Plenary 5: Near-Future Prospects
- Session chair: Prof. Antonella De Santo
Geoff Hall
(Imperial College London)
4/9/14, 8:30 AM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
Over the next decade a series of upgrades to both the LHC machine and the experiments which operate at the LHC will be carried out. Some of them are already under way. A brief summary will be given of the motivations for detector upgrades, with the accelerator schedule as it is currently foreseen, and a short review of the major elements of the upgrade plans for the four LHC experiments,...
Frank Zimmermann
4/9/14, 8:55 AM
Detectors and Accelerators, Near and Far Future
Options for the next high-energy electron-positron collider are reviewed, by comparing a linear-collider design - the ILC - with proposed circular collider Higgs factories such as FCC-ee/TLEP. This presentation sketches relative construction costs, some key intrinsic features of circular and linear colliders, issues related to electrical power consumption, interaction-point spot sizes,...
Morgan Wascko
4/9/14, 9:25 AM
The Neutrino Sector
The next generation of accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments will have significant discovery potential for CP violation in the lepton sector. I will review the physics prospects of these experiments, with emphasis on the UK's role in them.
Sheila Rowan
4/9/14, 9:55 AM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
This talk will cover the status of activities for the construction and
commissioning of the imminent generation of the gravitational GW
detectors due to start first science runs next year. It will focus on
the status of and plans for the Advanced LIGO observatories (in Hanford
Washington, and Livingston Louisiana, USA) and Advanced Virgo (near
Cascina, Italy), and their operation in the...