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7–9 Apr 2014
Royal Holloway, University of London
Europe/London timezone
Institute of Physics 2014 Joint High Energy Particle Physics and Astro Particle Physics Groups Annual Meeting

A measurement of the CP-violation parameter $\gamma$ from $B^{\pm}\rightarrow [hh]_{D}K^{\pm}$ decays

8 Apr 2014, 15:00
Room B (Windsor Building)

Room B

Windsor Building

contributed talk Flavour Physics and Beyond Parallel 1B


Mr Donal Hill (University of Oxford, LHCb Experiment)


Determination of the CKM angle $\gamma = \mbox{arg}[-V_{ud} V_{ub}^{\star}/(V_{cd} V_{cb}^{\star})]$ is one of the key goals of the LHCb experiment. The cleanest method to access this weak phase is through measurements of $\gamma$-sensitive observables in $B^{\pm} \rightarrow DK^{\pm}$ and $B^{\pm} \rightarrow D\pi^{\pm}$ decays. The largest interference and asymmetries, and thus the greatest sensitivities to $\gamma$, are expected in $B^{\pm} \rightarrow DK^{\pm}$ decays. The $D$ meson must be reconstructed in a final state accessible to both $D^{0}$ and $\bar{D}^{0}$ mesons, such that interference between the two amplitudes can provide access to phase information. Two-body $D$ meson decays into $K\pi$, $\pi K$, $KK$ and $\pi \pi$ provide such a platform. In this talk, current LHCb results and imminent prospects on the subject will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Donal Hill (University of Oxford, LHCb Experiment)

Presentation materials