Parallel 2D: Dark Matter II / Exotic Searches
- Session chair: Dr. Joseph Walding
Ryan Wilkinson
(IPPP, Durham University)
4/8/14, 4:00 PM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
contributed talk
Despite the large number of dedicated experiments, an understanding of the particle nature of dark matter and direct evidence for its existence have remained elusive. However, detection methods generally assume that dark matter consists of cold, massive particles (CDM). In this talk, I will discuss how cosmological data from the CMB and Large-Scale Structure can be used to study dark matter...
Henrique Araujo
(Imperial College London)
4/8/14, 4:15 PM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
contributed talk
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment is a next-generation search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, scaling the very successful double-phase xenon technology to multi-tonne target mass. LZ will be deployed at the 4850-ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (South Dakota, USA) after completion of LUX, which is presently operating there. At its core, LZ will feature a 7-tonne...
Chamkaur Ghag
(University College London)
4/8/14, 4:30 PM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
contributed talk
The LZ dark matter experiment will require an unprecedented low background rate within its fiducial volume, defining strict constraints on radioactivity from construction materials that is further mitigated through the combination of powerful self-shielding from liquid xenon, 3D event vertex reconstruction, and external veto detector systems. An aggressive screening campaign with cutting-edge...
Simon Peeters
(University of Sussex)
4/8/14, 4:45 PM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
contributed talk
Building on the experience with single-phase Liquid Argon detectors, wich are particularly well-suited for high-mass WIMP sensitivity, I will present a conceptual design for a next-generation 50-tonne detector. In this large detector, surface background events which are one of the primary concerns for DEAP-3600, are mitigated more readily with position reconstruction, ultimately allowing a...
Francis Oliver Newson
(University of Birmingham (GB))
4/8/14, 5:00 PM
The Neutrino Sector
contributed talk
Heavy neutrinos are predicted by many beyond-the-Standard-Model theories of
particle physics, with proposed masses ranging from a few eV/$c^{2}$ up to the
Planck scale. Two-body kaon decays provide a method to search for these
particles in a model independent manner, for masses between 100 MeV/$c^{2}$ and
388 MeV/$c^{2}$. In 2007, the NA62 experiment at CERN collected a large sample...
Allan Kenneth Lehan
(University of Liverpool (GB))
4/8/14, 5:15 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
Long lived neutral particles that decay within the volume of a particle detector to a photon and a dark matter candidate will leave a unique signature which cannot be explained by any Standard Model process providing clear evidence of new physics.
This talk will present an analysis performed on the data collected by the ATLAS Collaboration in 2011 at a center of mass energy of 7TeV...
Marc Bret Cano
(University of London (GB))
4/8/14, 5:30 PM
The Energy Frontier Programme
contributed talk
The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider is used to search for high mass resonances decaying to an electron-positron pair or a muon-antimuon pair. Results are presented from the analysis of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 21 $fb^{−1}$. A narrow resonance with Standard Model Z couplings to fermions is excluded...
Jon Harrison
(University of Manchester (GB))
4/8/14, 5:45 PM
Flavour Physics and Beyond
contributed talk
We report on searches for the lepton-flavour violating decay $\tau^-\rightarrow\mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$ and the lepton-flavour and baryon-number violating decays $\tau^-\rightarrow p\mu^-\mu^-$ and $\tau^-\rightarrow\bar{p}\mu^+\mu^-$, carried out using 1.0 inverse femtobarn of proton-proton collision data taken by the LHCb experiment at 7 TeV during 2011.
No evidence has been found for any signal,...
Paolo Beltrame
(University of Edinburgh)
4/8/14, 6:00 PM
Particle Astrophysics, Current and Future
contributed talk
Whilst Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) remain the favoured candidates for dark matter, recent LHC results significantly constrain the available parameter space for several models, including supersymmetric neutralinos. Amongst alternative explanations for the astrophysical evidence of dark matter, axions – more specifically the so-called ‘invisible’ axions and axion-like-particles...