supersymmetry is presented, using four or more leptons with the ATLAS detector using $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV data taken at the LHC during 2012. The motivations for this search. optimisation procedure and background estimation are outlined, and results presented for a number of RPC and RPV interpretations.
Gareth Thomas Fletcher
(University of Sheffield (GB))
4/8/14, 2:00 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
The strong production of Supersymmetric particles at the LHC offers one of the best current direct discovery prospects for Supersymmetry. This talk will focus on the event topologies of zero leptons 2-6 jets and missing transverse energy. Based on recent searches with the ATLAS detector on 8 TeV LHC data searching for squarks and gluinos.
Christopher Lucas
(University of Bristol (GB))
4/8/14, 2:15 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
A search for Supersymmetry in the all-hadronic channel using the CMS detector will be presented. The analysis looks for a jets + MET signature using the alphaT kinematic variable. Events are categorised in independent bins of jet multiplicity, b-tagged jet multiplicity, and HT, the scalar sum of jet pT. Interpretations are shown in a variety of Simplified Model Spectra, including both...
Mireia Crispin Ortuzar
(University of Oxford (GB))
4/8/14, 2:30 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ran in 2012 at the highest energy reached in a collider so far, allowing us to probe particle masses at the TeV scale. Strongly interacting particles at this mass scale are expected to decay in cascades, producing many jets from emissions of quarks and/or gluons and missing energy from weakly interacting daughters. This is the main target of the search for...
Thomas Gillam
(University of Cambridge (GB))
4/8/14, 2:45 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
The most recent ATLAS analysis searching for two like-charge or three leptons places improved bounds on several strongly-produced supersymmetric models, both simplified and phenomenological. Whilst the targeted event signatures have very low backgrounds from the standard model, there are contributions from fake and charge-flipped leptons. I shall present an overview covering the data-driven...
Kees Jan De Vries
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
4/8/14, 3:00 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
We show the results of global fits of the two constrained models of supersymmetry (SUSY): the constrained MSSM (cMSSM) and non-universal Higgs mass "1" (NUHM1). We take into account constraints from cosmology, electroweak precision observables, B-physics, Higgs physics and direct searches for SUSY at the LHC.