Parallel 2A: Detectors
- Session chair: Dr. Antonin Vacheret
Ashley Joy
4/8/14, 4:00 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
X-CSIT (X-ray Camera SImulation Toolkit) is a software framework and toolkit for creating simulations of 2D X-ray pixel detectors. As a toolkit, X-CSIT is designed to be highly modular and adaptable to the wide variety and variations found in X-ray cameras. X-CSIT is under development at UCL for European XFEL, and will be used to create simulations of the three bespoke 2D detectors at European...
Iain Haughton
(University of Manchester (GB))
4/8/14, 4:15 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
I present an overview on the development of cutting edge 3D diamond and 3D silicon detectors for future upgrades of LHC experiments, with a focus on work done in Manchester. A 3D geometry and its beneficial effects on a detectors radiation tolerance, signal speed and power dissipation have been extensively studied in silicon. As such, 3D silicon is a proven technology; it is included in the...
Kate Doonan
(University of Glasgow (GB))
4/8/14, 4:30 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
Planar pixel sensors based on the Front-End-I4 (FE-I4) read-out developed for the Insertible b-Layer (IBL) are being characterised in laboratory tests and in test beams. Systematic tests are being performed to judge the performance of these sensors and read-out chips. Multiple geometries of pixel sensor have been developed. Laboratory tests include threshold and time-over-threshold tuning as...
Davide Braga
4/8/14, 4:45 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
I will present the front-end readout ASIC for the High-Luminosity Upgrade of the CMS Strip Tracker. The CMS Binary Chip 2 is a full-scale prototype ASIC with 254 channels, capable of identifying high transverse-momentum trigger primitives by correlating hits between the two closely-spaced silicon strip sensors of the Tracker module. I will present the performance of the chip, together with the...
Euan Niall Cowie
(University of Bristol (GB))
4/8/14, 5:00 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
TORCH (Time Of internally Reflected CHerenkov radiation) is an innovative time-of-flight system designed to provide particle identification over large areas up to a momentum of 10 GeV/c. Cherenkov photons emitted within a 1 cm thick quartz radiator are propagated by internal reflection and imaged on to an array of Micro-Channel Plate photomultiplier tubes (MCPs).
Performing 3-$\sigma$...
Thomas Bird
(University of Manchester (GB))
4/8/14, 5:15 PM
Flavour Physics and Beyond
contributed talk
A major upgrade of the LHCb experiment is planned to start taking data in 2020.
The LHCb Vertex Locator will be replaced by a new and highly novel detector.
It will be based on radiation hard hybrid pixel sensors, with a pixel dimension of $55\times{}55\,{\mu{}}\text{m}$, cooled using $\text{CO}_2$ flowing through microchannels integrated into the silicon.
During operation, the sensors...
Paul Scovell
(University of Oxford)
4/8/14, 5:30 PM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
contributed talk
Maintaining stable operating conditions is of utmost importance in any dark matter detector. The LZ detector will be the largest two-phase liquid xenon detector ever constructed and as such will require unsurpassed levels of monitoring. This talk will discuss R&D efforts to this end in the UK and will cover the development of position, liquid level and piezo-electric bubble sensors and of loop...
Alfredo Tomas Alquezar
(Imperial College London)
4/8/14, 5:45 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a next-generation direct dark matter search experiment based on a 7-tonne double-phase xenon detector. The large active xenon target brings many benefits, namely outstanding self-shielding of an inner fiducial volume, but also some practical challenges, in particular the need to provide high voltages to sustain the required electric fields. LZ is undertaking a comprehensive...
Nick Ryder
(University of Oxford (GB))
4/8/14, 6:00 PM
The Neutrino Sector
contributed talk
Oscillation to sterile neutrinos is considered as a possible explanation for the reactor and Gallium neutrino anomalies, which both measured a deficit of neutrinos at short distances from the respective sources.
The SoLid experiment will test this hypothesis by measuring neutrino energy spectra between 6-8 m from a reactor core and looking for distortions in the spectra at different distances...
Christian Thomay
(University of Bristol)
4/8/14, 6:15 PM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
contributed talk
We present a novel approach to the detection of special nuclear material using cosmic rays. Muon Scattering Tomography (MST) is a method for using cosmic muons to scan cargo con- tainers and vehicles for special nuclear material. Cosmic muons are abundant, highly penetrating, not harmful for organic tissue, cannot be screened against, and can easily be detected, which makes them highly suited...