Dominic Brailsford
(Imperial College)
We present the physics opportunities which can be explored with the Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECals) of the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) off-axis near detector (ND280). Due to the ECal's high mass, a large fraction of the neutrinos incident on ND280 interact within the constituent lead layers which form the ECal. This makes the ECal an excellent detector for use in making the world's first neutrino-lead charged current inclusive cross-section measurement at about 1 GeV as well as providing unique information about the T2K neutrino beam flux. The ECal reconstruction algorithms are currently tailored towards topologies for oscillation analyses. Such topologies prefer single charged particle tracks which originate from outside of the ECal fiducial volume. To fully reach the physics potential of the ECal, the reconstruction algorithms are being updated with a method of pattern recognition which is capable of reconstructing neutrino interaction vertices. The reconstruction enhancement, together with the large T2K dataset, will provide important information about the neutrino interaction picture.
Dominic Brailsford
(Imperial College)