Mireia Crispin Ortuzar
(University of Oxford (GB))
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ran in 2012 at the highest energy reached in a collider so far, allowing us to probe particle masses at the TeV scale. Strongly interacting particles at this mass scale are expected to decay in cascades, producing many jets from emissions of quarks and/or gluons and missing energy from weakly interacting daughters. This is the main target of the search for events with no leptons and large jet multiplicities, published recently by the ATLAS collaboration. The newest multi-jet analysis covers the full 2012 ATLAS data set, and has new features which improve sensitivity to various theoretical models. The results of the analysis are interpreted in various supersymmetric models, both R-parity conserving and violating. The new plans to measure the cross section of multijet events in 2012 data will also be briefly discussed.
Mireia Crispin Ortuzar
(University of Oxford (GB))